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Rhonda's father (Earl) is the chief of police in Summerville. Earl obviously spends a lot of time at work, but he also enjoys cooking on the barbie and relaxing in his silky robes when he gets home. Here's some new well suited outfits for him!





Needs a list in his pocket.


I like Jackie better though


Needs his bbq tongs and dad jokes


I like the recurring joke of items fitting in bags clearly too small for the item. It makes me chuckle every time


Two updates in the space of a day DC?... are you okay mate, your beginning to make me worry you're actualy doing something with that 58k a month...

Mark Blythe

Really looking forward to the next release


Earl seems to be the chill dad that you are too embarrassed to go out with.... because of those shorts


Maybe have Jenny and Earl getting together.

Grob Az

Can't wait to fuck his daughter and his wife

Juan Carlos

I’m so ready for this stuff to come already. When again??

Shas'O Dal'yth Kauyon Kais Taku

I was supposed to say that sack is too small for the gun, but then I saw the comments, and no, obesity hinders the use of "firearms", he can't handle that much heat.

Temjin TJ

Crazy Design with the Donuts on his shorts. Great Work!! Can't wait until Rhonda cums out!!


Right outfit is funny :)


where your clothes at?


There ist no date for the release of the update. I would guess we would be lucky if the tech update comes out in the next year. The Rhonda Update comes AFTER.

cameronhoodman .

Earl needs to be a bowling champion and Tony needs to be his rival


This makes me feel old... Carl Winslow from family matters

Roger Bond

Why the Hell his name isn’t Reginald, Carl, or Al?!


I'm glad that the head of this family matters. ;D

A matrix

Don't you think that you should be focusing on finishing the next update other than messing around by drawing rohandas mom or dad, and those ridiculous background. How about you be honest with us all you either finish the update or just say you can't do it and the tech update is mor than you can chew and start working on rohandas update already.


can we fuck him? (with the fanny pack on)


Sadly, he was one day away from retirement when he lost his arms.

Keegan Pierrot

any chance for an update for the tech update?

지훈 김

Can the producer delete the comments? I can't see the comments I saw before

Paulo Invasao_jp2012

It would be nice if DC sent an update this week. Rhonda and Annie, plus a bunch of remodeled old scenes. Because if he takes advantage of the field, he'll gain more patrons. More like they say in Brazil. "You want to laugh, you have to make people laugh!"


Any chance of you fixing the tracker... just askin, would be nice to have some sort of timeframe for the next update.


A few months ago I criticised the development speed of the game. Today I could post the exakt same text again but I honestly only want an answer for what the f. is happening. The website together with the tracker is tracked by archive.org and you can see there that the progress at 21. of july was 45% currently we are at 62% which means in a span of 4/5 months you didn't even make 20% progress. The progress since 9. nov to today is 2%. I know you get sick a lot but at this point (for me and others) it looks like you are the only person working at the game. 2% in a month is a new all time low even for the already slow process of summertime saga. At this point I'm not even sure we can expect the tech update (without actual content!) to be released in 2022.


The basketball game is broken. Unplayable, progress cannot be made. Pls remove or rework in the next revision. This issue is on the subreddit from 3 years ago and remains unfixed


Playing devils advocate here (when I say devils advocate I mean DC). I shall admit that there is a noticeably low quantity of formal communication to Patreons regarding the oft referred 'Tech Update'. As a patreon myself, I also share some frustration especially not being able to fully experience some of the updates due to development. It is nice to see some of the art assets for future releases but, all in all I think really most are really seeking a prompt and significant update version of which has been in development for a while. However, I shall say that there are likely many factors that come into play when communication is concerned. The art is certainly a significant part of this game and DC has confirmed that the art portion of the Tech Update has been completed. From what I've understood so far, the challenge now is, in laymans terms, lining up everything else. I'm no game developer so this is 100% up for scrutiny, but from my understanding this isn't simply an update to change the ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 which would be as simple to change as if you were doing so in any game yourself. There are likely coding parameters and old functions which, whilst necessary and useful in older builds, may cause issues and further problems. Again, I don't have any authority to talk on the subject of technicality or complexity of solving these issues, however I do get that there is much more to an update like this than just the art itself. Additionally, DC has stated there is additional content which will be included in the Tech Update, so there is likely work that needs to be done for that as well. I don't know what the workforce looks like on his end, so far all I can go off is the streams which only show DC creating the artwork. It's entirely possible that there are other internal development 'speedbumps', some which could be resolved others which may be completely out of DC's control, which may be causing delays also. We can speculate all we want but ultimately it really is DC's decision as to the method of communication. I'm happy for anyone to challenge me on this, again I'm in no way associated with DC, only as a minor patreon, and I've probably missed a few points as well but in all honesty I'm also getting ticked off with the amount of posts essentially saying the same thing every single time.


Ah, finally some truly fappable content!


Earl? or all the verbage?


Hey, nobody wants this, they want you to be a clear communicator about the tech update. Stop wasting our time.


For some reason i cant go into the bank to help liu after kim argued with her so i cant progress. How can i fix this?

Adm Trd Ferg

Totally thought we would get a Christmas update :(


Maaan there is maaad tldr here lol I live this game... good stuff here to pass the time. I got way too involved In the story and characters and now I want more lol I want more to do with them... maybe make my house bigger and let companions come over... maybe pay the school for watching the kids.... I just want more stuff to do with my money. Maybe some dialog involving paying for stuff since I've worked for a minute and saved up my dollaridoos. Maybe help out my buddy lose weight and date. More dating scenarios that get affected by your income, smarts and charisma. I'm glad I took forever to play this game...I aint put it off I just played slowly and worked ALOT. Thought I'd have more use for my munnies


I have been playing for ages(so it seems)am a patreon member but can not get back into the game. any help out there?


If the tech-update is done, are the further updates faster than this? I mean... the main updated are many months ago.


I have been following and supporting this game for ages. and every year the updates are getting further and further apart. in the beginning they were slightly longer than a month then two then three and now we get one or two updates a year. at $78,000 per month in revenue, you would think that the updates would be a priority. but this game seems to be taking more and more of a back burner state the last few years.


As a game grows, complexity grows faster. The larger and older a game, the more difficult it is to add content, especially when you are doing a tech update. Tech updates often expose problems that should have been fixed, but no one got around to it.


The release cadence is getting to be unacceptable.

Keegan Pierrot

It's better that it's complete and remains high quality than it being buggy and low quality


just looking for an update


Its still around 60% for almost 4 months now


The tracker is broken


same shit, different day


Man, been supporting this game for almost two years now, and I am getting impatient. When will it be done?


hm New Year and still no update? Happy NEW Year all and gl with the Payments i will stop my pledge now. Allrdy payed more for this as for an AAA Titel on PC


The complexity is no excuse. its a lack of priority. There are multiple people working on this, its not merely one guy. at this point several full length game could have been made to completion. Its the carrot on a string scenario.... keep them waiting, keep them paying. The creator is more likely afraid that this golden goose will end if he works too fast. and scared that this is a one hit wonder rather than the possibility of another game just a successful.


Gotta agree with most of the comments here. At damn near 80k per month a body would think updates should be more frequent. Have been a supporter for some time now....probably time to rethink this.


Who wants to see Mia's Update? With her mother, you could impregnate her. Or Mia. Or instead of her mother or Mia, you could choose Yumi, the asian cop chick. When Harold go back to his wife, you could bang Harold's cop chick.


Who's excited to vote for Eric's update?? It needs to be reworked and updated! Like more scenes with the lady of the house. I"m also excited for Mia's update! There will be a poll after Judith's update get done.


tbh I m here for building the Roxxi trio more out, with pregnancy and stuff. Especially Becca


Seems the tracker is fixed, theres 3 changes


Progress bar is still broken, right? There is no way it's STILL stuck at 63%, right? RIGHT?


My progress bar is at 58% done for like a month now. Im assuming its messed up


2 changes in the progress bar


How the hell do I actually play it


did roxxy at her trailer, locker at school, by herself and with becca and missy at the beach… is there another scene or two? i can’t seem to get the x by her name on the to do list. any clues would be great


what version is the game on


progress bar now on 65%


We need some "New York DLC" type of thing... like a while new city to explore and help Tony with stuff.

A matrix

can't wait for another Grace scene


can't wait for more maria content

Forró Richárd

65% this update will never happen!!!!😒


Glad you've been feelin better dc


Wow... a whole 2 percent in as many weeks... The star citizen devs should hire you...


This game is being completely reworked and on top of that, they're adding new locations and people to the mix. They're redesigning everything and adding on more with it. The update, when it comes out, will be MASSIVE, it's something that I bet 100% will make us want to play the game over again because of how different things will be. If it takes a while, it takes a while, but I won't pull my support just because it does. Some of you seem to think that DC has some kind of malicious intent or something when it comes to updates or the speed of said updates. You have to understand that being the head of a company as well as a team of animators is extremely difficult. 2D animation, especially in the 3Desc style that they animate it in, is extremely difficult. Jenny's and Debbie's animations will probably take up a lot of time given the number of them, not to mention everyone else who has an animated scene, and that doesn't even count for all of the still image transitions, facial expressions, how they look while you explore various locations, the locations themselves, everything is being changed. It will take as long as it needs to to look good, as it always does. I didn't mind waiting before and I don't mind waiting now, because I, much like DC and his team, have a life away from this game and gaming in general.


I have voiced my opinion, like everyone else. When they hit a soft spot, they’ve been deleted 😀, never even wrote a curse word or anything in them. I guess they just hit where it tickles. All i wonder is how much the Discord moderator’s getting paid? They act like the average discord moderator’s that’s for sure, but making random patreon accounts that doesn’t support and never even supported the creator is on another level. They really got their acting down on trying to be the “i am the cool guy around” on a site supporting a p*rn game. Kinda contradictory if you ask me but whatever. Always different user name’s, always the same “dogma” while never supporting the creator. I mean they should be at least at 20$ if you ask me. Sounds like they are pretty big fan’s. I am not the first one to say it but i guess we must be wrong, and the internet is full of people who are making patreon accounts to defend their favorite to their last breath against actual supporter’s who are complaining and rightfully so. The fact that DC doesn’t give them 5$ a month, to seem at least somewhat genuine just show’s how he really is. Let’s have a guess, who will it be? Connor Seidel? or maybe Skeeta_bite? or maybe they’ll create a new one just to seem original? Or they try to play it off like “you crazy” i am just here to defend daddy, but at the same time I don’t support and I don’t cafe about the game. 🥴 please let’s hear our next story, I literally come back and read the comments just to see one of you write “it’ll be ready when it’s done”. What goes around, comes around 🤞🏻 all the best!


66% ❤️

Forró Richárd

1% every day that is progress!But this is not progress!😒😒😒😒


I want to cuck Earl lol


nice salmon colored shirt there Earl!


Oh God he loses his arms 😭