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With a bit of a surprise, Rhonda won the poll for 0.21 with 2030 votes (43%)!

What will be the focus of 0.21?

  • Rhonda's full story and events surrounding school, home and her swim training
  • Cassie (the lifeguard) and her role in Rhonda's story
  • Rhonda's family (parents) and their role in Rhonda's story
  • Hscenes for Rhonda and Cassie as well as their pregnancies
  • Multiple lewd scenes building up to her ending scenes
  • New quests, events, stories and minigames
  • Rhonda and Cassie's art rework and improvements
  • New locations (Rhonda's home for example)

We have some great content coming up with 0.18.5, 0.19 and 0.20! Don't forget to check out our daily stream to watch the development live (usually around 3pm us-east) and bug me with questions!





The Phantom

"2030" is also the year this update is gonna release...


nahhh bati kaayo oi

DJ Quinn

Another poll, another loss for Judith... T~T


dili jud ko ganahan sa poll results


simbako najud oi ayaw sad dugaya ang update


manigulang nalangbta ani wala pa nahuman


What about Rhondas Mom hscene?? It said that in the poll too! Lol


hahaha sorry ,,i cant speak english well kasi eh


I'm done playing summertime saga bye

mr k

Wake me when Judith has more content aaaaaaaaaaa


Damn why is there always so much people complaining in this game's comments ? Is it because the game's popular ?


Heck yes. 😁


Why is Rhondas poll win a surprise? Ive been interested for a while tho i think that the gym teacher should be included as well


damn, poor Judith and I :)

Kuriko Balasar

Rhonda has been hurting for content since day one. That said, I wish more people had love for judith


Honestly, I'm not entirely a fan of the choice but it's fair and also, everyone's choice eventually will be put in the game right?


The coach should get her grade story


Oh well, atleast cassie is hot asf


tbh, I voted for Rhonda, because I wanted to see more of Cassie , and she was attached to Rhonda ;)


No surprise to me people wanna see fit swimmer bodies not fat floppy judith titties


What I want to know is, how are people not caring for a save option for the update?? Do players love starting from the beginning everytime?


People also want save comp, but no1 votes for it. Logic doesn't work on Patreon


That wasn't one of the options. For that they'd need to do Erik's story and that wasn't one of the three.


Reeeeeeee judith


Love me some fit athletic types. The patrons have chosen well.


Like this it will take so much time to end this game man... 🤔🤔


Cookie, you should do a vote of who would we prefer to see more: Rhonda or Cassie. In my case, I voted for Cassie when choosing in the previous poll.


0.21 would be exactly next year DC needs to wake up he has a good thing going here alot of peaple to support the game he should hire more animators and artist and a manager this game would be updated 2 months and get 6 updates a year not 2


Cassie content finally!


Someday there will be history with the director? >:3


WTF is wrong with these morons that keep voting for the most lame course of actions for the game? Rhonda? are you fu..king kidding me? that chick is just an after thought so far in this game...she plays absolutely no importance and so far has like 2 lines in the whole game and you morons want to waste 5 months waiting for 2 H-scenes about this ugly ass girl? We desperately need the option to save from a previous versions (everyone complains about it all the time) and what do these asshole do? vote for something else.!! Do you morons not know that to get the save option DC has to do a Mrs. Johnson update (who BTW is way hotter than Rhonda!) to have everyone in the new code. Like DC said, this was an unexpected result...YEAH! I'd say so....that chick should have been the very last update before finishing the game! Now you asshole have cost me 5 extra months of waiting and re-playing the same fu..king thing over and over with no save option. I'm so pissed with all the morons that come here!!!


For 0.22 DC should take the option out of our hands and work on Erik and the save system. That way it stops being a subject for complaint.


Very happy that Rhonda win =D!!! ebony powa!!! =D


I really don't care.....


Couldn't vote since I reduced my patronage. Had hoped for Annie but all good things come to those who wait. Would also like to see some more skin of the Captain's sweet babe Sarah...... ;-) Maybe some day....


Good luck with people not raging about it anyway. Then whine it took 6 months. Then cry it's buggy. Then moan Erik's just a fatass, June is lame and his notmom isn't the hottest MILF ever


She's 1 of the few girls you won't be dicking. Her and most store clerks


It would be amazing if u put sounds in game ?


Was Judith even on the poll...Yes i'm going to be "That Guy" in the comments...


NEWEST IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): + Saves pastelink.net/rdhl


like for me it doesn't matter witchone colour skin win. You have problem with this? Like for me problem is totally different why again many people vote for not important persons in this game. And still many things is unfinished. Like for me first finish what start few months ago and than starts new.


Yeah, why make the game more stable and have working savefiles when you can have Rhonda?? :D




See you in 5 Months i guess?


Damn I wanted to know about the cult

Andrew Bonilla

I would prefer that Annie’s story is finally made and explored, but I’ll settle for Rhonda


I enjoy this game, but feel that, before Dianne or Jenny were given continuations of their stories, the other girls who didn't get stories should have been the focus. Then, with 2.0, add more to previously established characters.


Your numbers don't work. Diane and Jenny got remakes before new girls because both of them were on older code and it clashed with more recent updates. Erik's route is the last 1 on that older code and the sole reason we're not getting save comp.


Looking forward to it at early 2020.


Damn, ive always wanted to bang that hispanic maid


Why doesn't anyone like judith! She is the first one you see!

Doctor Viper

You are too optimistic. Maybe in 2025😂 just kidding i think we will be at ronda at december


prob October


word where judith at B


wake me up 3 years later, pls

Jordi Ale

No se... el juego me dio un error y desde entonces mi celular se me está apagando constantemente.... cuando pongo el juego otra vez se realentiza nivel dios 😑

Jordi Ale

Que ha pasado con este juego? 🤔


"Added pregnancies to Rhonda, her Mom and Cassie the lifeguard." was promised in the poll. How will that be possible without an h-scene for Rhondas mom?


директор лучше пожалуйста


Nice poll result, can't wait to see Rhonda roll out mid/late 2021.


Don't click on Spoiler Art's links. He likes his own posts that are filled with adware/malware.


Anyone got a savefile for 18.2?


Anyone got a complete savefile for 18.2? ty!


Yandere Dev does more in his 3d game by himself in two weeks, than DC's whole team seems to do in 5 months on a 2d game. How is that possible? DC should be blazing through these updates. He has plenty of talent as his disposal, or so we're lead to believe. Could, it be only about the money now, for him and his team?😢


lol is that why after 4 years, the first rival isnt done yet?


If I remeber corecktly Rondas Mom is married and has a Husband..... The MC is not the only male in this game :P


How about judith quest?


wait i am wanting to know how many of you would want to have a story line with the Captains chick cuz i think that could be a good side story if they do it right everyone who would want that should type Caps Girl


Caps Girl


Well, Sara is hot. Bet she gotta be a widow so MC can make a move on her as a comfort then yoo-hoo. poor captain, lost at sea. who knows how DC gonna make it happen.


Nah, the captain is cool and i rather think he should do it like in a way where the captain is drunk and he sneaks into their house and has an affair with her. Best move


If that was even going to happen it would be better to do it along the lines like June's story. If you get with her the captain would never forgive you. I actually like the choices in this game because it truly makes me feel like a dick if I'm not nice.


With Ronda do we get the Coach Bridget with Ronda Patch?


Nope, have you tried reading both the poll stuff and the results ?


Any idea when will we, coz looks like a perfect time to get them :/


I really want to downgrade back to 17.5. Anyone know how?


I really want cassie or Annie or even principal Smith and Diane hot girl friend


I honestly forgot this character even existed in the game. Why on earth would people want more of them rather than furthering everything else lol


I could see a drunk Capt. offering to let MC do his GF while he video tapes, or a DP scene sort of thing. Anyone else go and rescue the neighbor girl when her mom ties her up and wish there was an option to have the MC have his way with her while tied up?

Kyle Wilson

While I am definitely glad that we finally get to see more development with Rhonda when this version gets released, part of me wants to ask DarkCookie if he could make the other two poll choices be what is coming for version 0.22 and version 0.23.

tee galaxy

Are there any scenes in Rump's mansion and yacht or is it like the beach house for now? I haven't found a way into the mansion as of yet. All I get is how am I supposed to get an appointment with the mayor.


Capt's girl won't be dickable. MC isn't a perv, so nothing not vanilla or outside of a very small niche will happen, aka rape/bdsm/most other "hard" stuff


Probably not, there's at least 5-6 other route choices that weren't included in this poll : like save comp and smaller stuff aka dating and the poker night


You can get "stuff" in the beach house with Diane/Daisy's route. And an upskirt Consuela

tee galaxy

I knew that I was asking about 18.2 and if there are any scenes or anything in the mansion or yacht yet or is that future stuff.


You tell me.... I would pay to know why ppl here voted this way


Why is it not possible to block the user "Spoiler Art"?


It's a bot. You can't ban a bot, he just comes back. Ignore it and stop clicking everything you see posted

Doctor Viper

And in like every democracy we got a second chanche 😃




Don’t click on the layet krows links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


MM sex want

Sarut Saiklangdee

Now it soon RAW for Cassie, had crash on you for so long.


Can there also be some more scenes added for the clinic staff? Is that later?


Still bummed it’ll be forever til an HC Judith scene. I mean she didn’t lose in a landslide.


I bet people would pay to get Judith scenes.


[UPDATED] NEW IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.19.0 (Spoilers) https://pastelink.net/sjyf


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clicktbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Hey guys, while you are wating 3 months for the next update... check at this game: https://www.patreon.com/sexnote if you like it, please support, we are starting, and are a little team that you can help to improve, and make a side game to play while STS Release a new version xD www.patreon.com/sexnote


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer or phone.


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait, crappy fan-made junk and there is no 19.1


Spoiler Art is still posting clickbait. Don’t click on it. It isn’t worth the time or the trouble.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait and will pass harmful adware/malware to your computer or phone.


[UPDATED] NEWEST SCENES! From 0.19.3 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/yi1q


Spoiler art is still spreading lies and clickbait. No 19.3 version yet. If you want to see upcoming images watch DC’s live streaming recordings.