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Here's a simple lesson on how I approach colour theory! Important to keep these concepts in mind as you venture into painting. I realize a lot of people might not have gotten formal education on this stuff so I try to make the concepts as easy to understand as possible. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and thanks for letting me be part of your art journey! :)




Bridget MacKay

Yes this will be so helpful colouring is hard😭


I agree with most of the things Sam has talked about here, but at around 25:50 where Sam says that the red and the blue look darker than the yellow and greens, but when you remove saturation; they are the same value. This is false. The hue/saturation slider in PS does not reveal the true value of the colour and is therefore unreliable. Case and point do the same thing in Procreate using its hue/saturation slider and you get something more accurate. (the intrinsic value of red and blue being darker than yellow and green. your eyes don't deceive you) Moreover, in PS to get a more accurate value of grayscale a more reliable method would be to put a new layer over everything with the blend mode "colour" and bucket fill it with either complete black or white. This will reveal the true values of the colours.


every time I see a video by sam it gets me to draw.


Thank you Sam!