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We're just added a new wallpaper feature on our website that Patrons can access. 

See it here: https://my.kompasproductions.com/wallpapers

 There you can see previously released wallpapers as well as new ones. More wallpapers to come as we get closer to the release! <3





Great Wallpaper it's really cool


Nice but for some reason I can't access the wallpaper page (it's greyed out). Do you need a specific patron level for it?


The link doesn’t work for me. It’s not grayed out; it just doesn’t do anything.


It seems you need to pay $10 a month to see the wall paper


Yes, it is in the 10$ patreons rewards : "exclusive wallpaper"


Wrestling... I can't wait to do a piledriver!


Seems like the email went to all tiers, but wallpaper access is behind the $10+ pledge level. I can't access it at my current level either.


More story for the coach

Bruce Wayne

Great new feature team!! Although I was hoping for more Jenny or even Debbie wallpapers ;)

Bruce Wayne

I see many people here complaining that it is for $10 Patron supporters. That is not the case since I'm a $1 Patron and I have access to it. It's probably a glitch and it will get fixed soon.


i'm 1$ too and i have acces

Gray Metal Fox

Wow, coach Bridget is a Lucha Libre!


Woah, sexy muscles :) YUM !!!!


Coach Bridget have added some "multivitamins" to her diet


maybe there gonna be mission with coach Bridget,where we learn that she is lucha libre




When 0.18 gone release


The Coach as a wrestler makes sense, i'll take a smack down ;-)


Ah man, you guys did awesome with the coach. This makes me excited for the future.


Sad the wallpapers are for $10 and up pledges. I'd pay more but the time it takes for updates is a deterrent for me.


I'm a 1$ and I can see the posts


In their actual website you can only see the wallpapers if you are at $10.


please please please have the gym teacher suck off MC wearing that mask!


Awesome job may not be everyone cup of tea but I'm down with muscular women can't wait!


Can we get a wallpaper of Diane in that white nightie....? So cute.


Pay up the 10$/month, go into the wallpaper section daily, pray to RNGesus there's 1 someday, enjoy


dont know why u guys keep changing ur Artstyle. I find the old ones much better.


Yeah I agree a wallpaper of diane in the white nightie would be most awesome. And quite possibly in some kinda plse with Debbie? either way would be great if possible.


$10 might give DC tears of joy but mine would be tears of pain. That pays for my phone, or gas for the month. I'd consider $5 if there was a new wallpaper every other week.


im debating canceling my money, as they keep spending time on wallpapers and other pointless stuff, rather than putting that time towards the game. much rather have the game faster over wallpapers. but then, they seem to be messing up good characters when they do work on the game, so who knows.


Needs to amend this post to make it clear that only some Patrons will get access to the wallpapers. I'm not overly fussed as I wouldn't use them but seems a little underhand to offer them to all Patrons then do the old switcheroo and make them $10pm and higher only.


How many wallpapers are there so far? Besides the three Jenny ones


There were 2 Roz/3 coach and a few others, so about 10-12 by now


it was a bummer move to change the Patreon price tier. I have been a solid $5 pm for a while now and loved the first two Jenny w/p's but was gutted with the change. :-(

Delphi Castillo

I want to see but acces denied


It's wack and just greedy they would do that with the price. I see them losing a lot of patrons making a move like this. Considering how much these guys are pulling in per month, absolutely asinine


What move ? Putting wallpapers behind 10$ ? You do know many (most) devs put beta builds behind paywalls, some even higher than 10$/month ..... Losing some artwork for not paying 10$ isn't the end of the world, unless you can't live without Jenny un-panty'ing herself on your screen


sad lol


Hey, how about to hell with the wallpapers and you focus on finishing the game. 53k a month and it’s taking 6 months for an update? This is fucking ridiculous.


I'm sure crying on a 3 months old post will wake him up good. Also, him taking 1-2 hours to make a wallpaper = the other 4 dudes working with him taking their time to code and bugfix the 80%+ of the game he doesn't do

tee galaxy

hey I just noticed a small inconsistency. When you encounter Ivy at the pool, she has pubic hair but not in the massages. I guess that's my perfectionism, LOL.


Pool model is old school, Pink's model is newer for Jenny's remake. Just like Debbie is new on Jen's but old on her own route


Well I am going to wait as long as it takes I really want to band the chicks at the pool gigadeegoo