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Would you be willing to post-pone a future update by 1 or 2 months in order to switch Summertime Saga to widescreen resolution? It would mean extending (make them bigger) all backgrounds, including locations/minigames/sex scenes/etc. 

The upside of making this change:

  • The game would fit better on mobile device (and most screens).
  • Backgrounds and environments would look nicer.
  • Characters would have more room on screen.

The downside of making this change:

  • We would need to pause the development for a month or two while we fix all backgrounds and animations to fit the new widescreen resolution.



- If we did make a widescreen transition it would be certainly after 0.20.5 (or later)

- It would apply to all platforms (OS), not just Android

- The map would also be affected, and potentially open some room for additional locations



You guys do good work so I'm not complaining

Brandon Cheatham

The longer the better I say, take your time.


I dont even really notice the fact it isnt widescreen.


I don't mind pausing development for the change, but maybe do it after the next release version.


Let's get that widescreen and a more mobile friendly UX in general, yah?


Do it after the full game release.


Figured you'd have more impatient comments than those willing to sacrifice for quality.


Widescreen would be so dope, but ik we all want more summertime saga and sooner the better I think everybody feels

Asterion Del Toro

Mmm... this has the feel of something that could be a lot more work than it seems at first; potentially meaning a re-do of every art asset in the game for a different resolution. I voted no, BUT if you're planning to release v 1.00 widescreen and the work will have to be done then regardless, change that around, because waiting longer means more work when you do.


I prefer wide-screen. I vote for making the change now.


Finish all the content before trying to implement new features


Doesn't matter either way to me. Whatever the other folks want.


I feel like converting to widescreen now makes sense because if they decide to convert to widescreen in the future there will be more content to convert, thus a longer pause required to complete the conversion... Idk just my two cents. :/


Wide screen is definitely nice but I would agree that I order the update and that should keep us entertained while the widescreen comes in. The last post just has me excited for more plot than an extra half inch of screen that we will be getting.


I would like widescreen support but i'd prefer the game finished first. I would say finish the game and then add the widescreen support as an extra after the story is done


Finishing all content prior to this change means A LOT more work at the end. Definitely do it sooner than later. Preferably after the next release and before starting work on the next release. The number 1 thing I want is save compatibility. I signed up for the patreon so I could vote for it, and it hasn't even been an option in the past several votes!


Content is more important


Pls it's already close to next release, I would finish this one then start converting for widescreen


Get the content out first then focus on these things

Alex Taylor

I've always wondered why it wasn't widescreen anyway. More logical to convert now and have less to redo later.


I think that this is something that should be implemented when the game is fully finished.


Widescreen should push for the the next big story update not for side story updates


Better to handle the technical debt now


What if you integrate it into the gameplay, leave it standard resolution until you buy an upgraded computer for the main character. Then after that point, the gameplay is wide screen. Leaves you less work, but allows for the integration of widescreen.


Content plz!


I say make the wide-screen switch now. Doing it later is just going to be more work and a longer delay eventually


It just seems like converting to widescreen would be something that could wait until the creation process is all but done.


Dont need Widescreen. Playing on 27“ in Window Mode....


Content first please! I hope we vote against widescreen now, the game is fine as it is.


We don't give much damn about for mobile. Content development is the priority. Technical upgrade comes later. If DC and the SS Team wants to do the widescreen conversion, preferably when all the updates are done. Note: W̶h̶o̶e̶v̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶v̶o̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶l̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶p̶u̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶u̶n̶n̶e̶c̶e̶s̶s̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶l̶o̶a̶d̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶,̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶c̶u̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶p̶l̶e̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶F̶I̶R̶S̶T̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶0̶.̶2̶0̶.̶ ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶S̶E̶C̶O̶N̶D̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶.̶ EDIT: DC has reedit & CLARIFY that the WIDESCREEN resolution update is AFTER 0.20.5 release or later.

The Hedge Knight

Just going to highlight this because it seems to have gotten overlooked even though it's the first sentence. "...post-pone a future update by 1 or 2 months..." I'm sure DarkCookie would use his best judgement to fit in the widescreen update where it makes the most sense and impacts the releases the least. I would appreciate the upgrade.


Nah you've been good cant keep stalling on judith


Make that after the next big update.

leonard seidman

I don't want mobile looks good on a 24" monitor Its a phone you just call people, why have a 60" tv and watch tv on a phone smart phone was a dumb idea. yes I am 65 and the only reason I have a smart phone is that's the only way my grandkids can communicate.


We've been missing content~! I need the new one asap so I guess we can move it to next update to widen everything


To be honest, I play this on my phone... No issues. I'm content on getting content, I contend... Understanding that can be contentious for some.


Nah, not worth the extra wait.


Después del 0.21!


Bildanpassung bitte erst nach 0.20

Brandon Shane

Just finish the game already. Your next game can be widescreen.


Since this game already came out after widescreen was dominant/standard, I don't see the point now. Plenty of bug and short comings in the game now that people actually care about. Yes, I am a 1$ patreon and don't be higher until the frequency of decent updates higher. You're either in or you're out. Pick


No. The game is already barely playable on a phone because the fonts get too small.


Forget widescreen updates already take long


Wth guys. Quality overcontent everyday


I need widescreen! Im playing on my 3"x5" smartwatch and its lots of black along the edges. Widescreen would give me so much better view!


I would vote for content first. Widesceen only after game is finished.


With you adding clarifying information you should redo this poll.


I want the content first, it takes too long for updates, widescreen can happen after.


I'm okay with waiting if it helps to improve the overall aspect of the game. I say do it to it DC! I voted for yes even before you clarified. `\_(°•°)_/`


I would say yes but updates already take 3-4 months.


making it widescreen wouldn't make any real difference. Forget about that and just release the game :)


Please just release the game


Dont be bungie or Activision . Be a CD Project red instead!

Virgel Dragalion

Either way, new locations would be great.


Where I'm not against you going widescreen I'd rather see more new content on the next few updates first rather then it going widescreen personally I have no issue with how the game is now but I also play it on my laptop


Make the widesceen After Update 0.24


Wide screen, wide screen, wide screen, bigger titties, bigger titties, bigger titties!!! 😂🤣


Do it as soon as (before there are even more backgrounds to have to revisit)


This would be a good thing to add towards the end of the development stage. Like a final update sorta thing

Dragon of Kyushu

I play on mobile after my laptop died, ive got an itch that your updates sate, i can wait for the conversion, i barely wait for your updates.


I think personally you should continue with content and slowly work in the widescreen fix. The majority of the audience is probably okay with no widescreen as we all probably remember tube tvs. :D


Maybe you can show us an example how it would look like


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The game works very well on both my phone and PC.


as long as we get content before the pause happens I'm ok with this idea


Sorry but no. I'm patient and I've only been a patreon two-three+ versions if I remember right, before Patreon disallowed incest. And even I don't want the progress to be a little slower than it shouldn't be. I'd love it after sure, but I'd prefer we focus on the progress of the content first.


Did ya read the clarifications part DC mention at the bottom. It's not NOW, it's after 0.20.5 or later.

Theoretical Jack

As an ultra-widescreen user, I'm all for this modernization.


I like the part where he a possibilty if more locations so im going for the wide screen


Instead of having black bars on the side it would fill your screen. There's not much of an example to show. It's pretty straight forward...

Zoe And Ashleigh

Okay if its after this update your working on, then Im good with it.


HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Whoever came and voted and those just got here, DC reedit the post and added a Clarifications for the widescreen resolution update. Please take your time to rereading the post and your recast votes.


It takes forever to get a update why add to the wait


The point is "1 or 2 months" in DC universe mean 3 or 4 months in real universe ^^. But l'et's go for a "yes".


Yeah, I don't want to wait either. If there aren't any update coming soon, I'll not continue to put money in this project


To be honest, I usually play this on windowed mode on my PC so I don't really care about widescreen mode. Not for any real reasons, for some reason this is how I always played visual novel games so I kinda got used to it.


I'm not interested in changing the screen, I prefer that I advance in the content of the story, that's why I contribute month by month.


If it means a bigger map with potential more locations (and more girls) then I'm all for it


I personally would like to see the wide-screen transition, but you don't need to delay a single update for it.. Not sure if possible but just add in a few Chars as wide-screen pictures per Update, thus stretching the transition, like when your animators are done with their tasks on the update, before the update is finalized


If it can add more locations and content I'm all for it. If it's just for, widescreen sake then nope


Nah let's just focus on the story, two months delay for a little extra on the sides. Thats 106k just thrown away imo.


would it be possible to show a widescreen/normal screen shot of a random background


The widescreen really won't add anything in my opinion, the updates however add lots so I voted no.


I think you should finish the game and go back through an change it that way everyone wins... people who don’t want the change get the content & people who want the change get what they want....albeit a long time later


I hoped you've all read the Clarifications DC added. It doesn't affect 0.20 and 0.20.5 releases. It's for the latter.

Ulises Gonzalez

im more interested on wide screen because more map locations. Though everything else is a nice bonus.


Nah no delays ain't got time for no 5:00 o clock traffic waiting to tap judith and finish maya and her crazy mom


Right, I personally think a widescreen mode would be dope to, I personally wouldn’t mind waiting a while longer for more content. But, ik people are really impatient compared to me when it comes to Summertime Saga content


if you're going to develop widescreen stuff, i suggest you revamp the images from the update before last about the day, evening, and night versions of the town map to be even better. it looks great, but it deserves a lot more polish since it is the most frequented screen. - currently, the day version looks mostly fine. the buildings have shadows like they are supposed to. things can be spruced up a lot. - the evening and night versions just look like the day version with a dark filter; the buildings still have their shadows in the same locations, which is obvious and disappointing. - the lighting of an evening could be shown better if there was an orange glow to the filter to show that the sun is setting (perhaps with some glare in the windows), as well as having the object shadows look longer to demonstrate the sun's lower position in the sky. - night time could show moonlight reflections in windows and on the water. some houses could have glowering lights if people are awake. to make things look even cooler, there could also sometimes be shadows of clouds slowly moving across the town.


don't get me wrong, I want the updates to be here and now but I can wait a few months for something that will make the game a better experience. I love the game so I can wait.


DC, you are the artist, the creator. These types of decisions belong to you and you alone. How do YOU want your art displayed? Does a wide-screen format open the possibilities for further content, allowing you to spread your creative wings wider? Answer those questions and you have your answer. This poll could only serve to hamper your creativity.


Cardi b character


add cardi b


No, I'm not interested in a delay on content just to have things remade for wide-screen. Do that post-game if you must do so at all. More locations could be added in other ways.


I see the benefit to changing it as it can open up potential for new locations and such with s larger overall map but it taking 2 months to update I dont know about that, but I'm neither a coder or artist but for the longevity of the game it should get a facelift and size increase.


After seeing the clarifications I've decided to change to a yes.


Can we say yes, but can we have some Judith HS to tide us over?


If wide screen is after the additions we are already looking forward then it would not be a bad thing, because we dont know what we are missing anyway. We mostly want the things that have already been talked about. So change my vote to widescreen


honestly i think people are overlooking the fact that widescreen can open up the map more possibly allowing for more locations without making the map look more zoomed out.


Wider screen = MORE LOCATIONS!!!

Brandon Shane

Unless it's a strip club or something...




It would be the case if it was self funded, but every project needs approval from the investors and us getting to contribute our thoughts about this is good. This is a very technical change that I personally have absolutely no interest in, and adding more locations isn't exactly too lucrative either considering just how insanely long a single update take, not to mention even starting on the main story. They already have plenty of work without adding the potential for additional things, there's just no need for it.

Barry Tucker

Definitely Do it!! Better now than later! Who will remember a few months of update delay? The final game should be outhere forever in a nice and contemporary widescreen resolution...regarding adultgames, you're already writing history with this title...it deserves to be reasonably polished


What happens to previous saves?


I think everybody wants the widescreen format, but doesn't want to delay a release to get it. Can it be phased in? Meaning, add black side borders to all the existing screens, making them widescreen. I wouldn't think that'd take too long, maybe a few days. Then going forward, any new art would be of the widescreen format, and you can then go back and redo older images at time permits. Say maybe a handful per release. Or one per week. Or something.. This gradual phase in wouldn't delay any given release much, and eventually get you to full widescreen format.


1 or 2 months is not a problem.


The game has been delayed too much already due to reworks.


For us mobile dudes like me, I'm fine without widescreen after the game's completion. But I am also a very patient man so I don't mind the wait, however not a lot of us are patient.


Ever going to get an ios version?


Additional locations sounds so great! Absolutely worth the wait.


While I think that additional locations and quality of life for mobile users are great, and I don't want to sound like I'm complaining about the rate of content creation, it feels that the map (which as is is still only about half filled with accessible content) was rather ambitious from the beginning. I think it the optics would be much better to continue working on filling the current map out rather than add more space to fill. That being said I imagine the additional map space is secondary in this decision to the mobile-user quality of life


I mean I’m Pro Widescreen, but in case it doesn’t get enough votes in can there still be a chance it can be worked on at a later date at least?

Ean Lake

I will be able to survive


Widescreen after the next update makes the most sense. Developing this game more and getting more content would be terrific. Sure, we'd have a small time to wait, but sooner rather than later means more to enjoy later.

Dipper Pines

I agree with this. Widescreen after the current update your working on.


People obviously aren't reading and are only seeing the two options. If development is paused for 1 or 2 months, it could also have an effect on the map size. i.e. MORE CONTENT


I voted against, but I'm not VEHEMENTLY against. If it's an improvement that most people want to see, I wouldn't object to the slight slow down in development. I have other irons in the fire, so to speak.


I would only be willing to wait 2 months if it means new locations and more content not just wider environments. Ideally such a change can be made towards the later stages of development


If you are going to have to do it anyway. Why not do it now and I believe it will make the game better.

Paul Beck

I am Definitely in Favor with WIDE Screen Enhancements!!! You just can not go wrong with Bigger, Better and More!!!


fucking hell....are people really that impatient and thirsty, upgrading to wide screen is the better option in the long run, since til will mean more locations and will look better.


Why the widescreen change is the best option? We lost two month but the game can gain one or two year of development because DC team can add more building and places, news characters and side-stories. Like other players, i like to enjoye every update as soon as possible, but this update open the way to a longer and nicer game (but with more updates and more time to finish the game).


Why not finish the current scenes and stuff for 2.0, and THEN do the widescreen stuff?


The current scenes and stuff until the 0.20.5 will be finish before he start the widescreen conversion as writen in the post.


Please add an option to "Convert game to 16:9, keep all current assets 4:3, make new content in 16:9, and convert the old content after finishing the game"


Problem I have with all this: "potentially". Everyone talks as if new buildings and area`s are absolutely coming. While all it says is that there may be some new buildings/areas but no guarantees.


Widescreen could be an after-launch feature, but I can also see how the more content is made the longer it will take moving forward. I can't vote either way as worded.


I think wait on this,, I notice the the options for house keeper has gone to very small print and is very hard to touch the [ faster ] with out hitting the save function,, hopefully this is not going to continue with other characters as they are added.


To quote Barney Stinson: Bigger is always Better!


This'll need to happen one way or another and since you said it would happen at least after 0.20.5 I changed my vote to the first option. I really dig the idea that the map can become bigger to allow for more locations :D




Wide screen would be cool, but Judith really needs attention.


I think, like in many games happen, the game must be completed before any graphics upgrade can happen. I mean, it's like a remaster. When the game's finished you can play it all over in a upgraded version. Think about it. I'd love to be surprised with a Widescreen version after I played the full story, I mean, it gives a replay plus!


Yeah! It would be better to fix that first, like, give some space between these options because is kind of annoying to touch the game options instead of the gameplay options. Mostly when you just have one hand available.


That would be a better solution for the short term. And later add the widescreen option.

Stewart Walker

I initially voted no, but changed to yes after the clarification notes. What sets Summertime Saga apart from other games of this type is story. It’s well plotted and developed. If more space makes room for more story, I’m in favour. Ultimately, DC should be true to his vision, and if that’s widescreen, so be it.


I love the idea of changing to wide screen and am always up for more potential content


If this is what DC and the team feel they want to do, than it gets a "yay" from me.


consider building all future content as widescreen, then updating the already made stuff in small parts with every proceding update


Wouldnt that be jarring to see it just flip to and from widescreen somewhat randomly?

John Martin Jr

This is really the only game I have, that shares on my computer and phone. So, recently my company removed the position others and myself were in. Meaning, we out of a job. So to hear that my one solace would have to be on hold cause of a wide screen update, doesn't really comply to me. I rather have the story finished before tweaking the finer points.


What about this: keep the graphics 4:3, but the game 16:9. Use the additional space to move the HUD off-screen, add a dialog history below and maybe the most recent goal trackers.


On nearly every other project i would have said take your time and do it. But NOT on this project, too much development time. And not believable that it will take the estimated time, could be longer as usual.


Content comes first, like a rough draft on a paper, polishing happens all throughout the process from start to finish, but aesthetic changes are a final polishing step. However, if the whole game is about to get a full aesthetic change, it might be wise to make the new content with widescreen in mind possibly. Just an opinion. Srksrksrk also had a good idea in my opinion and "Someguy" also has a good course of action. It is your piece of art, we support it cause we believe in your vision, do as you must.


I think the game has to become widescreen at some point, but the longer this takes the more graphics have to be changed. 🤔


I think the poll was a bad idea. Widescreen is a fantastic idea and you are right. It will create a bunch of potential for the game and help to keep it looking better throughout its long lifecycle. Those saying finish the story first don’t seem to understand that the widescreen change will affect the story anyways and that the work required will only go up the longer you wait. I say ignore the poll and do what’s right for the game not what’s right for those seeking quick gratification.


Your comment changed my mind. Now voted for widescreen first


The mistake of this poll was failed to mention that the widescreen update would be implemented in the future. Not now. and it would affect a later update. DC reedit this later after he made the post. And now, we wont hv a widescreen update, due to ignorance, ego and impatience.


And because of ppl that simply just don´t need or want widescreen..... like myself


I like the idea of having more visual room for the H scenes and everything, also an expanded map but without the guarantee of additional content in the meantime, it just does not appeal to me. Likely it is inevitable because the map can only hold so much, especially if the story will continue after what was originally planned, or whatever but maybe save it for an update after the official release?

John Martin Jr

I re-read and have re-voted. I agree with everyone and DC on the wide screen. What's another few months. Plus, it's his creation anyways. Regardless of the polls. He has everyone's opinion on mind. DC just go with it. I'm behind your decision 100%


I have no problem to wait a few months. It's better to switch now to widescreen resolution before much more contents has to be edited later. But as a compromise: How about making all future content and edits widescreen-ready? Older content would then be changed step by step and the feature would come when its done.


Wenn er nach 0.20 kommt bin ich dann auch dafür


Well, knowing that the conditions of the poll changed with the edits DC made, I would have voted yes instead. Maybe it she redone and mention the edits made after the fact. I'd even be fine with releasing this update then just transitioning to wide after that.


finish 20.0 and the switch to widescreen for 20.5 update


It is not the most important thing I think...


In a vacuum, yes, the widescreen update would be ideal. However, "a couple months" on a dev only project could quickly spiral out of control. I'd rather see more content than wait on that.


I think widescreen is inevitable. And definitely worth the effort. I think it should be combined with some other "small content" update. Many people request extra H scenes for various characters. I have been one of them. Maybe a good expansion release would be a widescreen release with extra H scenes for existing story lines. IE... Diane in the shower, Mrs. Johnson "Plow Position", Roxy "Cowboy" position. Just to name a few.


🥰🥰love it }


This is not the most important part of game :)


I had a third choice : I do care for widescreen but I think the development is more important


the perks of widescreen are just to great to be ignored in my opinion: More map locations wider field of view during scenes, and with larger monitors or mobile devices it just makes for better satisfaction.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I believe the widescreen is the way to go. But! I think it needs to be combined with some added benefits to make it palatable. I think the widescreen conversion should be combined with more hscenes, and more positions in the hscenes we currently have. Tammy Johnson, Plow position. Diane in the shower. Roxy, Cowboy. Etcetera. This would make it worth it, I think.


Also.. just a note. The longer we wait for widescreen, meaning more development and more releases, the longer the widescreen conversion is going to take.


Yes !!! Glrider just a note. The longer we wait for widescreen, meaning more development and more releases, the longer the widescreen conversion is going to take. Go longer the widescreen !!


This would facilitate the work of translators in different languages.