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Happy Holidays!!!

Hello friends I finally finished this month's portrait, and as a special thanks for your support and patience, I created two versions of it with Geralt and Henry.

I wanted to do so much more for the Holiday season, but my health issues really slowed me down, thankfully I'm feeling better and the doctor said the worst part is over. Now I want to focus on the positive and be grateful to have such a wonderful community of supporters. Thank you all for your messages and good wishes. I feel very blessed to be able to create the art that I love and share it with you.

Despite the bizarre year we had, I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever you celebrate, I'm sending a lot of virtual hugs and I hope you enjoy this new artwork... PS. There is no SFW version, just nude! lol

Love, Martin. 💜💜💜💜




Best Xmas present 🥵🥵🥵


I just keep staring at both Geralt and Henry! Same person, totally different vibe in your art! AMAZING. So glad to hear things are on the mend with your health. Happy holidays to you and I hope 2021 brings you better health and all the wonderful comments from us, your supporters!


Oh wow, Christmas came early! Thank you!


Fantastic! and wishing everybody a better 2021! ✨

Roy Frank Celaya

It’s interesting how the grey hair make him look older in essential the same image.

Roy Frank Celaya

By the way, I hope you’re feeling better.


yes, very subtle changes in the coloring of the face but the hair makes a big difference