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Status update:

We're nearing the end of the update development! 

I took a week off-stream to focus on wrapping up the art (which I am in the process of doing) and will resume daily streams by the end of this week or next week. When I come back I will likely be working on content for the next update and other fun stuff!

The progress bar should slowly make its way to 100% over the next weeks but keep in mind that if the progress seems "stuck", it's mostly due to trying to make sure the update is stable and getting rid of any remaining bugs we find in QA.

New wallpapers:

For you high tier Patrons you can get the new wallpapers on our Kompas site.

Check it out here:  https://my.kompasproductions.com/wallpapers 

For the lower tier Patrons, simply wait a few hours for them to leak! ^-^ 

Rhonda feedback:

Thank you to all of those who sent their thoughts and feedback on Rhonda! I appreciate the time you spend sending me your ideas and will make sure that she gets a great story. Cheers!

-DC <3




You should be able to steal wives from their husband's once you have sex for the first time


Looking forward to the new great story and fap material! Wish you the best.


hot damn!


Not thirsty i swear


We f*ckin on the boat now?!?


Boat fucking :O

Derek Garrard

Gonna hit that nuke button right at the moment of cumming. Make it a real explosive ending


Ronda in the Beach house ;)




please im dying for the new update


Hope there's anal

S. D.

Hmmm. Are you sure there is Rhonda on the wallpapers? I only see Maria and Iwanka.

Patrick Daoust

I like the game but the past updates seemed weird as it so slow that i feel like its just a money graber. Its one of the best games out there i find but all i hear is update soon and it happens like 3 months later for a phew adjustments..


are other languages besides English planned in the next update?

Mark Tomaševič

Can someone tell me where I can find wallpapers (leaked ones)


Nice new art !


is there gona be footjobb?


cant wait


I just noticed İvanka suck Mayor Rump's dick in cinema


she does not look like İvanka at this position


Gird your loins folks, Patreon's probably about to take a big hit financially so I suggest you back up whatever you have on here they might be going bust.


These wallpapers remind me that i should find time to play this game again *sigh*.


What a joke, this update should have come out at least a month ago.


It’s been consistently worked on with some exceptions since the last update so I don’t know where you’re getting that idea from


Finally getting some use for the yacht I see


It's done when it's done. I prefer quality over arbitrary deadlines. Take your time if you need to.

Les Perdants

Pls remember to give us a chance to fuck the babysitter, her husband and daughter are such assholes


Is it possible to reprogram the sex bot to beat the crap out of the mobsters in very painful and possibly emotionally and mentally scarring ways, off screen of course? ... what?


Babysitter? I don't remember a babysitter in the game. OH! The daycare provider. I was picturing the classic "babysitter" scenario of a barely 18 teen coming into the house to babysit and was confused because we haven't seen that in the game.


I hope someday we will get more scenes with Eve

Nick Snow

soooo...how far are we from next update?....i mean could you throw out a wild guess in what month it might be out?...not asking for certainties just a wild guess.


I would like more scenes with Odette!


You can always expect it a minimum of four months man. They're here for the money, not the game. Last update took 6 months, just as a example. Role back to a 1$ untill they release the update.


Becoming StarCitizen? Lol


can we please also get the chance to knock up the trio girls Becca Roxxy and Missy.


After how many years you will release the game ?

Alvaro Wolf

I want to knock up Roxxy !! XD


I want the pregnancy game with Debbie and I want a switch to activate the incest patch or turn off


I also want the pregnancy game for Roz ( she thinks she cant get pregnant) and Aqua is still waiting to have lots of babies. And Roxy and her crew, and the teachers and Lucy is really sweet and deserves more kids


Roz ?! eurgh dude !


I love to see some scenes when if you pick the trans eve you give her a blowjob and she'd give you anal.

Alexander M

am i the only one who wants to see more from Principal Smith ?? :D


I just want to thank Dark Cookie for all the hard work that has gone into this game


I would like to see the mc to bend principal Smith bent over her own pit in her basement while her slave girl watches in jealousy


I'd like some different positions with Mia including a blowjob or maybe if you choose Helen then she offers to teach Mia about sex and you get a 3some with both of them. Or maybe get a chance to use or give the other sex toys you can buy instead of just staying in your bag the whole time


no incest is to prevent getting popped by Patreon with such a high per month they can't risk having to start over. Maybe if someone made a mod to put it back. it just was there we happened to it find it. I think that would fine.


I'd love to have a sex storyline with Yumi


I'd like to see more from Grace


can we also get ivy, Mia and possibly the pool girl pregnant that would be cool in the next update if possible.


um been a month now what does nearning the end mean to you? ................


It means another another 2 months of work and not keeping to the promised deadlines.


Who else what's something to happen with Ricky? We can do stuff with trans eve so why not Ricky or Kevin

Don Brown

we, at least, deserve an update!


oh cool! the entitlement society has arrived! so... what will you burn down or destroy if you don’t get your update when you want it?




'I want, I want, I want...' Jeez, DarkCookie, you better not fail, this lot will have you burning on a stake if you do...expectations are a dangerous business.


I've called Jenny, 'Caligula' in my game as I thought it matched her vampiric, parasitic personality.


Writing Tasks Done Art Tasks Done Posing Tasks 1 task ledt Code Tasks 4 tasks left

Don Brown

an entitlement is something someone else pays for, service is something I pay for and expect. It's unfortunate that there are too many people that don't know the difference


Login to kompas there you can see how far along they are and how much they are doing a Day!


Maria is looking hella sexy in the above shot. Let's hope the MC doesn't dip his wick into Maria because I would hate to cheat on Tony! I love Tony [no homo] he's like the father I never really had and he's a genuinely good guy! You can tell he loves Maria more than life, which is pretty awesome.


Hey can we get an update on summer time sage release date.


Nop they dont do that😟 i think i almost speak for every body the we want some more update info but you can follow hos dayli streams😉


Is there any games close to this one


NLT has a game that has similarities.


Check the 'next update status' sub-menu under 'My Membership'


Let’s get that code done now Cookie fella. ; )


Have you noticed... the end of the month is soon and most progress bars have suddenly JUMPED to 100%...


Stupid if you think thats what its about. They're are two to three man teams that make way more indepth update's to their game in a month then Cookie does in three fourths of a year, with...what a team of 6-8? He's been caught baiting the update's, and most the time they're starved for content. This has been in the works for what? Three years? Four? The money he personally makes i'd have a nice house/car/pay my kids college for one update in a minimum of four months.

Les Perdants

Ppl complain about the development in this but all the other games that i'm also following here are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY slower lol, there's one game that it kinda looks like they gave up unfortunately


Looking forward to a new update. :D


wonder what excuse he will come up with this time? "i fell down got a bruise on my leg had to take a month off"


Hey as long as it's not SimBro I'd wait and see a little bit longer cause trust me I was supporting SimBro for a while and one time after not hearing from SimBro for 6 months to hear that they got stuck working on it to cut off my support until they got their stuff on track again waited another 6 months to check in never got another update or even a report on the game realized I was wasting my time so in any case yeah


Yeah, simbro was a mess, but DarkCookie doesn't usually string this shit out and his work is usually always worth the wait, I agree it would be nice to have some kind of ball park date though...


can u add more anal or dp? like u did with mrs. johnson...that was very hot! u cn do another scene with her or with any other girl with big tits!


We're all looking forward to that...it won't be long now!

Wade T. Paton

Can you add more black characters for h-scenes? They wouldn't even need that much scripting. They could play small bits so they're easy to write in. It'd just be so much more exciting to have more than Dewitt &amp; Rhonda + her Mom in future versions. It might just be me, but I'm pretty confident there's a solid demand for more chocolate. :D


I'd love to see more of that too. More dp might be tough to do because of how focused this story is on the MC, and there aren't very many other male characters involved in the sex. Maybe Tina could invite the MC over... and she forgot to mention that he wouldn't be the only guy ;) It could even be with more than 2 guys! I hope DC and his staff focus on hardcore scenes that aren't necessarily a part of the story so that stuff like this can just be put into the game without really having to be properly set up storywise.


Which games, and do they also get the amount of support as this one? Fans complaining about a slow dev cycle is a good thing. It means they want more of this game. This is one of my favorite games, but I'm not gonna sit here and be too happy about getting content every 4-5 months with there sometimes being only 4 hardcore scenes in the update. It's a game that I've really enjoyed, and I would love to see more from. Now a slow dev cycle doesn't mean the team is lazy. Lots of things contribute to a slow dev cycle, like the complexity, but that doesn't mean fans can't air their frustration. I don't know why things are slow, but it could be just from the raw complexity of a game like this. Having to build out an entire story per update sounds like it could take a lot of time, whereas making a small chunk of it, and adding some random hardcore scenes (with characters not really involved in the update), could speed things up and give fans a lot of extra material.

master of chaos

It would be nice to see some squirt in future updates, it would be even more fun if comes from Mrs. Dewitt, or even Debbie


When do we get real voices for the characters? Is there anything planned for the near future?

Oneaboveall Black

but maria love MC cock and i dont think it will happen they will just try to make baby there in room now thats all.


How i can play in german? The Translation is complete


Mmm...squirt...now there's a thing! And yes, it would be great to have it introduced into the game at some point.


It is pretty nuts that it's nearly $70K a month and we have not got an update. I'm only paying $1 so it is what it is, but still...


2 more day to finally see the update


im sad there is few sex scene men i want i big update but that gonna be in a nother years


could we have a girl with a flat chess?

master of chaos

I'm so sad and happy the same time, the more they advance in coding, the more bugs appears, I know it's the cost of great quality, but I'm sad that increases the time to release the new update :( BUT I'm happy they will deliver a great release :)


Yeah just hopefully its going well. I have seen people just getting mad but you can track how the work is going to the project.


It takes time plus you can track the progress of the work. Like dude a couple months is not that bad compared to some people on here that took a while year to address that they didn't finish or even start the project tbat was being backed


Milky Touch has voice actors at less than $3k/month donations. not saying that i am requesting it here, just noting that money and remote working aren't blockers.


I am going to assume you meant 'chest'. In my world, boys have flat chests and girls have breasts. I like it that way. It curbs the whole 'gender neutrality' nonsense. I realise that some guys love flat-chested girls, I will never understand why, but each to their own. Eve is as close to a flat-chested girl as you are going to get...so what is wrong with her?


Dose it seem like it's taking longer and longer for new updates?

master of chaos

Any time soon guys 97% there only a few days (I think) so we can get some action from the hottest ebony girls


you know this is supposed to be the 20.5 update, not 21... so its not Rhonda i think it just the culmination of the main story to s certain extent


Not sure if it has already been suggested... But being able to take down that gang by having many, many of your children attack them somehow would be hilarious

Dagnir78 (Mark)

so i might of missed this but where do the wall papers leak too? i tried going to the site where you can download the game but since i'm a lower tier, the wall papers are not accessable to me

Antonio Williams

Hey. What's Good???... Newbie Here. Question... In This AWESOME Game, I Am At The Part Where I Need To "Go And Talk To Eve In The Tent" But It Won't Let Me Do That. x( x( x( What Should I Do???....

Alonso Marin De Las Casas

It's been over 3 months since the last update, when is the new one coming out


to all those wondering, the last two coding items are QA/Bugfixing and Pre-release checklist. so i am assuming that by next week there might be a release

master of chaos

They could at least give us the information on what the release is about, if will have more h scenes etc


I had computer issues an had to start the game over. It's much more fun at the start of the game rather than later on when it becomes "let's see if we can fill all four delivery rooms". I hope that's one reason the update is taking so long. Putting more fun in the after-sex-starts part of the game.


Chop Chop


i call friday fdor the release


imagine taking 4month to release 22 new sex scene lol in a team of 10


can u allow us to raise the kids


Cookie and his team do a lot of very good things. They created one of the best and funny games in its genre. But they are not good in communication and taking their community with them on there journey. But that's nothing new. It makes me a little sad ... but that's the cookie way and I'm sure the next update will be worth it.


Been sitting on 97% for about two weeks now brah, shit or get off the pot. over $60,000 a month.... probably give your supporter an update jees... like "it will most likely be this date guys"...


Eh, timelines add pressure to put out things that aren't adequately tested. The tracker is already a pretty good gauge in terms of when it'll release.

Alex Taylor

The World: "This pandemic shutdown is lasting forever!" Summertimers: "Chill bro it hasn't even been two updates yet..."


Alright, time for the update to drop. This seems longer than 2 months now. Starting to think you meant 2 seasons.


just imagine its just a half story update which took more than 2 months what about rhonda update? its a full story i think and i dont know how much time it ll take!

Leslie Keleman

I have to correct you on this one. Sadly, this won't even be half an update... If you read Cookies post 5 months ago he said that the next half will be broken up into 2 smaller sections, meaning we will only get a quarter update, once they pull their shit together and finally release it. Then we will have to wait another 5-6 months to get the last quarter, and only then will they begin working on Rhonda. Seeing how nobody complained about the quarter update thus far, and how money still keeps flowing, they will stick to this format, so the next full update will probably be out in 2023. Sad.


Omg this update has been on 97% for two weeks already. Just drop it and fix it after.


My God!! Do they work on the weekends ? I have notice that the status bar never moves on the weekends. It took more than three months to a half upgrade, that ain't right. Just don't understand who thinks that's acceptable... Just gotta do a better job.


Am I asking too much to let you release the game in 2 weeks?


I will not be a pateon for this anymore... takes way to long compared to others... this update should be fucking huge if it is supposed to be worth the wait, and we all know its not.... im out

Hyper Vid

After this update I will be out as well, it will be better to save some money! What triggers me is that they should at least made a post about the reasons it is taking so long. The last post was from 1 month ago ...


I'm expecting a small handfull of scenes, two being variations. So most likely not.


same shits different day


64/68 Bugs fixed. Tonight maybe?


Add more Eve content pls

Chip Guru

Does your life depend on upgrading a game? Boy, you are not well at all.... Nobody forces you to follow anything, just as one has no right to offend or attack someone just because you're supporting it (even in this case no one forced you to do so). Respect and education! When and if the update will come out, then you can criticize the game, it being understood that it is free and the doctor did not prescribe to download and play with it. If you really love a game, inform him if you find any bugs, point out the mistakes, write your impressions, what you like or what you don't like, you tell him how you would like what and why, you urge him to go on but you don't stay every day with the whip in your hand because the update does not come out and you feel entitled to do so because you are giving him money... as if your future depended on this. This is bullying not is support at game.


Well said, Chip!


The thing isn't on any desperation to play it, its down to its a obvious extortion of his clientele. You can be naive if you want, but something needs to happen about it.


update coming soon, yay!!!


I would be happy with just more communication for us who donate to the cause. Instead of waiting months on end to drop any news or updates. I enjoy the product and all of that, actually don’t mind the wait on it either, just would be nice to have more progress updates is all.


Would you want that post to say when the update comes out, or just over stuff to get people excited like teasers? Because to me that task and bug tracker is the ultimate form of update in terms of when the game is going to release. Not having any post in general for 1.5 months does seem bad though. Side note, it'd be great to use times like these to poll the community and see which "done" characters they'd love to have extra sex scenes with.


It's been a while since last update. Hoping for a decent set of changes!


*Jeopardy song*


Is going to be Tommorow ?


patrons can download now https://my.kompasproductions.com/download


app is not installed error i m getting what to do? downloaded bt unable to install


i m stuck at mayor rump locker code can anyone help?


I have downloaded it but I can't install it on my android any suggestions


Those two have very similar pussies. DC might want to try and keep these things as diverse as other body parts.