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Here's our latest update 0.18!

If you are a Patron supporting us,  you can access a unique private download link on our website by linking your Patreon account here (OLD SAVE FILES NOT COMPATIBLE): 


If you are a not a Patron but want to play our latest patch, you will have to wait a FEW HOURS+ for our public links to be ready (OLD SAVE FILES NOT COMPATIBLE):



Found a bug? Report here: 


Thanks to those supporting us all this time, and those who send us all the feedback!



Changelog (0.18):

New Features:

  • New revamped Jenny story
  • Once a week, you get a bank report in the mail. It will sum up the money you have saved and interest gained over the week.
  • Birth Control pills added to the game.
  •             - Available at the end of the Priya side quest
  •             - Will set your pregnancy chance to 0
  • Take a pregnax to increase your percentage back up (take 2 to get to 40% chance, which is the maximum)
  •             - Effect is permanent until pregnax is taken.
  • Added a ModManager static class to handle future mods of the game, with the possibility to enable/disable mods on the go.
  • Side note : once you start a game with a certain sets of mods enabled, you should not disable them if you want to keep using that save.
  • SayTextFilter class to handle multiple text filtering functions.
  • Remapping of the weightlifting minigame key (for now).
  • Remapping is done with the "set_key" function. It takes the following arguments:
  •          - key_name (only the string "key_str" is valid at the moment)
  •          - key_id (use the pygame variable for the key you want)
  • Remapping is only viable for the weightlifting minigame
  • Remapping can only be done via the console
  •         - Example : set_key("key_str", pygame.K_p)
  •         - refer to https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/key.html for key codes.
  • Hidden attic scenes

Debug Menu:

  • Added Items tab to the Debug Menu. It has a search field for items in the game and you can add/remove any item from a click.
  • Added skipping forward day/week/month/year to debug menu
  • Changed Locations screen to a draggable/scrollable area with all available locations.
  • Added button to lock/unlock locations
  • Added button to move the player to said location
  • Added button to set the location's visited status
  • Added button to set the locations's "can leave" status
  • Changed Machines screen to a draggable/scrollable area with all available machines
  • Added button to advance the machine
  • Added button to show the screen's variable
  • Added screen for displaying said variables
  • Added keyboard shortcut (Shift + W) to show the debug menu. Only works when the UI screen is showing, and the game is in dev mode.
  • Added the option to skip the intro and the first day of the game

New Locations:

  • Mayor Rump's House
  • Yacht

Rework of the codebase:

  • Triggers are now in an init block as to not be saved in the save files.
  • Added pickling methods to our custom objects.
  • Moved achievements and cellphone assets to their own folders.
  • New screen actions implemented in:
  •         - Annie's House
  •         - Beach
  • Rework of the music minigame. The notes highlight in red if you've missed them, and green if not.
  • There is also sound effects and a counter of fails displayed.
  • At 5 fails or more, the minigame will "fail", and you'll have to retry.
  • Sound effects are me, recording my guitar playing broken chords if you're interested. You can use them however you want.

Layered Image rework:

  • Jenny
  • MC (only for jenny's storyline for now)
  • Debbie (only for jenny's storyline for now) 
  • Ivy
  • Jane
  • Martinez
  • Cedric
  • Kevin
  • Somrak
  • Lopez
  • Mr. Bubbles

New Characters:

  • Karl
  • Justin

New sex scenes:

  • Camshows improved and reworked
  • Shower hscene improved reworked
  • Shower bj
  • Night time visit hscene
  • Jenny bedroom hscenes reworked and added
  • Couch sex improved and reworked 

Bug Fixes:

  • The map screen now shows the location you're going to on hovering that location. This is returning behaviour that disappeared in the 0.16 update.
  • Fixed save resetting bug (with the mysterious statue - piece 1)
  • Fixed time spent playing namespace issue that caused it to be counted multiple times
  • Fixed exception that could happen when winning the spin the bottle with MC.
  • Fixed "Skip First Day" option in the debug menu to work with jenny's FSM and skip the hallway dialogue.
  • Fixed daylight scene happening in the evening when Diane's barn has been finished.
  • Fixed day/night backgrounds issues in Diane's barn.
  • Fixed overlap of milk item acquirement and pizzeria unlock popups.
  • Fixed Machine variables not reloading properly (Clyde and the dog quest)




Hell yeah








Hey DC. How much time is estimated for the 0.19. I know that anyone know How much time exactly but I Just want to play again when Eve storyline come, and I know that 0.19 will be the bigger update yet. Because of this I want some kind of estimativa or something like that, Just to wait "in peace"


Someone hands me the game link plz


Dude! It's finals I don't need this distraction! I mean... I'm still gonna play it but ...


Yeaaaa YEAAAA THE SAUCE WANT TO PLAY!!!, THx and I hope a compensation for the delay hmm.


I was gonna say I'll wait for the Hotfix but shit. Maybe not with this new debug function!


Thank you guys! I have been anxiously checking back over the past few weeks and now I can enjoy. Keep it up!


Having a hard time downloading it says something wrong wih link


download link isn't working :(


is there going to be a save with all paths unlocked?


logon to the website guatemala_Man


So its telling me to register on kompasproductions, but ive been waiting an half hour to verify my email and no email has been sent. Ehhh I wanna play. :(


It took 30mins but i got the email! Yesss so excited! To the fap-mobile!


Thanks for this :*


Its not letting me load from my saved files


So is this not actual progress in her story, just rework of what's already there?


Can you guys READ? It says: Changelog (0.18): New Features: New revamped Jenny story




Literally says Night time hard core scene and the night time scene says its under construction and is still in alpha testing.


Also cheat doesnt seem to work, still have to do all the minigames


So in reality only 2 new sex scenes? Do you actually even care about this game any more DC? Seriously you seem to have ZERO passion for this game.


Pretty sure it will be in the scenes added in 18.5 which is coming soon


I just clicked through the cookie jar scenes with Jenny and there is revamped stuff, the old scenes are much greater now, the story feels kinda better too. Stop being whiny assholes because of "only 2 new sex scenes" - go stop patreoning him if you don't like what DC delivers, jesus some people.


Please Link Donwload for free


Downloaded twice, both time extracting gives me errors.


Imagine defending someone who can only produce one scene every two months despite the budget. This is a fucking shit update, almost as bad as Diane.


Ok you are not welcome here anymore. We don't want you anywhere near this game from now on. Bye

Greg Boham

Thats it ? Looks like this is a repeat of the aunt update .


Jenny supposed to be a huge update, just some reworkes does not mean huge, huge means to many interaction between jenny and mc and othe home characters. DC please stop reworking , continue the story with current art. Expand the intractions.


As someone who's loved the Jenny character I'm really looking forward to this!


Half of the "New Features" is just bullshit! The remapping, ModManager, SayTextFilter class, the layered image artwork whatever; they are all internal details. You took 6 months to make almost zero progress on the story??!


This update feels lazy a lot of promises to this patreon have been ignored. This update took longer then any other update and there's a lack of anything to show for it.


This spambot is still alive?


Exactly man. And sheeple still don't learn! The total pledge is back to over $49K again!


You get all stats max when you start cheat mode. You don't need to do anything


With the almost year of reworking at this point, the game is quickly losing its charm.


loving it <3


So this added pretty much no new content?


Will the HotFix have a save file?


What did you expect? DC was doing more work and more frequently when it was just him and had 10k in pledges. Now he keeps riding the money train and milking as much as he can and why not..I would too. I am glad I left when I did..My issue was all Pussies looking bland and the same, mature and teen alike. That's why I left . Good luck sheep's.


Guys anybody provide link


Link is not working


What is the file size for android


i can't join discord


listen lmao im not a super huge fanboy for dc, but some of you sound like galactic assholes. games take time, shut up and deal with it or don't follow it at all. it's literally that easy.


its cookie time


Sometimes that's what it takes, he obviously didn't get the message after the trainwreck known as 17.0


Thank you DC. Cheers mate 🍻


Summertime Saga 0.18 Download: pastelink.net/rbtw


u are not forgiven


The font in the mobile version is, as in all versions too small and no, I do not wear glasses. I would be glad if you find another solution here.


Looking forward to having time to download and play! Also, Bots must burn in Hell!


6 MONTHS FOR THIS ? 2 NEW SCENES.... 6 MONTHS = 2 scenes......... 6 MONTHS 2 SCENES HOLY SHIT..... any other game in 6 months does at least 20 scenes, taffy tales in 3 months did 150 image and is almost equal to summertime or better =============== SHITTTTT 2 SCENES


I cant download, just tells me im not logged in and asks me to contribute which I already have!


I do the same as you in 1 month or less, hire me DC


Dammit cookie im excited by im flying today and wont be able to play until tomorrow night


Cant download this games even though I pledge it tells me not logged in and asks me to pledge.


Links given in posts for android send me to spyware also!


What a load of crap, cant download as says Reserved for Patreons only! Links posted i this thread for android simply either send me to spyware or full of adverts and must download software before I can do anything. cancelling my pledge, what a rip off.


Deleting my post wont change anything!


last time i heard DC was making a game, not Scenes

Support Character

You have to log into the site using your patreon account to download this version. And the links posted in this thread by random people are not official links, and aren't posted by DC, so you shouldn't be surprised that they're full of spyware.


6 months for almost anything new content. just 3 or 4 scenes . I'm disappointed. By far the worst update ever,6 months....


Did u end up including content from 18.5 or is that still coming soon?

Anthony Docimo

kudos; congrats on the milestone reached.

Pira 37

Wait, how do I access the Debug Menu?


Can you give me the link of the latest version v.18


relax morons please wait for a bit longer for 0.18.5 maybe it will make your libido blows up


you still will release a the version 18.5 with the extras?


@Spoiler art can you me the link of the latest version?


I appreciate all the effort, but I have to report a flaw in this version of the game: Master Somrak dialogue bug, I already report it. It seems not to be the only reported failure, I hope you solve these failures as soon as possible.


bugs:cannot pay sister to teach roxy, therfore next set of progress unable to access cannot give daine pie, stop progress daine not in yard after after a few day because of previous pie error

Benjamin Button

Ii it possible to get an save-file - if ur the kind of person that do not want to play from scratch again?


SO buggy. And to think that we've waited whole month just for you to fix it... Why are you messing with Pizza game every update? I can't earn a single coin from it. I won't bother playing because even bug fix will make my save unplayable. Waiting for a more stable version.


Don’t click on the dc deepchit/spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Pizza minigame not paying out


What the fuck is this? There's barely anything new, one sex scene was taken out, and again they tease another character that gets no scenes in the update, just like with the last update that barely added anything.


Not to mention all the damn bugs... And this shitty release took how long?


Don’t click on the dc [random names]/spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I’m just gonna wait till 18.5 I finally played a lil bit but it still has a few bugs


Go to hell


go fuck your mom :P


OLD SAVE FILES NOT COMPATIBLE....can't u even read the fucking post!!!


In cookie jar is new scene with Roz.....


So everybody who's now defending DC, just look at Lust Epidemic game and have a gues wich game needs more effort and wich game updated more often. And you will understand that he doesn't give a shit about this game anymore. Everything he needs, that only this $50k per month.


I gave up sponsorship a few months ago, but it was a good choice. Why do other people still sponsor? I don't understand.


looking through the comments about the bug and new features considering how much time this update has taken. thats $50k/months for you. 18.5 can wait for another 2-3 months, easy $100-150k for a mini update. but i believe you patrons will still give him the money he need right?


several errors were reported, version 18 is not stable, many months waiting to receive a beta version of unstable game, without much novelty, few new scenes and others deleted, I hope that version 18.5 brings more news since this version defrauded me.


I just drop them a £5 when they make significant progress... dunno what everyone's bitching about...


yea few bugs and unstable... but new scenes looks great. cant wait fir 18.5. keep up the good work =)


oh and some one where comparing to lust epedemic. wich u canr realle copmare. i mean DC :s game is hand drawn and looks way better in my oppinion. and it takes time to make agamer like this. if u dont like to wait.. why do u pledge ? i,m in it for the long run, this game gets my pledge every month.


there is still bug in game at working with pizza delivery, im working hard but didnt receive any money and got bug when talk with master imrak at gym then got game crashed, try to roll back but still cant. overall this game was good and i hope the dev repair the all bugs, ive been restart the games 3 times already because the bugs and cant continue my last saved games . thanks


is there any save file so you dont have to work your way to the new content?


can't download, says invalid download session over and over again, pls help lol


I’m pledged why the fuck is it not giving me the download


Kill yourself spoiler art


I’m pledged cookie give me download plez


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!

jose hernandez

Those commplaints are dumb considering this is a free game.


bwahahaha. been telling people for months not to download the spoiler art stuff. been waiting for a post like yours. good luck and thank you


Guys why the fuck can’t I download the game


I fear that even with all this they will still have many patreons, I think most patreons are like those people who like netorare, no matter how much your girlfriend betrays you, he still always continues to love her.


Nah it’s more like bdsm


We get our shit kicked in then we come begging for more


hi !!!


Yay no more crack head Jenny woot woot


too buggy, but aside that, its a shame that there is still is no preggo sex


When save file is releasing ???


if someone could help me... I'm a patreon and i can't download the early content game, and obviously i can't loggin to kompas website with my mail and pasword and they say "pledge to DC".. i'm already a subcriber


Pulling pledge. No point in giving money if I'm not getting early access. No functional downloads.


Not many people are having that problem and it’s pissing me off


I have just cancelled my pledge. Half a year for a very short update, you have to be kidding me. Bye, bye.


Having same problem with download from main site "server IP address could not be found" will wait on a fix


what an absolute fking joke. for 250k I could a) have my house built or b) have this steaming pile delivered. FYI Im setting up a patreon for my house, figure if this turd can fly anything can.


Emeyinizi sıkım emek yok aynı şey millet sıkıldınız hayırlı olsun


Someone already have the save file?


judging by the comments i'm glad i did not pledge


Issues with Jenny: She doesn't realise PC has enough money to pay for her to help Roxxy Can't view her videos even from own room (PC thinks he's in Jenny's room), so can't progress


if this creator is treating you this bad just don't pledge or pull off you're support he will not give a shit if you keep complaining but by not pledging or pulling off you're support the creator will surely wake the fuck up and do some work


what an absolute turd of an update. 250k of hard working tax payer support and this idiot drops this. why didnt the update say F**k you lol and be done with it. the animation clearly 2 weeks of work in 5 months. and if you take away the stuff not done on picarto, this guys working a solid 1.5 every 2 to 3 days. he's on Patreon because his last emploter must have sacked him for lack of input. what an example of peoples faith being shoved right up their collective @rses with a laugh. an absolute disgrace to patreon supporters.


I don't know, If I'm just stupid or there is a bug, which is happening for three times. I've been playing till the event, where I'm supposed to find out, which password Jenny uses for computer. I figured out, which the password is and I even connected her laptop with my computer and then... there's nothing, I can't get another event


I was really disappointed a bit , but I think it will be better than in version 18.5, isn't it?


Probably a bug. Just report it. Welcome to the very bugy game. Don't forget to increase your pledge, so that DC had enough resources to repair it.


DarkCookie doing that Fallout 76 treatment huh? Those malware spammers are making more progress than him


Its very interesting that contant that had worked fine in 0.17.5 is now buggy as fck. Are they building the whole Game every time from beginning or what is the fcking sense behind of that ?


You guys need to put playable female character in game (which storyline will criss-cross with mc storyline). I'm just sayin' 🙌 🤞 😉


I doubt It will ever be like that. Just saying.


Found a bug where if you talk to Jenny about the help with Roxxys cheer leading it never hands her the money (I am using cheats)


All you do is constant bitching and moaning. If you don't like it fuck off somewhere else. Or better yet, make your own fucking game so I can constantly send cunty complaints your way when you're not working to my expectations.


Jesus christ. This update was so fucking shit...


6 months later 2 new scenes but they took 2 scenes from the previous update so this is it? 6 months of waiting for nothing literally nothing, I love the game been playing for a long time now y pledge and I don't sometimes but c'mon man really if your update wasn't ready all you had to do is keep working and release the full version I can't even take shower with her which was one of my favorite scenes I sad dude really sad. New characters 2 fat pieces of shit that had to do nothing with the story stop working on shit like that and focus on the character you're updating maybe like that you will make a better character build


Awesome stuff, loving it so far!


dude i feel so bad for the patreons. this man releases and update every half year. you cant use old saves and you only get about 4 new scenes. for making a little above 500k a year he is playing you guys


This update sucks. It is a HUUUUGE let down after pledging so much too support this project. I'm pulling my support. What a waste😠😠


Ran into some issues, my game is in a weird loop where I ask Jenny about the cheerleading routine and she won't give me the option to pay her the 500


Great job!

James May

I can't believe we waited so fucking long for what was a mediocre update. Like honestly there was like no content


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Hey they are fixing the bugs now. 221 bugs it shows


I'll probably play splinter cell blacklist until then lol.


Doing the entire Jenny route shouldn't take you more than 1 hour. Unless you're the kind of weirdo that needs to redo the whole game every time a new build comes out


If every Update Takes this much of Time (2 Updates a year) the Game should be in Version 1,0 in 2061. anybody can borrow me a timemachine ?


I hear the ant man has the quantum tunnel minivan. Use that :p.

iLirr Lobeaa Art

yay finally ! so many new things !


All that time. All that money. For this nothing update. That REMOVED content and BARELY ADDED anything new. You would think they would have completely re-written the code structure to allow for compatible save files from different updates given how little there is to show for the amount of time since the last update but nope. I can't imagine actually still paying to support this project. I would've felt fucking duped.


I have question how much money do we have to give you sir that way you can give a shit


is it possible to keep old saves from previous versions so i dont have to restart each time?


I'm hyped about the code refactoring, savegame compatibility getting closer :D


So after waiting for five hours or so, I still can't download the update from kompas for windows...


Is anyone else having the same issue?


it has been 12 hours from the patrons release. plz give me the public download


WTF, only 2 new Hscenes after 6 months and all others are reworked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Nice. Thank you :) Love your game


Yo please dont let this project die out of greed. I would be very sad because that mostly everytime happens after creators get paid a lot of money. I hope there is a statement in preperation.


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


jenny's story... worth the wait! :)


Should I pay 1$ or 5$ for the access?


were waiting for the update!! im waiting almost 2 hours! WTF DC youce really disappointed us


W! Summertime Saga 0.18 Download: pastelink.net/rc5d


very disapointing update not even worth, 5 months and u release a short-ass update incomplete fully bugged and for what i saw and alot people saw this update was disorganize took alot of months to produce such a small update alot of people had high hopes for this update cause jenny was their chick and this was garbage, the remodel was amazing they story was alright full of gaps to fill and the animations next time put them early to be done cause we all waited for this animations that were simply remakes that are not new and not that exciting. very disapointing.


From what i understand, Dark Cookie was just revamping Jenny's story like he did with Diane. So I guess he just redid all of the previous h scenes and added a couple of new ones. Given Jenny still has more than what Diane has it was bound to take longer imo. But from some of the complaints I've read on the thread, it sounds like he might have removed some scenes as well :( I'm not defending how long he took though or that it's okay that we apparently get so little after waiting so long. I'm just saying we may have gotten 10 or more scenes technically rather than the 2 or 3 everyone keeps mentioning


But what do I know, i can't even download the update lol... And i also want more for a Jenny update since i was looking forward to it since it was announced in like november


If you look closely there are bugs being fixed now. 83 changes last day. So be patient for the release.


But DC, that was a dick move man. Focus on progress of the future rather than the past.


I used to support him but i am little too broke now. The problem is somewhat that people are checking here 10 times a day to see progress. I check once a month. No complaints here. Anyone unhappy can take your money elsewhere. Otherwise shut up. Freebie whiners have no business here.


Still appreciate the game Dc has given us so far and looking to the completion of it. Lol if all of you are freaking out now, just check out the road map and try to guess when Dc will release the complete game *Jk, i think he hired two ppl and was looking for more so that should speed things up


Unless I am just missing a ton of content that doesn't involve Jenny this is just a rework with nothing really new.... just a polish job and as mentioned scenes removed I can't really justify how this took so long and is being called a full update all of this "prework" on the eve update better lead to a quick turn around time and be as big as planned giving this one more update before pulling out. ;)


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Me gusta el juego muy sugestivo y detallado, pero odio estar pasandome el juego a cada rato porque no puedo usar los saved games anteriores y toca repetir todo, yo trabajo y no tengo tiempo para pasar todo esto a cada rato. y por otro lado porque hacen redisenado de imagenes si ya estan bien, enfoquense en la historia, imagenes nuevas. vamos a ve r que pasa o sino me retiro de esto. todo este tiempo solo para eso y a esto sumele tener que pasar el juego todo nuevamente a cada rato


It's missing a "couple" of scenes coming in 18.5, but yup, that's it. Underwhelming for a 5 month layover.


Man, I appreciate the work that goes into this, but that was not worth a 5 month wait. I hope the scenes coming in 18.5 make up for it because...geez, that was disappointing. You've really got to knock it out of the park with the Eve update, DC. And you've got to do it in a much shorter time frame. I hope your new team members can help with that.


The anger is justifiable. If you have over 10k individuals financially supporting an idea and that idea fails to progress, the creator might want take note of that anger.


Very much so. This update was very disappointing, even more so because it took 5 months. It's getting hard to defend a project that pulls that on its supporters.


alright 87 changes. He better bring in 0.18.5 soon yo


No internal view on any of the new Jenny scenes... Literally a downgrade from before. Not to mention I got game halting bugs twice already.


Can't make money at Tony's, I have done it twice and no money earned, I unlocked it by checking the ad inside the mailbox. I am currently at day 3.


Looking at the list of changes, i cant help but laugh. How many brand new sex scenes they've got for a year of development for 50k a month? 5? Its 600k$. For ~5 new sex scenes. Oh and a ton of bugs and old character overhauls that nobody asked for. New content will always trump no new content. So glad I decided not to become a patron.


I'm not really sure why Jenny had rework (very little in fact) when polls showed for Eve over Jenny. I have loved this game since it started. I have wanted to see Eve forever, but nothing. As a paying Patron, I am really disappointed in this update. I loved the Roxxy update and I was really hoping the game was really progressing and then this. I am sticking around till Eve, but if it turns out as bad as this, I am gone. DC please improve...


I thought jenny update would be complete at 0.18 on one go..


I'm disappointed that in 6 months of development, Jenny's story was made even shorter than it was. Jenny's new story is different but not farther. i hope that jenny's story at 18.5 is still expanding so much you can not do it


This very late update is about Jenny. I am stuck in a Big Bug with...Jenny. Its hard to believe in This. I can't put the code in the television. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Wellington de Oliveira

The upgrade took much less time than six months, a little more than half of that. Just one more update with the old code. Only 10 major updates are missing, like this one.


There is nothing new he deleted 2 old scenes and put 2 new ones. You think it's new cause he write such a huge text but h scenes is what's all about in a h game not his code bs


Either the patrons start being reasonable or the progress will get even slower. Don't worry so much about DC he's not starving. Worry about your money at least a little. You're ruining this game.


No X-rays on the scenes, DC literally just doesn't care anymore.


2 Scenes was deleted & 3 new Scenes this udpate receive. Do the Math. We got 1 new Scene after 6 Months of waiting He gets 50k ever month 50000$ x 6 Months = 300000$. Yes you read right this shitty update cost 300000$ & 6 Month of waiting.


Game crashed after asking Somrak about panties obsession


bad update!

Wellington de Oliveira

Two scenes were replaced and three scenes added. And it was 5 months of work, not six. I agree that customers should complain, but being reasonable is very different from what is going on here. And here we find two extremes. Unconditional fans of the work who do not accept any criticism and claim that the game is free and those who complain about any content or any deadline and uses the collection as an argument. The Stories of Mia and Diane are in serious trouble, but taking 5 months to deliver a whole set of a great update that still started support for mods and changed the entire art system and all coding of the game is far from absurd considering the size of the team, would not be able to do a job faster. In addition, this update may have gained a few additional H-Scenes, plus received a lot of story content and personality development, created routes, something the character did not have and received more scenes than previous ones in terms of non-sexual events.


Up to now (1h playing) i found 2 new Bugs Treehouse and Gym. Why the Bugs appear now, before the "update" everything was fine.


when can i get the public links i want to play the game so much


Because there was a pool before and eve got crushed by jenny AND diane... Iso much taht every1 was expecting the same to happen to a new debbie update, but then eve beat Debbie.. so weird. lol


AWESOME UPDATE DC!!! New animations super cool, tones of facial expressions and animations of charecters in dialoge, better quality of art, i like it, keep it up!!!


Can you really not sneak into Jenny's bed at night after the "JENNY REWORK"? That seems very odd to me.


Yikes. Yeah I'm not sure what's going on with the progress, dude needs to hire another and/or better programmer or something.


Not gonna lie, a little disappointed in this one. this is like a weak DLC that EA releases o shut fans up about the pay to win crap..


Don't want to make any accusations but DC really need to evaluate his employees and/or the work ethic that's going on behind the scenes. If it is genuinely not work ethic / under qualified or performing employees then hiring 1-2 more would definitely be the way to go.


please need link ı dont have money :( and ı m waiting mounths


also he has to rework and revamp new scenes w old characters bc he has a new art style now :/ his old art style clashes with his new one so


is it me or there is a bug with the treehouse?


Just unsubbed after this "update." I will resub in the future if they ever get their shit together and start putting out decent updates again.


is there a way to skip everything so i dont have to play through everything again?


There is. I was able to get around it by running unren.command and changing the image name in the background folder to the one it was looking for. Other than that, I'm not sure if you can actually get past it.




Gotta say that 7.5 was better. This Jenny route is ok, but not great.


It was even more than 5 months. The Diane Update was released on 23th november And Update 0.18 was released 2nd May. So this means we waited 23 Weeks or to be more precise 160 Days for a Update

Gerald L

Major bug I found, if I go to the tree house I can't leave as it keeps bugging out on me. You're pretty much screwed at this point and if you don't have a save you have to start all over again


This new storyline is very tame. Not really fun


Seriously? so are you ok with two new scenes in 6 months with a $ 50,000 monthly budget? lol Now I understand why you're broke ... it seems like you do not usually use the brain. I'm happy not to be a patreon, although I enjoy the game, I think there's a lot of greed, and little content delivered.


I know people worked hard. It just seemed unnecessary


Wait for the save or play cheat mode and just do Jenny stuff


Any1 found the 2nd Roz scene ? Or is it just bait since it's not listed in the changelog ?

Tyler Lockrow

What was the release window from .16-.17

James Wolfsen

How do you pay Jenny the $500 to practice with Roxxy with cheats enabled?

Adam Ghost

This update had some of the BEST ART! Yeah it took a long time but I am humbled to realize it was worth it. Only down side is I wish there were so many more scenes with Jenny! I'm abandoning the petty bitching squad. This man is a creative GENIUS. The bedroom scene with her <333333


Update 0.17 was released 23 November 2018 (2018.11.11) Update 0.18 was released 02 May 2019 (2019.05.02) The Schedule between those releases was 13824000 Seconds 230400 Minutes 3840 Hours 160 Days 23 Weeks 5 Months & 9 Days


I don't understand how some people finished the update if lots of others reported bugs.


There's the one in the elevator and the one in the records room. Elevator is part of Diane's storyline, the records room is on the golden compass questline.


Yup. It's replaced with a scene in the main character's room once you're able to have sex with her.


Yup. Incredibly disappointing. I hope he doesn't do any more revamps and if he does, it's combined with a new content update.


Bug at tree house, cant leave

No one you know

So, if .18 took this long for barely anything new, I would guess it's gonna be 1.5-2 years for what he called a huge Eve update


blocked with the same problem. MC tells I'll come back when I have the money when you actually have 99k+$. More than 2 weeks of 'debug' and still pretty easy and early to trigger bugs. You got to think to change either programmers or testers.


Ya this was disappointing

Justin N.

Haven't had many issues but the pizza shop ain't paying me my muneh.

Richard Buxton

Jenny wont help Roxxy and i have the 500$ i need


600k a year for little to no work, guy is living the dream


When is the release for the public tho? Bruh sound effect #6

William Pettigrew

Besides the issue with Jenny and paying the 500.00 Mia's father is not at the police station when you take the donuts to get him to like MC


I'm unimpressed to say the least. Too many bugs for this kind of development time and so little to show for it in terms of content. I've canceled my pledge, I may reconsider if there are future updates that make me feel like my donation is being put to good use. As it stands I feel like it was money wasted.


What do you mean toned down?


I give up. The game is unplayable in this state. I’m struggling to understand how anyone could deem this to be suitable for release. It’s so bug ridden that the further you go the worse it gets.


Man alot of weird people in this thread.


anyone have the full save data for 0.18?


hey i cant download


I can't download either. It won't allow me to get into the Kompass site either? I am a new patreon and need some help :(


Also to the people complaining about length...go find something else to do jesus christ... You arent forced to pay and in the amount of time between updates you can actually go find a gf irl instead of sitting there being jealous of someone making more money than you. This game is probably the closest thing most of you have gotten to speaking to a girl irl lmfao.


Piggybacking onto this for other people to verify. Science teacher not accepting glasses for x-ray goggles.


Plz release for public. Man


24 hours over


cancelled pledge, all the best.


Even if u not released it yet for public


lol pp saying theres only 2 new scenes... i just counted them and theres 14 new animations including whats been remade. The quality of the animation art and story for jenny right now is better than any other characters. It's exciting to think about other characters getting this treatment. Only downside is the buggyness...but i'll just wait for 18.5... DC def delivered a quality update.

tee galaxy

how long before the public downloads will be up and running?


Is it just me or does Debbie's art style change when the new scenes show up? Because the only one whose art style has changed permanently is Jenny


Debbie's art is only changed in the scenes she appears with jenny..in later updates they will change her art entirely and im hoping upgrading some of her animation aswell.




DC said that there are new hscenes in Jenny's bedroom but it is in alpha stage now. What does this mean?


WTF? the public version is not release? DC said 12-24 hours but now 25 hours ago!


Release public links dc




Its time to release


Common dc


Release it


Launch it


public links???


RIP Pledges


Sorry, this feature is reserved for active Patrons


sou patreon


Fuck public downloads


I'm not able to get the link, even though I'm a patron

James Kimball

its been 24hrs 10pm last nite to 10pm to nite come on


Difference between Alpha Testing And Beta Testing. Alpha Testing is conducted by a team of highly skilled testers at development site whereas Beta Testing is always conducted in Real Time environment by customers or end users at their own site. ... Alpha Testing involves both black box testing as well as white box testing.


Still no public link, it's been more than 24 hours


He posted on his Twitter @DarkcookieSaga that they're not posting it tonight cause they're doing a HOTFIX. They'll post it tomorrow, MAYBE.


He posted on his Twitter @DarkcookieSaga that they're not posting it tonight cause they're doing a HOTFIX. They'll post it tomorrow, MAYBE.


Release the public site


Does anyone know who the new person is to unlock the scene on the wayyyy bottom right?


I pay patreon a dollar a month, and I sure got $5 bucks worth from this update. What a steaming pile. what an absolute sh!t shoot. and here come the fanbois, if you don't like dont support. Im sure this scammer DC wants you to not say this. See he wants your money, and to not leave, listen to your saviour. he has delivered. a massive sh!t in your mouth, enjoy. I absolutely laugh, this entirely validates ever person "whinging" about the delay. the "offscreen" content was almost non existent so lets add up the number of hours on picarto tv, minus the game playing over this 5 month period. this sh!tbag works 3 days a week for 1.5 hours a day to earn 50k a month, and you sheep defend him? join a cult you mindless saps. Theres a reason this clown is on patreon, as his last employer clearly sacked him for lack of input. he has talent no ones going to argue, but he's taking the absolute piss. If this pr!ck put in 40 hours a week like most of us hard working, tax paying individuals who funnily enough support this lazy POS, then maybe just maybe an absolute gem of a game would emerge, but no, the patreons will leave and the game will lose sight and it'll end at 21.5 in the year 2750. I cannot feel more validated for being a "whinger" right now. all you fanbois, enjoy your sh!tburger with extra lies on the side. Go watch picarto, listen to DC and kung foo fighting, and let him sooth you with the words of, don't worry 18.5 is around the corner, then 19, you'll like 19, remember, Eve wasnt on the radar, like Roxy, until I said the story was good. you can all nod your heads and bow in reverence. then vote for that, and wait, just wait, its around the corner. The corner is all the animation done in 2 weeks, but 5 months after the last update, where the coding was also done in 2 weeks, but wait, they need the pics from DC.


Oh, your video game must be way better!....send the link or shut up. It takes a lot to do what they do, not everything in going to be the same level of satisfaction. You said it yourself, if you dont like it, you dont have to support.


DarkCookie is partly to blame because their post clearly said that the public links will arrive around 12-24 hours after the patron release. However, for those who are not patron, I strongly advised to calm thyself since you're not putting food in their cookie jar. They're not your employees so don't pressure them. Next time don't give false hopes though.


There are 14 new animations including the reworks...the quality is insane and a diff league than the other characters... you shouldnt speak out of ignorance cuz i know you havent played it...makes you look stupid as hell lol


what happened to d.c


is it worth the wait ?


PlZ put the public link. Dont do this to me


Wait, that's it? I want them to be a loving nymph and satyr couple! Damn it. What about her bed sex? Why is it still in progress?


is there any complete save data files here??


is there any complete data files here?


This version is basically the revamp of Jennys story and old code to the new system. 18.5 is the one which I believe adds more content.


A lot of people complain about not enough content within 6 month or etc. Truth to be said, DC did a lot of rework on the art, which was voted by many people even though DC warned the update would be long. He also said that he will get one more animator because the animations are slow, which means we will have more animations in the future. He also said that he planned more animations, but he postponed them to 18.5 because it already took too long for this update. I read the comments, and I was planning to be disappointed like how I did with Diana update, but it was pretty good because all the Jenny's arts and animations redone which looks a lot better and story feels more complete. I believe after 18.5, Jenny won't be needing update. Until now, Jenny's update probably the only one that feels complete after a long time. And yes, I think Debbie, Roxxy, Diana needs a little more work too. So, I do not understand why people complain about this update being bad. But, I understand the complaints about this update taking long. Even though DC and his team did a good job, it took too damn long.


Baj please don’t


Nobody is that fucking stupid


Just a heads up for those getting all the bugs in the game. If you just focus the Jenny storyline you won't encounter any of the bad bugs. It seems any other storylines that involve Jenny at this point is bugged and will you out from progressing further with her


I am following this development since 1st update.. And I watched DC all the way from a game developer now become a blood sucking vampire..


Summertime Saga 0.18 Download Links: pastelink.net/rc5d


no download :/



Adam Ghost

Yes when people actually play they can see just how much work was put in. DC wasnt joking when he said high quality. I couldn't be more ashamed that I used to bitch and complain with these whiners. I played it last night and LOVED the new Jenny

John macbride

stuck on the part where it says jenny told me ti expect a surprise tonight i cant wait. What do i do or us the rest just to be finished


here is the link for anyone but only for android..


save data 18.0 android


Plz give public link


Guys can anyone paste the private links here? 😁


Where is the public?


Guys, if you so eager and easy to give out your money, there are other artists who could use your help. Just look around. I like Fantasy Valley by Ancho for example. Very unique worth to try. Plenty of content considering that it's quite new and only gets 80$/month. Don't judge the graphics too quickly. Definitely better looking in-game, than on screenshots. And many others. DC needs some healthy competition.


Is good ??


What the fuck where is public link


Guys can anyone paste the private links here? 😁 PLEASE


Just like Diane, just another filthy update. Even worse than Diane. Bravo.... After 5 months of work...


what is the real size apk for summertimesaga0.18? is it 583mb??


This was supposed to be a Jenny update. Yet the entire Jenny story line, instead of being upgraded, has been jumbled up. Yeah you can get her pregnant, but once you do, you’ll notice she goes from being pregnant to not pregnant a lot, then there are the glitches like the $500 loop. Plus the amount of content added is little compared to previous updates with similar development time. If a back end codebase update was what this was supposed to be as well, it wasn’t tested very well. This is not ready for release. The further you go in the game the worse the bugs get until it becomes unplayable. I’m very disappointed.


Where is public link


директор история пожалуйста


WHEN IS THE RELEASE OF 0.18.5?!?!?!?!


look on f95zone.com for the public version


Youtube go to cain daniel channel Public links in description




i got bugged on roxxy story line and then cant move forward at all when diane got pregnant(something error when im go to bed and cant change to tomorrow), anyone has same problem ?


WTF i cant pay 500$ to jenny dont have that option always says i will come back when i have the moeny but i have it


I paid $1 for pledge but when I try to access download it always say only available to active patreons. wth


thx for the headsup man, idk what's DC doing. I starting to belive he's unironically fucking with us...


It takes more than 12-14h


I downloaded the update yesterday and already played through it and Im not a patreon, found download on a youtube vid


Plz link.its take much time! :-[


Can we get the game now plssss


Why is taking so long?


Can we get the game now plssss


I got too many bug on diane quest,jenny pay $500, training somrak auto quit..


i told you guys . . . 48 pass from update and still no public link because they just think about more money and they will never release update befor next 5 days


they will try to release it tomorrow...so stay tuned


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


I waited 12-24 hours WHERE IS PUPLIC LINK ?!!


Anyone know how to get that second Roz scene?


18.5 will probably be released 3months from now lol


OMG, they have 19 k of patreons! Probably they must be thinking that at this rate they may take the urge to finish the upgrade so they will still make lots of money! DC: Yeah! Give me money my bitches, while I enjoy life xD


Please fix bug


How long for the public release?


Public release please🙏


How long for the public release?

Nathan Weber

Good work, team! Keep moving forward. 👍


People give money to the people they want. Not the people you want. DC's game is by far superior in quality of basically all the sex games out here. Thats why he makes money. The delay and all that actually bothers a small portion of people. Personnaly i dont care if it even took 1 year for an update. As long as the quality is still here


So i cant make any money from the tonys pizza job and i cant get jenny to take the 500$ to help roxxy with cheerleading


this is the last month I am patron of !! wait 6 months for so little, it really makes me angry


oh also for 0.18.0 incest patcher <a href="https://lewdpatcher.com/game/summertime-saga" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://lewdpatcher.com/game/summertime-saga</a> and no this is not ''SPOILER ART HARMFUL MALWARE BULLSHIT'' either .. this is literally from a trusted ''porn games'' website known as f95zone the shitty dev also talks about it.


Public release please🙏

H.P Fuckcraft

now we just need to wait 4 months for you to remove the bugs and make it playable


Summertime Saga 0.18 Download: pastelink.net/rc5d


when public release


what is the difference between 18.0 and 18.5 version???


The MC has three main goals. 1) Earn money to pay debts, 2) Uncover the truth about father's murder, 3) find a date for the Sorority Ball. Guess I'll have to wait for the next one.


july the release of 18.5? then October another update for Halloween and December update again for Christmas??


It's been 24 hours already. Sucks


woooow, waiting it for while


i cant wait no more pls i want to finish the story as soon as poss


really took 5 months to do this, 50000 € per month 7 people did it better when you were alone better quality and speed, 15 minutes more game and over broken, really very sad


From all the quest I never completed Mia and Johnson quest coz of optional 😭


So here it is. The disappointment of 5 month waiting. Keep donating for the delays wich increase every update. There shoud be a 100000 dollar goal called "Eat That DarkCookie Out Of My A&amp;S".


Stopped my patreon sorry but wont pay a dime more for so few content over time


Now this game is patreon only.. Publics can jerk off dreaming about the game..


I think I'll just wait for 18.5 tho


Зачем эти обновы? Когда каждый ска раз нужно проходить всё заново -_- Можно было бы за 50 000$ сделать уже более глобальную обнову или тут смысл только в зарабатывании? Тогда вопросов 0


I have a mixed opinion on this update. I have just had a go at the updated game and, overall, Jenny's story is actually quite fun and works better than her old story arc and her personality. I was quite impressed with how far it goes and the pregnancy aspect of it with the updated visual art for her. Had a few chuckles :) I have stayed up-to-date with this and been very keen to see this develop further and I've seen the developer get some major criticism for the delay of the update. To be fair to the developer, the work certainly shows and I was impressed with what I played. Fortunately I never experienced much bugs although there was one that was a script-like error but the game still played afterwards without anything else wrong. But, also to be fair to the patreon's who have given their cash to the developer(s), like myself, it is a bit of a stretch to have been only given this part of the arc considering the time spent. Although I'm seeing that actually its broken over this and 18.5 so I'll be keen to see 18.5 before I give a full review of Jenny's story arc but so far I enjoyed it.


Yeah.. Good job.. Fuck the money out of every ones pockets..


Public release please increase frieze ease busy easy f#ck you man


Tell DC to give it to you.. Cause he gets it every month and so easily...


It's like you've never heard of piracy. It's literally just a Google Drive away. And not much new to jerk off to quite honestly. Hell, a lot of content was actually REMOVED. But please do continue to deepthroat DC.


Love for judith yet?....


when release public link exactly?


She never won a poll and probably won't win 1 anytime soon, so nope. Your best hope is to botspam the 0.21 poll in the coming months and prey to RNGesus you bribed him enough to get Judith to win


Fail update


I miss the smaller .5 updates.

tee galaxy

so are we going to get apublic download or is he making available to only patrons now.


Is anybody else having trouble with this release? It won't let me pay Jenny the $500 to teach Roxxy Cheer routine


same and it bug out when she give birth


i never she jenny kaned while being pregnant neither i dont know why


bug report: master somrak second lesson, 4 or 5 grey page with ignore, delete and copy stuff...


i cant get jenny on phone in dining room ive skipped days and trying to follow walkthrough


The game is free as of now and Public links will arrive around 12-24 hours after the patron release. 2 days passed and there is no public links. with respect , f*ck U DC


Public Release is coming out on the Hotfix, should come out today. Just checked their discord. You should join it just to make sure you aren't behind on news.


ya van 2 dias y aun no sale publica, quisiera y tengo para colaborar pero no tengo tarjeta de crédito :(, ojala hubiese otra manera!.


If you read the Discord announcements you will find that they found a last minute game breaking bug so they are holding off on releasing the Public so it can be hot fixed. So with all due respect @Golaby, Go fuck your self you impatient fuck nut of a troll.


Guys, as we're going to meet ourselves for version 0.19 only next year, in antecipation i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.


DC there could have been more and i would like the sneak in room thing back but other than that it was good i liked it so far


yeah, too bad you don’t do anything artistic or interesting enough for someone to pay you. so why not instead trash someone actually doing something, right?


So is there any adult content for pregnant Jenny?


6 months 300k for this :D i used to love this game but no more :D i can't even get hard now. better play some japanese simulation hentai games


I do not care, he should publish the link in time, it's up to me to decide whether to download or wait for the Hot Fix. you better shut the fuck up and suck the DC Balls, I dont need your respect , DUDE


Guys, tell me, after Jenny pregnancy theres nothing more content in this update? Is this half of the year work?


6 months and over 300k for about 15 mins of new shit ... could have made an entire indie rpg with that time and money , DC laughing all the way to the bank .


there is any content after jenny get pregnant? because when i visit jenny. there is only two option.


Nope, you get her preg and that's it. All preg girls are/will be the same


nani? 1 month for a small dlc patch? HAHAHAHAHAHA this is next level scamming shit .. he's literally sucking all the money dry like a lil vamp


NEWEST IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): + Saves pastelink.net/rdhl


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


there are still bugs in version 18.2, I can not play never passes the screen with the logo


this shtt is full of bugs. almost 6 months for this? and they crippled most of the stories. glad I won't waste my money on you scammers


NEWEST IN-GAME SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers): + Saves pastelink.net/rdhl


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Can u smash the nun

William Jackson

Nice update, but I gotta say: I think I preferred Jenny's old route.


i miss the older art for the older ladies it was more realistic. that being said I still love the game


Please make a sound like having sex in real


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


NEW INCEST SCENES! From 0.18.5 (Spoilers) http://tiny.cc/hqup7y


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


summertime saga is my favoritegame


[UPDATED] NEW SCENES! From 0.19.0 (Spoilers) https://pastelink.net/sjyf


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clicktbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!