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Poll results:

Out of the 7 available options, Judith won the 0.23 content poll with a whopping 51%!

Not only was it the highest win ration of all our previous polls, it also had the higher number of participants!

Another interesting fact was that Judith appeared at the bottom of nearly all polls ever posted. Could it be due to her new intro scenes reworked with her new art? Could it be the Latinas who also have content in her story? Either way, I'm quite happy to finally be able to work on Judith since she's been around for so long... And she needs to get out of the broken washroom stall! :P


Status update:

For those out of the loop, the main story was split into 3 parts (due to it's large size and content) and we are finally working on the last part (0.20.8), which includes yet again some new h-scenes with new characters but also the grand finale!

Some fans were concerned if this meant the "end" of content, and no it does not. The "main story" is simply one of the many stories in Summerville. It is however one of the largest ones. Once it is done we will move on to other characters.



Tasks have been created for 0.20.8 and we have already begun work on it. The progress bar has been reset for the new update and will start moving shortly.

I will be posting some new wallpapers for the new update this week and will keep on doing the daily streams for those who want to watch me work on the new content!


Thanks to all those who voted, gave us great feedback and keep on supporting the development.

-DC <3




Finally !!! Been waiting for her story !!!

Jetty Blu

Judith's time to SHINE!


its about timeeee


her time has arrived!




Judith is a sweetie. I am looking forward to seeing more of her



Jamal King

Judith had me curious since day 1. The nipple sensitivity and shyness got me. Of course the Latinas being so “tough” had me wanting to get them. And when I seen Beth smh I wanted to see MC get her


can't wait for the next update


It's great that Judith is gonna be fleshed out a bit more now than to be just the punching bag.


YEEEEEEEEESSSS!!! I'm sure... NO! I'm certain Judith's route will be the best!


Judith is just such a cute and sweet girl, her time is long overdue. And yeah... the huge tits are also a plus.


does the main story ending mean prom as well?

Matheus Marcos

Finalmente minha personagem favorita(Judith) vai ganhar uma história mais trabalhada em cima dela se é assim que posso dizer e pelo o ótimo trabalho que vem sido feito na obra eu Já estou ansioso pela versão 0.23




Finally Judith will get the love she deserves


She's the last girl in the school (Not including the gym teacher). We should get all of those out of the way so that the school dance can be added.


Oh, I didn't realize this was a three part major update. I guess I forgot. So Judith will finally get her long awaited shine. Interesting.

Jon Snow

Justice for Judith

Kevin Salazar Briceño

Awesome, Judith was one of my favorite characters since I met her, thanks you all guys and thank you, development team


Nah it's for her mom 😏


F*CK YAAASSSS! I've been waiting for Judith content since the first i played the game


Don't think so. It's just what happened to your dad.


Frankly, Judith needs an in-game makeover. Like, literally, at some point in her story, she needs to get a makeover, like Eve's, but about a hundred times more impactful. At this point, I'm looking forward more towards the Latinas story, since Consuela is such a frikkin' sweetheart. But if you can give Judith a Harry Potter book 4 Hermione makeover moment, I'm all in.


Will there be a hotfix?


Looking forward to the new wallpapers






To be honest I was kinda shocked it took this long to get to her. It was the one I wanted to see her story expanded almost day one and it took this long for other people to agree.


Sounds good my man. Keep up the good work as always


Who is going to be able to fuck in 20.8? Liu, Nadia?


Finally Judith and her Mom content, i wait sooo long for that :)


I don't get why Judith is so popular, there is a character just like her already.


the captain's wife when? also missing many MMF scenes

Akira Inugumi

I don't want them to make her too pretty to be honest. Her down to earth look is what makes me into her.


Still excited for the prom update to come, even though we're probably gonna have to wait another 2-3 years XD.


I am okay with Judith for that update and just an idea for that update if you could somehow get the Latina sisters back for making fun of her either embarrassing them or something like that.


Love my poor Judith


When he says move on to other characters, does that mean move on from the main character

Alvaro Wolf

Make more scenes for iwanka!

Andrew Bonilla

Annie AND Judith are next?!?!? WOO!!!!! Maybe there’s something good about 2020 after all


Vocês deviam fazer cenas com mais sexo anal... Tenta por na Judith!❤️


Next should be about Sister Angelica,Helen,Mia and Consuela


Judith! GREAT! and remember some arts for your pantyhose &amp; upskirt fans!

C. Blood

in the latest update I cannot seem to unlock the mayor's house. what is the key to unlock it?


Judith ❤️

Biff Edwards

If MC puts that big rod in her while squeezing both of her super-sensitive nipples hard, her eyes will cross, she will have multiple orgasms, and pass out. I, for one, can't wait.


Nice glad shes finally get some of the spotlight

Timo Hannemann

First of all, I would like to thank you for your absolutely wonderful work, as I have done for years🤗 &amp; Although I am aware that you certainly have more important things to do ♾ than satisfy the wishes of individual admirers, I would nonetheless like to make you a heartfelt wish, which from the beginning of my many years of loyal followers, out of awe and respect for you, so far I never dared to ask for it ... Namely ... Whether it would be possible to create "at~least" one character of your otherwise very appealing "BIMBO-like" figures with very loooooong artificial FINGERNAILS , because ALL-OTHERS preferences or "FETISHES" , you already serve brilliantly without exception, but only the "FETISH" for very loooooong sexxxxy🔝feminine BIMBO💅🏻NAILS has apparently "not-yet" been considered or considered in any way🥺 Please🙏🏻excuse my "selfish" request but I have myself for decades after the perfect Looking around the game and yours would be my absolute heaven on earth or the ultimate💫paradise of my innermost longings and desires through this tiny extension into all ETERNITY❣ Respectfully grateful greetings from me to your loyal fan Timo Hannemann from Germany (God may bless YOU and all YOUR loved ones 🙏🏻❤🙏🏻 :-)


So in 2026 at best. Cant wait...


Glad to finally see the latinas get some content, and Judith is I guess a nice addition. :3

Dark Kuno

About damned time &lt;3


So much to look forward too!


Ho my god I've been waiting for this for so long, I love so much that caractere with what little we know about her


why judith there were son many better options


HOPE!! this update wont take 4 months .like previous one for very small content


When's Vee ? Asking for a friend :3


how long will it take for the next update to come out?


Please no more soft porn hscenes like ivanka, melonia and Becca's mother scene. More explicity and more quantity.


i Found a bug with Roxxy and her Friends. the Bottlespin Game has an error where, when you talk to them about it you get thrown back to the beach scene where you can talk to tham again (happens when you meet them the second time there after the Bikini Contest)


Maybe next time You can make some extra sex scene with Daisy and Diane together.


Judith, and her mom if I remember correctly, both have gorgeous big tits, maybe you can not waste that by doing h-scenes where the tits are hidden/out of view/pressed against the bed like all the recent big tit characters.


What were the other options?


how can a dude getting 60 grand a month only produce two updates a year? it is cool hes doing poles for next years update though.


He is milking and he says he has a team but does it all alone to prolong the making of the game its 3 years ago i stopped supporting him and the story has not progressed that far sins


I highly doubt anyone on this site is in God's grace lmao


Or add Veronica as a 'breeder' she has clearly shown some interest in the operations


Finally. I feel like Judith needs to be a crazy closet pervert that gets off from degradation.


Anyone else having a problem sneaking iwanka out, i keep trying to get the maid outfit, but then the game doesnt let me get one and then im stuck because i cant leave. Any way to help me


Congrats on breaking 70k monthly. And since you're bringing up concerns we have, can we start expecting faster progress anytime soon? I feel like the slow workspeed is a concern that really needs to be addressed. I just can't make sense of it concidering how much money y'all make but progression is still same pace as day one without patreon backing.


I hear ya @Skadi we get updates maybe twice a year now (not including the minor Halloween/Christmas ones) I know he has his own personal life and family to deal with but he has other people working for him too. I mean I still love this game it was the first one of its type I started playing and I have been a patreon since almost the beginning and I still plan on supporting him its just that there are other games that get updated once or twice a month with a decent amount of content and as far as I know have only 1 or very few people working on them so you are right it is a little concerning why it takes so long but hopefully they can start being quicker between releases soon

Junaluska Hall

The even brighter side is that no one is forced to continue a pledge. Surely, you do not expect snark comments to speed the story up. Patience.

James Kimball

whats with the underwear in the locker room now in 20.5 version ???? when u walk in the locker Judith is naked with the MC and now there wearing underwear and I know was gone for a few months till I got me a pc back and I just read theres parts 1-3 story now whats going on here plz tell me and what happened of skipping most mini games

Derek Garrard

Preach! We need more scenes like Jenny in our bed and Debbie in the laundry room! Let those titties fly in full fucking glory, not remain pressed into the bedsheets!


When is it coming? Within 3 years? Damn dude... 70 grand a month and you r still taking 6 months to release an update


If they just addressed why progress is so slow it would be fine if they have good reason. But the work speed is the same as when one guy was working alone on this project and now there's a full indie dev team but with same slow progression and same size updates people will start asking where their money is going. Dismissing such concerns as "snark comments" is pretty rude


When I first discovered this game, Judith was the one character that really got my heart pumping. That young innocent appearence, like a diamond in the ruff, with the potential to become so much more. I am going to love exploring her story!


I will wait even it will be released in 6 months ;)


Здравствуйте простите что на русском но я очень жду возможности сыграть в вашу игру на русском языке и решил вам помочь с этой задачей. И я нашол на мой взгляд хорошего переводчика для вас. Вот на него ссылки надеюсь вы с ним договоритесь и в скором времени появиться перевод вашей игры. deman_xxx@list.ru deman_xxx@livejournal.com


i want baby from yumi


when will you share new photos?


Well... That's exactly more or less what you'll have to wait...


Just want to let you know when I was looking up summertime saga I ran across a faker with the same nameish https://www.patreon.com/summertimesagahacks


Aw shit, am I missing like a whole new game by finishing the new update with my old save?

C. Blood

Mayor's house is locked out and will not unlock.

Temptress Games

Looking forward to more content with Judith.


looking to find out if there are other games similar to this game and were to find them.

James Kimball

where the hell is eve she not in the hall


can someone tell me which 7 options were included into last Poll that Judith was selected by higher amount of votes!

Junaluska Hall

there is. almost the same exact but an evil twist to the MC, if you go on itch.com it is called Taffy Town. Mc even looks like the MC here.


It depends, she could be at the park or in the auditorium. Or if you have an event going with her she might be waiting, here is a guide. https://wiki.summertimesaga.com/Eve%E2%80%99s_route

Jamal King

Judith, Erik, coach Bridget, Debbie pregnancy, Mia story, roxxy and her friends pregnancy and Jane


Damn i relly wanted to be Erik and Mrs Johnsons pregnancy!

James Kimball

how do u do the pizza mini game i always miss i wish there automatic throw or a skip button and what happened to skip button on there other mini


Click the house with matching pizza at the exact moment your vehicle passes it. Once you get the timing down it will get easy. If you don't see skip button you're probably not playing on a "cheat enabled" save


Mia's route locking if you do main story before Harold disappearance. Can't talk with his partner about that in a car.


I don't know if it was talk about it already, but will old Jenny's scenes in which she used the other sex toys return?


why is maria the only one you can have sex with while pregnant.? I would think that certain positions may pose some difficulties as far as programming, but others (i.e. like hendricks bent over her desk like maria over her stove)...think this could ever be a possibility?


Or one really weird Cam show with Jenny?


It is a plan for more pregnancy options? The Teachers, the classmates (Roxxy and her Friends)

gilbert furguson

wana see the nurse notice that MC is saying hi to a lot of babies and demand one of her own