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A lot of users have come forward asking if various sites online were owned by us, and the vast majority are not.

We do NOT have a Youtube, Facebook or Instagram account. If you see them, they are most likely scams, or fan made!

Our ONLY official websites are:

Any other website/social media page you encounter is not hosted by us and you risk catching malware, or supporting someone who is not part of our development.

Be careful out there! <3





you forgot the subreddit, which, although not owned by us, is still kinda official.


Definitely some websites you have to be weary about I downloaded the game from an off brand site and gave me a trojan horse virus, thankgully i had insurance on the computer


Scrub wannabes.

iLirr Lobeaa Art

they got a lot of followers on Instagram. soon they'll monetize it or sell it directly.


Well, you could start off with taking action against those asshats posting links to all kinds of crap here in the comments section on your public posts...


Can you do something about the people posting virus links in the comments of every single one of your Patreon posts?


If people start selling the game or stuff like that they just going to it in trouble if you want to play games by darkcookie then just used patreon


Personally i'd ask those sites to take down those pages. Never know how they might harm your brand/good name....


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


No shit Sherlock. If anyone clicks links in the comments, then they get what they deserve.

VN Star Wars +18 Game

The last time I warned users about pirate sites + malware, I was vilified and even worse...


I really believed that a channel with 8,000 subscribers on youtube could be official LOL


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Gee how about banning @Spoiler Art?


actions are taken, but patreon doesn't give a shit, the best we can do is to delete the message as soon as we can see them, there are no spam filters available.


There are multiple bots, we block them but they just create new accounts. Patreon doesn't have any kind of anti spam features and have refused to add any when asked.


It's public platform I guess

william moore

I am unable to buy the BAD MONSTER. I have remote access to Jenny's computer and two videos are there, I can't watch them. What do I need to do to progress? I have started over 3 times and have gotten stuck at the same place.


Also, do not follow redirectors. They could hide just about anything in those redirection links which could be harmful. Also, if someone uses the term spoiler on Patreon then whatever link they post must really be fake. The real spoilers are only found when DC streams and that's it.


i know its not related to this subject but due to some reason nothing happens with Jenny after watching the movie due to some reason is it bug or is it suppose to be like this and yes my version is 0.18.2


What to say about other sites? Many of these scammers live here, in the comments under your posts. It's inevitable when you're so popular.

Gabriel Pate

You should get rid of the spoiler Art it can hurt are phones


Hi, n00b here that likes the game, even in alpha form. And yes I'm gonna patronize you (I have a bug report). Here's a random idea... Have the main character do something ordinary, like walk through the graveyard or the treehouse. Then randomly, Roz pops up and says "Hello! Haaa-Haaa-Haaa!" and you heve to fuck her to make her go away.


The more DC reworks, the more he ruins the game. Jenny went from a ok character to a bitch, and the animations, while are smother, are worse.

Rick stanaway

As an adult, that enjoys exploring and learning more about life and came across this game some time around Thanksgiving here in the states. Upper MI... It's a good game that's growing as a company and trying to make a few bucks. At the same time there will always be those folks that want to take away our joy!.. Hope everyone has a great summer!.. RICK..

Doctor Viper

I know this is evtl. a dumb question but i tink of invest in this game as a patron but iam not sure about this.🤔


one thing for sure, you've gotta hv patience. even the game is free for public. as a patron, the benefits are worth while than just waiting for an announcement. from time to time, there will always be impatience toxic commenters when it's somewhere 90%. to patron this is to support DC, regardless how he use the money for his team, it gets the job done. it's all up to u to patron or not.


thx for the Advise DC


Yey ❤️


0.18.6??? not 5?


It's a bot spamming viruses and malware. Also his version #s never match what's really being made. Click and have fun, don't come back here if your PC melts and you wonder why

Young & Naughty

When your games becomes so popultar, people create fake sites to destribute malwares, ha


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!

Natasha Art

Wish I can pay for higher tier :'(


Fu**ng pirates!


spoiler Art DarkCookie need to block you an I be glad when they do


how do you get in dev mode and use debug mode for use the mods


go to discord site/help channel/pinned messages and you can find the information you need


So, how are those new coders and artists? Any info anyone? Or was it just another lie?


Hello, I would like to know or make a bug report on the V18.2,it is with Diane in her farm and Daisy is present. I have a doc who was Edited. Thank you


Will there ever be sex sound effects? Even generic sfx like: general bj sound for bj scenes, general doggystyle sounds for that, handjob sounds for handjobs, etc. This game is already really enjoyable, but sex sounds would ABSOLUTELY make it top tier and so immersive. Thanks.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠀⣶⠀⠀⣀⣤⣶⣤⣉⣿⣿⣤⣀ ⠤⣤⣿⣤⣿⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣀ ⠀⠛⠿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠉⠛⠿⣿⣤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⠛⠀⠀⠀⣶⠿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣤⠀⣿⠿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠉⠉ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⠉ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣛⣿⣭⣶⣀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⠉⠛⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⠀⣿⣿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣉⠀⣶⠿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣶⣿⠿ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠿⠛

Allen Lewis

Game crashes when MC ask Dianne about baby at night in the living room: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: Exception: DynamicImage u'diane_arms_a_[M_diane.outfit.get]_touch[M_diane.pregnancy.to_string]': could not find image. (u'diane_arms_a_nightgown_touch_pregnant_belly') -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/bedroom/dialogue.rpyc", line 2177, in script call File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/hallway.rpyc", line 62, in script call File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/hallway.rpyc", line 62, in script call File "scripts/characters/diane/button.rpyc", line 178, in script call File "scripts/characters/diane/button_dialogues.rpyc", line 1056, in script File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1337, in execute renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1452, in with_statement return renpy.game.interface.do_with(trans, paired, clear=clear) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2207, in do_with clear=clear) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2649, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3033, in interact_core root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact()) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 511, in visit_all d.visit_all(callback) File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 508, in visit_all for d in self.visit(): File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 718, in visit self.find_target() File "C:\Users\allen\Downloads\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-18-1-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 632, in find_target raise Exception(error) Exception: DynamicImage u'diane_arms_a_[M_diane.outfit.get]_touch[M_diane.pregnancy.to_string]': could not find image. (u'diane_arms_a_nightgown_touch_pregnant_belly') Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py SummertimeSaga 0.18.1 Wed May 15 09:40:56 2019 [/code]


He still hasn't delivered the Jeny's update. That's funny. Instead, he just threw out some excuse about animator and possible new coder and everything is ok for now. What a lazy artist. Probably's gotten greedy too.


There was supposed to be a second artist based on the patron promise right? What happened?


Spoiler Art is still posting clickbait. Don’t click on it. It isn’t worth the time or the trouble.


@Annie Full save 0.18.2 https://bitly.su/xVhJPW


bonsoir, j'ai mis deux posts pour rapports de bug sur la v18.2 et ils n'apparaissent plus, ont t'ils etes suprimés et si oui par qui ? C'est vrai je ne suis pas donnateur, pour le moment en tout cas, si les rapports qui ne viennent pas de donnateurs sont supprimes autant le marque sur la page d'accueil


Shit, theres no activity for quite a while now

Allen Lewis

Will someone please ban Soiler Fart from posting his shit?


stop reworking the same characters for 10 times and makes some new content


Bugs/Issues [34/56] Fixed 0 Changes in last 24hrs it has been stopped for three days

Randall Scott

In the future, could it be possible to make Sister Angelica (the corrupt nun) your sex slave?


not sure. but DC have done a sister angelica pregnant art tho. so that's something. But not in 0.19 yet, for future updates perhaps.


Does anyone can recommend me a game like this? I just want to kill some time while waiting for the updates.

Tony Teall

Thank you dark cookise


I think Fantasy Valley by Ancho is worth to try. The graphics may look a bit childish at first sight but it feels much better in the game. The story is nice too. And it's getting better.


hello bug 18.2 in Helen story cant have sex with her after nun Training


did you talk to harold at the police station? then you can sex with helen.


I can't seem to pay jenny the 500 for the cheerleading lesson. Im on latest 0.18.2 help?


0.18.2 Ver. Mouse Don't Click On Buttons Just Working Keyboard :/ Why Pls Helps!!!

The Circle

Wow, this is getting popular.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


My advice to everyone involved within this project.. send a email to patreon.. the more we do this,the more it helps . This user is know on so many names from the game.. spoiler art is just one of them..


I am wethig 18.5


Hi, I can not finish quest with Eric and Jenny


NEW INCEST SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers) pastelink.net/rrgy


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


jenny only on the sun lounger still has the same answers and also in the dining room i do not know how to repeat it i played it over 200 days and nothing and in the shower there was only she in the steam. where is problem ?


Ok, I don't know if anyone else is having this same bug... but after MC and Aunt Diane (who...um...isn't his aunt *cough*) get caught bangin' on the living room couch, and the resulting family argument finishes, Mom (who isn't mom) comes up to bring MC downstairs. But, when you enter Mom's (who isn't mom) bedroom...it's just the same old scene. There's no interaction pertaining to the event that just occurred. Is there a hotfix for this particular bug? Or will it just have to be addressed on 18.3? Just curious.


There's no 0.18.3 and that stuff was for 0.17, so it's already fixed ...... Go back to your room and try to sleep, either notmom will come talk to you and tell you to go back downstairs or you're missing stuff earlier in the route(s) [you do have to be done with both notmom and notaunt to get the 3some]


Less details on what's actually happening sure helps us not help you. Try checking the phone tips. Talk to her in other spots. Restart your game. Format HDD. Throw PC out the window. Or try to not play on Android, that fixes 99% of bugs


Jz wait for 0.21 and come back


I'm pulling out my payment. Just seems like that 50k a month isnt benefiting the game. Also a minor update 1.8.5 is taking the same amount of time as a normal one.


thats a shit amount of time everytime they take months to update the game..even avengers infinity war and endgame didn't consume that much time..to make


The last 10% to go for 0.18.5. Here comes the toxic comments of impatience impotent wankers. Edit: Nvrmind. The last 3%.


What is spoiler art? Is it a scam or fan site?


Spoiler Art is a malicious posting bot. No matter how much they delete the posts or ban each of them, the one responsible will keep on coming back and also liking their own post. That pastelink url is very bad and can affect ppl's devices and/or PC's.


internet parasite comes to mind.


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


Is there some way to report spiler art ?


lol. still not done with the 18.5 code? yikes


probably going to take them another month to finish re-adding all the scenes they removed.

Timothy Crosby

Made that mistake long ago. They need to ban these pricks who put that shit up on here. Report them to Patreon.


so its 97% and i think it ll be released after 2 days..


as i have seen their pattern of release of new updates


Cool game! Rate my games too! Sorry for the spam:D


DC Said May 8 2019 The remaining posing and code work will unfold for the following 3 weeks and we will release 3 weeks have passed but there is no trace of the update. Most likely it will wait for the beginning of June to collect the money, and there are still people who say it is not greedy. I wonder what else to do to prove his greed.


1st of June it'll be out XD


Calling it now: 0.18.5 is gonna come out in saturday 😒


Yeah, they were always gonna set content aside to release after another month's pay. All the big game developers do it, and so do the "small" ones apparently.


just became a patreon trying to download game discovered that I had the wrong email address hooked up to patreon fixed it but still wont let me download still wants me to verify on the wrong email without the chanced to change it


There's some dude who has used characters extremely similar looking to yours. https://www.patreon.com/wangweigong


couldn’t find them. what’s the name again?

John Goodman

Maybe this dude can actually push out 1 scene a month unlike DarkScam

John Goodman

Don't worry, now he will even delay it like a week so it wont be so obvious.


they simply should have set payment for each update.. doesn't matter its monthly or not..we should only take pledge when they release then cancel it till it takes 3 4 months for new updates.. atleast 3 or 4 months money would be saved...


Is it really that hard to ban ppl on patreon...i mean really!!!!???? BAN the bastard. "Spoiler art"


i think it would be great to ban him. right now, all i can do is warn people about him. he posts his nonsense out there and i’m sure lots of people know not to click on his stuff. not everyone that visits here has english as a first language so he can take advantage if they don’t understand etc. we might not be able to make him leave, but we can make it a lot harder for him to take advantage.


He'd probably just make another account and go nuttier than he already is with it.


wtf man.. everyday Bugs count is increased when i check status bar.. how many more days u guys will take to complete the update?


Calm your tits, dude. Do you want them to release a buggy mess, or a playable game? Let's just be patient a little while longer. The addon will be out before ya know it.


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


Any recommendation of a game like this?


login to the discord site, find the nsfw channel, in the pinned messages is a current list. but, frankly, nothing compares summertimesaga


Dogeek...teri maa ki chut.


lovetaps. english only please. not nice what you posted


Skeeta Google translate.... agree not only it is not beautiful but it is offensive.


Long comment but needs to be said. 1) This is a for profit app. 2) made for many different types of devices each having its own set of issues. 3) this is a porn app and therefore lacks the distribution available to mainstream apps, along with the ad revenues and ubiquity of audience. 4) for the size and complexity of this app it is amazing that he's got this far with a staff of eight part-time people on 40K a month. And now my rant, most of the people on this forum talking about how greedy darkcookie is, have never even written an fuckin essay let alone 1/2 GB code intense art filled app. The truth of the matter is at 40000 a month I'm amazed that he's even continuing the development of this app. It must be a labor of love. He is not making the money he should from even half of the content he's already created. Most of the people concerned about his "greed" I think you forget he gets the money but he's not keeping $40,000 he's not developing this app alone, he's acting as project manager an employee. You guys need to lighten that shit up. Given the fact that none of you could make this app, and on the off-chance there's a programmer reading this perhaps you could make a app like this but haven't and I wonder why that is? Dude I'm really tired of people who are not supporting the project thinking this man is making too much money when he's not making enough.

No one you know

I don't really see the point in the "bug fixes" bar. He could release 5 straight hot fixes over 2 months with nothing new and the game would still be a buggy mess cause they create new bugs whenever they work on it. Diane/daisy bit worked fine before 18 came out. They had nothing to do with 18 yet I get back to that point where daisy is in the barn now and all I get is a big gray error screen. Any interaction I do after trying to go to the barn ends up with no characters on the screen but with the barn background and technically doesn't even happen since I have to go and talk to that other character again in the right place


DC's money dropped to 50k. 18.5 Will release tonight or tomorrow lmao!


I do not judge intentions. But the extension of the Jenny thread (18.0, 18.2, 18.5) takes a very long time. In addition, weakly translates into the development of the game. Much larger changes took significantly less time.


The worth of this game should drop down to $100 a month cause this shit is just ridiculous, the last game update that can truly be considered a update was Roxy's. After that update this game has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment, if this Eve update falls flat then it's time to free yourself of this insufferable patreon and boycott it to make sure DC gets the message.


God, you made such an addicting game XD them stories are top notch And Made me ran to my nearest store to put part of my school allowance to support this game 😄now im a patreon again... I actually played this game twice, the beta(not so long ago) and the now(patreon vers) had least minor tolerable bugs, I would get many cookies for the numbers of bugs I found, but good game would recommend 👍


Master Somrak 😂 guys he ate pantsu


the last update was reworked old scenes. which were already in the game. if they are going to rerig the game they should just 3d animate the game. I think people would gladly pay for that(ie the overwatch porn video style would be awesome in this game.


Why the hell they stop working?


The hell are they waiting for? July 1? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They kind of haven't been really working for some time. Just a little bit.


Help I cant remove the Orbituitary:blah blah and it shows even in sex scens :P


Summertime Saga 0.18.5. Spolier Screens+Saves from 0.18 No ads: https://pastelink.net/shmq


The amount of money decreased from 56k to 50k. That should be a signal for DC...


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


Ok today my bank acc deducted for patron services ... atleast now you guys can release the...shit


Eyh guys what that little banner on side of my username


Some of that was from me. Hopefully it will make a difference. If the game gets back on the teacher/Roxxy track, I'll support again. But if it remains at the Diane/Jenny quality I will put my money toward a different project. A HUGE decrease in quality over the last 2 updates.

Vile Bastage

Alright, I'm done supporting this. No updates... no new releases... Come with a substantial update, and I'll throw ya'll some dollars again. Peace.


Dogeek....Teri maa ki chut.


LoveTaps. you are a coward and a scumbag to send messages like that. Especially knowing you won’t get a response. don’t be a pussy-boy


Stfu I can say whatever I want...who the fck u are... Keep ignore like other people.


Until the patreons continue to throw dollars because they should release.


Maybe they couldn't come up with good story this time, they aren't robots you know. Maybe they're quality over quantity I appreciate it tbh because memory is limited this game is about 2 gig in my phone plus the platform of the game.. I dunno Im new here too :P


[UPDATED] NEW IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.19.0 (Spoilers) https://pastelink.net/sjyf


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clicktbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


spoiler GTA VI: many mysteries and legends will be added in the game, just as in RDD2 the character will be partially haunted by ghosts from the past and will have to solve the mysteries to gain extras in story mode.


spoiler GTA VI: the option to work as a police officer that was used in GTA SA will return the next generation, as well as the firefighter. The character can also work with fisherman, taxi driver, truck driver, race driver (the game in the game will be called Formula Fire). When you reach a high level of police, you have become a member of the hitmans the penultimate of the authorities of the game, so you can buy all the weapons of the game, and a small arsenal in each apartment you buy.


spoiler GTA VI: as soon as you finish story mode with one of the characters, you will have to defeat him with another character, so the improvements you make to him and to the gang will count when he is an enemy, only the improvements of the vehicles will not be maintained when the game turn.


Hey guys, while you are wating 3 months for the next update... check at this game: https://www.patreon.com/sexnote if you like it, please support, we are starting, and are a little team that you can help to improve, and make a side game to play while STS Release a new version xD


hi. went looking for it. couldn’t find it. what is it about? got any good art to show us?


Hey guys, while you are wating 3 months for the next update... check at this game: https://www.patreon.com/sexnote if you like it, please support, we are starting, and are a little team that you can help to improve, and make a side game to play while STS Release a new version xD https://www.patreon.com/sexnote


[UPDATED] NEW SCENES! From 0.19.4 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/zf2t


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. No 19.4 version yet. If you want to see upcoming images watch DC’s live streaming recordings.


When wil 0.20 will finished