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Update 0.18.5 status:

This "extra content" update for Jenny is not too big, with only 39 tasks across all the devs (they will be closing them shortly as we stop working on the hotfixes). Art is already mostly completed for it, so is animation and writing. The remaining posing and code work will unfold for the following 3 weeks and we will release it in parallel with 0.19 development.

Update 0.19 status:

I've been doing a lot of work on locations for Eve's update throughout my daily live streams which should give you some idea as to how much we're adding for her story. I've also been improving Eve, Grace and Odette's character art to make them as good as possible. This update will be quite large (similar to Roxxy, but with pregnancies for 3 character) and introduce a completely new story line for Eve. As soon as 18.5 is released, the progress bar will switch over to 0.19 which will already have content made for it.

Catch you guys on the daily live streams! <3




Kuriko Balasar

...well I'm dumb and just realized why I couldn't jumpstart any extra eve content in 18


I will give you one month you will not finish the 18.5, i don’t know why but this true


Really looking forward to Eve's. Content. And even more for Grace. Thanks for the quality game!


who is Odette


I'm new and not sure if this has been discussed but I've noticed that delivering pizzas doesn't give you money.


Yummy everything's sounding good.


Another thing daisy story is not working for me either bug issue


Do you think that in one of the updates you come make it to were we can change the guy up like the clothes and all that would be nice if you Could make that think happen


So 18.5 will be out by June? So does that mean that 19.0 will be out by Oct/Nov?


OK, wake me up when the game is online.


They're already more than a third of the way done with 18.5, and it's only been a couple of days.


Sounds good to me. Question: Will preggo sex scenes ever be added? For a game rife with taboos its seems odd that once characters are pregnant their interactions become largely unavailable. Thanks in advance.


Cool, looking forward for the new story👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


yeah!, plis add preggo sex, without those, getting a character pregnant feels like a punishment


I've deciphered this: He's asking if in a future update, will it be possible to customize the look of the MC, specifically with clothing options?


That was hotfixed in 18.1 - you're likely playing an older download, so I'd try re-downloading.


So we already know that this "extra content" will not be released in next 3 weeks for sure.....


Man... Jenny story is too short i wrnder who vote to see her story its better if they vote for couch bridget or the carpenter dougter


Over 4 month to see really short story man thats disappointing


grooving on the latest scene in mc bedroom. its good to see jenny finds her way in there!


Let's hope the dev time is 3-4 months or less.


Hey, I enjoy playing the game for a long time. I'm always happy about many little new details and enhancements. BUT I find it very boring to play the game again and again from the beginning and to play many familiar scenes again. This is extremely annoying in the long run, even if the joy makes me play on new scenes.


when will the park bench be unlocked


Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to the new content. I too think preggo sex to be a good idea.

Gray Metal Fox

Fantastic game considering its all hand drawn by ONE person, and the vastly improved animation. I can live with time it takes to release updates. That said, you guys really need to figure a way out so we don't have to always start at the beginning even with the cheat. Please, when you release at the very least the mid updates, give us a save file if you can. I'm sure you've explored this. Anyway, keep up the great work. I love the new Jenny update in all her bitchiness.


Can you tell us about the missing scenes from the previous incarnation of the Jenny story? The shower scenes, the sybian? Is jenny ever going to use the other toys you bought her? The old toy scenes? Buttplug? The other toys in Pink? How about why bother adding pregnancy to the game if its just a side story with no actual H-Scenes or anything? Not my thing but its kinda misleading to add a fetish to the game... and then not address the fetish side. I doubt many people who are into Preggo sex are in it to fill daycares... just saying. This release is oddly -- terrible. Just my opinion but wow. All the money you make monthly and its a mediocre story for Jenny + some meh sex scenes that replaced actual good scenes? Just one person's opinion.


hey DC ! long time no see . here have a cookie ! (maybe old and with a lil' turned green but .. still pretty healthy XD


Hell...I would love to be able to get a three way scene between Roxxy and Jenny. Love the art work with the new scenes. Kind of bit surprised that Roxxy has a Cheerleading championship to get but the ending ends with a bikini contest...like the bikini contest but would have enjoyed seeing how the main character "helped" in that situation.


You don't have to "improve" character art, just let them look like they used to.


The new update is almost unplayable. There are many story lines that are not available if you progress too fast in the story and bug the game (eg.Jenny teaching cheerleading to Roxxy, which lead to roxxy not attending to french exam, and also you cannot buy alcohol, master somrak wont take used panties even if you hav them in your inventory, and many more) + 50% of the time i use the bed to sleep i get an error that wont let me progres to the next day.


I just wish I could downgrade to 17.5


We all saw he said 3 weeks. REALLY hope it'll be just 3 weeks


If you guys don't know yet almost the whole cowgirl line is broken in 18.2.


Hmm weird, in 0.18 I did the Daisy questline without any problems (aside from Diane always appearing naked)


3 weeks... Man, you're killing me...^^ Still didn't play the 0.18 because I want to play the wole stuff but it's gonna be hard to wait.


Then don't do it ? You could just play the new route and stop there ...... Jar saves your unlocked stuff between builds, you got 0 reasons to re-play all the game all the time


Why not just do Jenny's route and stop there ? You already got all the jar scenes from previous builds ..... Re-playing the entire game everytime is purely on you


"Improve" maybe not, but he has to re-do most of them since they changed how the game handles models


can someone explain to me something, he says 18.5 and 19 will be released in parallel where im from that means they will be released at the same time or in a small period max a month, so is it bad spelling from them or its true?


that means, i dont play 0.18.2 any longer. dont want to start from the beginning again and again. i did that like 30 times now..


Alexandre you just read it wrong. It says 18.5 will be released in parallel to 19 DEVELOPMENT. Not simultaneous release.


SOOO how do you get the 'green bait' for fishing? I have all the others to include the one for getting the Golden Compass to Captain Terry - SOOO where the heck do you find it?... How do you get to Aqua? ... I've almost everything ('almost' - obviously because I can't seem to find the correct sequence). Anyway - thanks in advance...

Anthony Docimo

did you drop the bait into the hole at the bottom of the screen? (getting it past the fish untouched)

H.P Fuckcraft

&gt;This "extra content" update for Jenny is not too big, yet it's going to take you 4 months to release it


Is there a walkthrought for 0.18.5?


Will we ever get a chance to put it in Lucy?


Who is jenny's father?


None of the above. He's working on both in parallel. They're not gonna release at the same time


Grats on wasting your time. You only needed to do the new routes once per build. Keeping all the jar stuff unlocked since 0.10


Yeah, they made a walkthrough for a version which won't come out before a month from now ...... And why would you need a walkthrough ? The game is 1 giant linear VN, you do stuff 1 at a time, routes don't cross each other 99% of the time and you can't get lost thanks to phone tips There's also this tiny thing called the wiki, in the odd case you can't figure stuff out with just the phone


Once upon a loli time, MC and Jenny had the same father. Big bad evil Patreon said nope to wincest, so Jenny and MC went "roomates" instead. They're now in a void where family doesn't exist nor mather .....


sa ako lang ha i think naay secret character will be added sa next update ,,ambot lang pero basin..i hope so hahaha lol xd...😅


Wondering when all the ladies fo town will go preggo with MC's child in their stomachs? but there should be some pregnant sex scenes also to entertain some kinky people like me. it would be fun if in last Update all women come to know that all of the town's babies are born by MC.lolz..what a town it would be? that all the children of only 1 person..imagine !!! wow..such a cool town .


theirs is a problem with the achievement of Erik when you finish he story in but ways the achievement is not marked finish in every update cant you check that out please and thanks big fan


The new Eve design pretty much ruined her update for me. Imo as long as you don't go back to make her look more like her old design she won't look as good as possible.


so much negativity for a free game!


Just wondering if they'll implement anal during a camshow or during night visits with Jenny and MC later on in a future update.


Probably not, we getting the bed stuff in 0.18.5 then it'll be over for Jenny for a while


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


So is everyone gonna get pregnant now? Ahh the game is gonna be borinh😏

Doctor Viper

This would be funn but onley until some one finds out how many girls MC got pregnant.😂


Good luck 🍀👍


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I test it and in 18.2 the secret cowgirl storyline broke the whole game. And unfortunately the save file broken to.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


A great game in all, congratulations is fantastic, I was wondering if they will add more scenes (x-ray) and if they could get pregnant more characters, again my congratulations excellent game.


Mr.cookie can you fix the goal tracker its glitching.Can you fix it


Mr.cookie can you fix the goal tracker because it glitching pls fix it

Natasha Art

Hard work guys!!


Good for you. Thanks


Wow, only a week and the progress bar is already at 64%! Just can't believe that, with this speed, step by step, the update will be complete in only 2 weeks max ahahah


Wow, only a week and the progress bar is already at 64%! Just can't believe that, with this speed, step by step, the update will be complete in only 2 weeks max ahahah


They were waiting for like 2-3 anims DC outsourced. Won't take a year to code those into the game ....


Will there be an update to get Roxy pregnant?




Bom dia primeiramente quero dizer que toda a equipe esta de parabens pelo seu trabalho o jogo é muito bom Eu amo jogar Summertime, Quero deixar aqui um pedido acho qeu falta mais sexo anal de todas as mulher que o protagonista tem relação só com a mãe da Roxxi que Ele consegue


Don’t click on the layet krows links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


is there a way to keep the old art and still update? prefer the older art specially for the older ladies as its more realistic that's what attracted me in the first place. still love nonetheless


Nope, you could try to get ahold of older builds, decrypt them, extract all the images, photoshop them into 0.18.2, re-encrypt 0.18.2, pray to RNGesus you don't crash the universe


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Kevin's story when will come?


I wonder if you are working on a language expansion?


DC has talked about it some. His main priority has been to finish the game. He has mentioned other languages might come later

Adam Ghost

Does anyone know how many Hscenes 18,5 will have? just one or possibly 2 or 3?


Depending on whether he splits the bed stuff and/or there's more than just that .... Between 1 and 2-3 ish Overview says 10 art, could be all crammed into 1 scene or split around

Dallas McMahan

Need help in solving Jenny's computer locked puzzle .....what are the new steps into unlocking it so you can connect


dallas. go to discord website, help channel. search walkthrough. some very good info on your request

William Pettigrew

Could you update my status on the live stream to The 20.00/mth from my previous 10.00/mth please👍🏻😎


So,if im right,regarding this news,we will have 0.18.5 next week?


Why I can't use my previus ​saving with the 0.18 version? It's quite frustrating start again from the beginning

Skye Dyvr

Hopefully it will fix Jenny's "Give me 500" bug, since 18_2 didn't


You don't need to restart. Just do Jenny's route and be done. You keep the jar stuff from previous build


should I wait to play 0.18 until 0.18.5 is done?


why cant debbie get pregnant? especially after the pill


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


BUG! in 18.2.There is something wrong, when/if you get to the hc scenes with DAISY in DIANNES barn


Spoiler Art is still posting clickbait. Don’t click on it. It isn’t worth the time or the trouble.


Click on Spoiler Art links. Its worth it!!


Question where are the old version save files? I want to remove them. ALso, autosave is not saving as far as I can tell.


The devs we working WAAAYY too fast a week and a half ago. I was about to tell them to slow the fuck down. What, were they trying to get an update out in a timely manner? That's ridiculous! I'm glad they slowed down to their usual 0-1 changes in the last 24 hours for the last 3 or 4 days, that's the pace we're used to...


You shouldn't have answered them - it's just a waste of time: - they will NEVER admit that the last 2 updates are utter GARBAGE; - they will NEVER admit that every rework DC made on old stories and characters worsened the game A LOT; - they will NEVER admit that the new Rhonda, the new Eve and the new gym teacher are dull and shallow; - they will NEVER admit that the pregnancy "thing" is trash and totally ruined everything; - they will NEVER admit that the storyline is pure crap right now; - they will NEVER admit that the save incompatibility issue is totally unacceptable; - most of all, they will NEVER admit that the game will never be finished. So, let's leave them alone and let them worship their god. Peacefully.


Aaaand I'm pulling my money. It's obvious this is a scam. The game was promising during the teacher and Roxxy updates, but it had been trash since. Rushed updates that ruin the continuity of the story. The pregnancy stuff doesn't do it for me. They literally stop working on the game for extended periods of time. So much promise has gone to shit for the last year. These last 2 updates killed the game.


For jenny story, fucking jenny without her consent was more realistic and hot, now it all got changed, at least the bed scene should be kept intact...


I agree with you, the only thing I disagree is the scam.


i give up! Anyone know how to get the third batch of magazines?? I have searched everywhere in the school multiple times... I got the one from the teacher lounge and from Kevin in the cafeteria. Help!


Town map &gt; basketball court &gt; on the ground near the trash bin


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!




Wtf pal, from 0% to 64% it took less than one week and now it is taking more than 2-3 weeks to reach 100% from 87%???


nevertheless, 4 days to go...


I believe we will see the new update after June 1, easy to see why.


Are you kidding me?? The "%" was 89% yesterday and today it just turned back to 87%!!


Now it's 90% but they play with the number of bugs, in a nutshell they solve 2 and increase by 4. Everything to arrive in June and collect the money.


No he's doing his job


i didn’t know being a parasite was a job. nice to know. Uninvited, he spams clickbait links on someone else’s website to lure unsuspecting people to websites where adware/malware could infect their computer or phone and making a few pennies along the way for their selections. did i miss anything?


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


Any hints on where to find a fishing pole?... Been all over the map, clicked on everything (I think).

No one you know

It's in the attic of your house (accessed with the key on the hook outside kitchen and the stool in the garage)


Bro it's been 3 weeks


so WTF is that dexter fight about... do you think that everyone has like super human reflexes or something i have full stats and you dont even get 1 sec to do the Q.T.E. is my game bugged?


It's really a long time to update 0.18.5, it's not finished, I want to update, isn't this .......


Skeeta_bite Pls shut the fvck up ppl do a nice work to share a new stuff for we , and u keep Complaint ppl say ppl share clickbait


it u hate clickbait pls don come here and comment


only Complaint and do noting to help ppl


u thing make a game s ezy?


June 1 huh? Deym Dc just for 3 animations it takes 1 month? Cmon man i can do it in 2 weeks find some new animators and a manager!!!


Haha it's the 31st and now we see "40 changes in the last 24 hours" because guess what, that sweet patreon check comes tomorrow. The SAME EXACT THING happened last month. There are WEEKS of between 1-5 changes per day then, not surprisingly, right on the last day of the month they pump out the update. Holy shit could this be any more obvious!?!?!? They are PURPOSEFULLY waiting until the end of the month to get these updates out. It is so blatant if you can't see this you are lying to yourself. How long are you going to keep supporting this? These last 2 updates SUCKED, and people keep giving up their money. I WAS a supporter but pulled my donation right after the last update. This is so blatantly obvious what is going on it's crazy. Anyone wanna bet on when .19 will come out? I say not until November. I'd actually be surprised if it comes out in 2019 at all.


Amen. The last update took 6 months and ended up being just a rework with scenes actually removed! Now it has taken them over a month to add the removed scenes back. Maybe it's not super malicious and they are just very lazy and work 2-4 hours a week? idk


Honestly. I think hmm maybe we are paying because we enjoy the game or hey maybe they were able to rework some scenes, but not all and needed more time, but agreed to pump out what they had... Just saying, either way who really cares? Not me.


Heey Skeeta I don't know if it is more annoying spoiler art or you, we have understood that spoiler art is here to cheat with its links, but I also find it annoying that you remember it all the time.


Dogeek.... teri maa ki chut.


NEW INCEST SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers) pastelink.net/rrgy


Éste juego se está yendo a la mierda con tanto retraso al parecer al creador del juego le importa un carajo los que seguían este proyecto


NEW INCEST SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers) http://tiny.cc/hqup7y


Interesting, pregnancies are going to be added. But not as interesting as a nice hot cup of jasmine tea!


Aaaaaaaand once again stuck without any info.... I was all about that Jenny content which is finally not in the update supposed to be about it (pissed me off a bit i tell you) and thought okay, I'll wait for that 18.5 bringing in the original purpose of 18.0.... Tired of daily check i did weekly checks and progress was quite nice, till those last 15 days XD Now i see this game income going down and it"s for a reason, this is sad cause the game was really good, cool graphics, love the storyline even after rework due to patreon line of work; but the damn coding is fucking everything up and i really think DC should be able to afford something decent about it now....


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. no incest in summertime saga and 18.5 not out yet.


Dogeek...Teri maa ki chut.


is the download from spoiler Art isn't working ?


[UPDATED] NEW IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.19.0 (Spoilers) https://pastelink.net/sjyf


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clicktbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Hey guys, while you are wating 3 months for the next update... check at this game: https://www.patreon.com/sexnote if you like it, please support, we are starting, and are a little team that you can help to improve, and make a side game to play while STS Release a new version xD


hi. went looking for it. couldn’t find it. what is it about? got any good art to show us?




[UPDATED] NEW SCENES! From 0.19.4 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/zf2t


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. No 19.4 version yet. If you want to see upcoming images watch DC’s live streaming recordings.