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The train never stops and as you may already know, 0.18 (Jenny update) and 0.19 (Eve update) are coming up! However, we'd like to know what you'd like us to work on afterwards in 0.20!

For those who are Patrons (Tier 2+), connect to our website to access the poll 

here: https://my.kompasproductions.com/vote 


Here's a list of the poll options:

  •  Erik extended story with more content and improved art. New sex scenes with Mrs. Johnson and June as well as their pregnancy. Move their story to new codebase, allowing for save file compatibility. 
  •  The main story, Maria and her pregnancy, the car dealership, bad guys and father plot. Mayor Rump family events and sex scenes. 
  •  Roxxy, Crystal, Becca & Missy pregnancy. Improve and convert their character art to new rig system. More ending story with Crystal. (Smaller update) 
  • Debbie pregnancy. Improve and convert her art to new rig system. Tie some loose ends with her story as well as pregnancy ending. (Smaller update) 

The poll will end in 24 hours! Thank you! <




Debbie Debbie Debbie Debbie Debbie


More like event like the diner with Diane,debbie, Jenny and MC hahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahaha funny as F I was about to wake up my son HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA +10




I want to buy a car!!!!!!!!!


We need that save damn it!


I recommend voting for Debbie. As mentioned, a smaller update so shouldn't take as long. Great job done with current update and would be nice to see Debbie's story through to completion. After that, I'm all for the main story line to continue...


Judith, for once do simething with judith




This was about the perfect time to remove my dollar, honestly. The options are all fine, but a Judith option on its own should’ve been available. Wish the game and team nothing but the best, but I’m just gonna bounce for now.




Keep saves!... I always stop playing after doing the same beginning quest lines over, and over.


we don't need small update, we need more content for main story, could anyone tell what is the meaning of pegnancy system pls? i found it kind of meanless in -0.17 and future.


Main story


After the sneak peek we got this update, it's gotta be Maria.


it has to be erik story right we get to save and have a big update cause we really need a save


I hope that I can add a plot line that I can have at the same time in the part of the person who must make a choice.


Wow.. What's with all the pregnancy? It's like being on Oprah, "You get pregnant, you get pregnant, EVERYONE GETS PREGNANT!"


Roxxy and gang.


Roxxy and eve


I'm not really interested in *any* pregnancy storylines. Will there ever be any ability to save between versions? It gets to be a real grind, even with cheats enabled.


I'm definitely interested in more Erik storyline. I've been itching for some more sex lessons from Mrs. Johnson while the boys tag team her lol. Plus since he's our best friend, and since he's so generous to share his mom, maybe we should invite him over to share ours sometime too? XD


Been a supporter for some time now and tbh the last update was disappointing. What's with the pregnancy stuff dude, it's really unnecessary, the update with Roxxy kicked ass with the amount of content and now this. There are bunch of characters you can work with, the lifeguard for example, Judith, Pizza chick, I dunno, bunch of them, dump This pregnancy stuff.


none of the above .... whats with the pregnancy. Darkcookie has an infatuation with pregnancy. Summertime saga was a game about pickup and bangning chix and now its lets raise children . what happens to the children 9 months later? Every women in town is gonna have his kids ...then what? I would focus on the main plot, add more sex options , more positions , a more hardcore mode thats more dirty. Continuing the debbie love plot, romance with more toons, trying to find an end game that doesnt include you having 200 kids. LOL




ignore the haters. update was great. impregnate everyone and have all the kids. double the towns population with your spawn.


Vote for Erik and stop redoing everything instead of just the new stuff


Poll results speak for themselves so far : people never vote for the most bitched about feature : save comp. After the poll ends and it doesn't win, you'll all yourselves to blame if we gotta wait another 4 builds to be able to save comp


Roxy and the gang maybe Eve aswell. ^^


Im guessing that they need to do these updates first to convert everything to the new system. Cult will probably be available after 0.21 or so. Or maybe it's included in the main story progression.

Brandon Shane

Hah... I was sorta hoping for Annie plot next, but the main story is good too! Some closure on that aspect of the game will be nice.


We all want save compatibility but no one votes for it : / Was also hoping for Judith and Annie as well.


Want a small update so voted for Debbie. To wrap everything up with the Brunettes


Vote for mayor rump people Think about ivanka


Stop complaining about not being able to save between versions it's really not that big of a deal. If you don't enjoy the game and its story enough to play it over again then just skip all the conversation just to get to the scenes you are really looking for. The game doesn't take that long that way. Personally, I like that cookie is doing the pregnancies of all characters. He's trying to touch on peoples fantasies. I fully support that. Go crazy cookie! This game is meant to be entertaining. That being said I do wish there was more to version 0.17 update considering the time it took for it to come out. Please with the next updates add a little bit to Judith and Annie's story, please.


hi thanks for all the work my vote is judith or maria.


Judith!!!!! It's time to do more with her


Why is this developer obsessed with pregnancy?


everyone here seems to have a pregancy fetish. Me, however, I find it a major turn off


Save update not going to be implemented unless you guys vote for it so don't complain not able to save


I think pregnancy makes the game more original and more unique. Great job Dark Cookie!


Is Judith going to have any new animations or story along with that potential life guard too?


Why so much pregnancy ?


Is anyone else stuck on the basketball court the first time they talk to Missy and Becca. The Map won't turn green and there's not "Leave Here" sign.


How about a non-pregnancy option?




my vote is maria and father plot ...and pregnancy option is good tho its seems realistic nice job

Kenneth Winkelman

I'm all for something the MC's father and that plot, but at the same time I'd also like to see something done with Judith, Coach Bridget, and possibly Ms. Johnson doing nude yoga at night in the backyard as well. Give the MC some added peeping pleasure.


Personally I'd vote for Erik update. I honestly don't care much about the Mrs. Johnson storyline, but getting to have saves carry over would be REALLY nice and I'd rather just get it out of the way.


The main storyline gets my vote. I would love to see Ivanka's rump.


No option for more Judith content?

Alex K

Been a supporter for quite a while but I might just pull out these days. There are several girls that haven't been touched (heh) since they got patched into the game in 0.0x state and with others we're far enough along to get them (actually, everyone) pregnant? And what's after that? Raising your kids? Building a house? Paying taxes? I'm sorry DC I wish you the best of luck and always have, but some of the big spenders you got are ruining this game and its lightheartedness.


Because of that Judith is not an option :( , I go with Mrs. Johnson and June. In the end it really doesn't matter. DC and his team will make a great job anyway. P.S.: Pregnancy rules, as long as the story doesn't fall apart.


More with Mrs Johnson please.


Erik gets my vote. We need it for compatible saves


i would go for the 3rd option, however i think that erick rout should be the 1 picked here regardless of the poll outcome since moust people want save files compatible


The main story, father plot and the bad guys..


As much as I want the main story I definitely want more with Debbie and to tie up some loose ends with her

Allen Lewis

Main storyline with Maria, father and bad guys.


YES what is wrong with completing the names on the list in locker, before improving what is done, I DON'T GET IT!!!


I think they should do Ronda, Judith and Cassie story after .20


MAIN I guess, I do not see moving on the improving what is already done , before you have all that are in the game done to a complete point, you have Judith,Eve, Annie and others that need to do more before you just improve on the ones you already have, YES some of the completed ones would be great to advance to preg. and other things later on, Like Judith, I received feedback, well it would be hard to doo more in stall, so why not make it ( when pull pants down, the response be, take me home to your bed, or let's go to my house, should be easy, the game already has Roxxy &amp; June going to MC house, I am sorry BUT I just don't see moving on when the first is not complete, this game will never reach a complete end as there will always be such things as children from those already to continue with.


The pegnancy feature is not necessary the game still has characters stories that still hasn't been explored yet


The main story for me.




Where is Annie's story?


I hope they will choose the smaller update so we can get over with this storylines for now


could we also get the sport teacher story since its the last one and shouldbe a smaller update


ERROR phone can not call up quest list ... game crashes. At the beginning it was still pretty good.


Principal Smith should have an actual sex scene. Maybe drunken sex or something. The hidden cult can be expanded into a major plot with a slow build up. Personally I don't want too many pregnancies otherwise it takes over the whole story causing the use of condoms in a cartoon. Nah!


Main story


What about continuing the statement that was made in the dinner between Debbie, Diane, Jenny and MC. When Diane was planning on moving into the house. That would be great, thank you.

Daddy Warbucks

I don’t understand the sudden infatuation with pregnancy.


Shit can't won't but fiNish up Debbie!


pretty clear already which option has won the poll!


I'd actually like to see more H scenes with the current storyline - They're great, but I still feel there should be more angles and positions... Once you've re-played the stories, the old "endings" becomes a bit boring really...

Brandon Shane

Because the system is now active, and it will be implemented with everybody moving forward. Not exactly an infatuation, just a gameplay mechanic.


Agreed. It's like the main focus has changed from being able to fuck every woman in town to impregnate existing characters.


It would be better if some informations about main's dad reveal... just sayin'


I can't vote but I hope main story wins. Better fuck new women than impregnate existing ones. Save file compatibility doesn't seem bad, though.


Either of the two smaller updates. At the same time I won't complain if the Main Story line is progressed. 75% chance I get what I want, just fuck off with the Erik story option.


Main story update please


Main Story


Both of them have a separate update, that is somehow not in the choices for 0.20, they were in the 0.19 poll though


Debbie all the way.


just imagine u get Roxxy's friends pregnant while shes not, would be funny


I think a bug fix should be first on the list first before doing anything else


Pizza maria and her pregnancy....


Main story will be the grand winner, a great thing in my opinion.


Not really crazy about the "get everyone pregnant" direction the game is going in...

Adm Trd Ferg

Is that going to take 4 months?


i love maria i think best end is every girl is making milk for the business or marry and get pregnant jenny


Save compatibility


Save compatibility should be a priority tbh.


Too many bugs in the 17v


If I don't find pregnancy sexy (and honestly, I don't see how anyone who has actually lived with a pregnant woman would), I'm guessing I should just drop support for a while until this obsession runs its course. Sounds like that fetish is going ot be the focus of the updates for a while.


in 0.17 there is lack of chirstmas tree in MC house &amp; there is no snowfall on the road ....&amp; MC did not get acess in Mrs johanson room....erik is always ask for crown card .....first fix all the bugs &amp; release new version ....&amp; dont take long time for release new version....taking much time is to much frustating.....


My tier 2 access doesn't allow me to vote in the poll.


Power cannot be upgraded (str), error does not help Kevin


Not sure why you're making a poll over an update that most likely won't arrive before 2020. Anyways, I'd rather appreciate if you just got your code in order and tackle save file compatibility NOW. Sure, the game has some replay value, but at least to me it's used up for now.


Everything this guy said. More focus on fucking hot girls and less focus on impregnating middle-aged women, please.


Seriously what is with this pregnancy stuff? Its so off putting and not sexy at all, I don't understand it being in the game at all. That coupled with the absurd amount of time it takes for small amount of content to be added, 4 months since 0.16 came out and all it is essentially 2 new h scenes and a couple reworked scenes that i cant even tell the difference in and a pregnancy system that i personally couldnt care less about. Like why isnt there any scenes with veronica? Or a threesome with Veronica and Dianne its most certainly teased with no payoff at all. It sucks because this is my favorite renpy game but I just cant justify paying $10 a month or anything a month anymore when it takes months to push out less content then ever before and content that doesnt appeal to me at all. I had to vent and im sorry but thats how i feel, truthfully i really miss the monthly updates like a lot. Anyway I said what I wanted to say and I know my comments will be largely ignored and not taken into consideration but thank you to anyone who read through this.


Why the fuck does no one vote or save compatibility god damn idiots...


For now i’ll pass, i’m wait better for more releasing for don’t make everytime the same boring things

C. Dominic

Oh please be Roxxy and girls pregnancy, shame i cant vote :/


i really want the main story progress..but also being able to carry over my saves because replaying it every time gets a bit old


why should u not add watching movie in cinema with their girlfriends (MC girlfriend)......


Reverse psychology : nobody votes for what they want so they can keep bitching about it


Don't replay everytime : just do the new route and be done. Stuff in the cookie jar is saved accross updates and there's nothing really worth going out of your way in terms of story to replay in each update

C. Dominic

I believe that there will be a small update between .17 and .18, as i see really dumb to show x-mas features but uptade it in february


~7 left on the poll and the tards have already spoken : save comp is 3rd ..... Anyone coming out here to bitch about it from now on should just ban himself, since everyone and their mom could have just voted for it and we would be done with all the lamers crying about it for the last year, but nope, "story" advancement and naked Ivanka &gt; being able to have something everyone's been moaning about. GJ guys .....


For the Main Story could it be possible to add in a John Wick lookalike who could also be the uncle of the MC?


Am I the only one who wants more side story with just Missy? I love her character and I would totally dump Roxxy for her!


Feel like that daycare that was just added will have a part to play if you make enough kids


And then he can "solve" your Russian mob problem in an afternoon.


I know what I would love to see. It is my hope that the next arc will be Coach Bridget along with Principal Smith and Annie just so the school arc would be done with, and if not that at least go back to Erik and Mrs. Johnson arc or Mia and family arc redone. Secondly, there's also Judith, who's long over due, Judith and the two Latino chicks or Ronda and the lifeguard. I would've added Roxxy but she can wait, but as for things like the main story, as longs as it won't end there (but I have to say that parts of the main story could be placed within each arc to move the story along slowly) If it is possible I really hope that the side characters get more attention in later games, the main two I myself is more interested in seeing are Anna and Ivy.... The nun ranks number three, and please bring back Tatiana. This may seem like a beaten horse, but for the life of me, I don't think I will ever understand the whole need for the pregnant fetish thing, there only two types pregnancy I would care to see in this game are either by consequence (like not pulling out, not using a condom, etc.) which should lead to an immediate game over. The second one would be an end game time skip when the MC chooses which woman to settle down with. If there must be pregnancy added then all I can ask for is please let it be a choice, like at the beginning after you named the MC where you can choose to cheat or not.....Same for ''traps'' just my opinion that's all.


Everything is optionnal : just cum outside if you don't like big bellies and crying kids


All those options sound great, especially the Debbie pregnancy, but if i could vote I'd vote for Erik since I think it's most important to get everything on to the new codebase before moving forward. Although, I'd substitute Mrs Johnson and June pregnancies for Debbie and Jenny.


All the woman get pregnant by the main character? That would be awesome


I would like to see the two "smaller updates" be done first so we can get past them before more time is spent waiting for the larger / more complex updates. As part of a smaller update, make Roz a GILF rather than a floppy tit hag so that any sex scene(s) with her are more enjoyable rather than sickening. Also, I would like to see something done with Capt. Terry and his GF, and maybe threesomes with Mia and her mother, as well as Jenny and Debbie. Also, as a bigger update option, all of the various possibilities in the Mall (cinema, etc.).


Mia+her mom is never happening, Patreon said nope to wincest last year


PLEASE do an update on Judith or the Athletic/muscular girls PLEASE!!


I'm hoping that MC can "book appointments" for his lady friends, or an option not to impregnate them all.....


Why dumb Roxxy when your allow to have sex all three character anytime?


Just pregnancy all the way


Where is an Option for Judith, Rhonda and Cult?


Judith and Rhonda please


Heh...by the time I got to the poll, the result was beyond doubt. O.o


More facials and swallowing for the sex scenes! Less of this preggo shit


Love the new version, keep up the good work. Need more content for Mia


Ad more romantic intent in his quest for Mia, maybe he serenades her by playing the guitar, brings her flowers, takes her a cruise, etc. Maybe that's a little corny for some, but it's not all about bang bang, that makes a good story.


More anal please




I need better notice for this shit. fucking patreon notices me on all kinds of stupid shit except for these 24hr poles.


I know that the poll is for tier 2 but if it counts for anything main sotry and maria would be insane! she needs a good pounding, that fat italian, does nothing for her! Same could be said for Annies mom! MC needs to cuck these fools!


We need to see anal for all the caracters I think we will really appreciate it perhaps as a reward for something we complete that Will be really good milf and anal yummy


At this point I don't care what then next update is... I would like one (any) character to have an ending to the story... or at least stop removing things from the story. Like the camera in the Library, positions with Diane, being able to advance Erik's story.... I like the changes but consistency is good too. Heck i can write some code in Python if you need an hand... I would just like an idea of these characters being added or finished... Coach Bridgitte, Eve, Judith, June, Anne, Rhonda....even Kevin (not really) that would finish the school... I don't see Lopez or Martinez going anywhere...


Roxxy update would have been loads better if there was more focus on just Roxxy. Her friends are already quite intertwined with her current story and I don't think Crystal really needs to be a factor beyond what her presence is now.


Camera in library was for the (now obsolete) school homework &gt; librarian will have an update on her own. All the girls listed are either included in another update (June with Erik, Eve is in 0.19) or need to be polled to have stuff added. As to why most of them weren't in the last poll, go ask DC on the stream/Discord


Hey can someone give me help. I’m stuck on the strength stat quest. I’ve given Eric the game and he’s working the cafeteria. I’ve talked to Kevin several times and he says I’ll see you at the gym later but I can ever get him to show up. Have I missed something in there?


I agree with Jaques Parblue, Roxxy, since she is like the main selling girl of the game, should get a more developed story. On a side note, I would also love a Debbie pregnancy story.


As to trying to get to lifting with Kevin, I’ve tried on several different days. I’m completely maxed on all attributes and cannot seem to get to the weightlifting part.


First thing in the morning, or last thing at night are usually when Kevin is in the gym during the week.


Dark Cookie, I love the new updates to the game/story, great job, keep it up!


Do I have to start a new game in order to play with the new updates?


Wish the pregnancies were optional and acted like a decision tree where story goes one way or other depending on what you do. But definitely more Lucy! She deserves better. Excited to see more of Eve in hopefully near future. The Ms. Johnson/Erik story seems to be mucked up though. It stops progressing after catching the breastfeeding. Happened in 16 too. Be nice to win over Jenny have jer stop being a bitch lol All in all though like the moderate story changes though. Just mot a fannof being pushed to the pregnancy lol


The answer from the Devs about pregnancy’s is not to use the cum inside option


yep. got to be a good truck driver. back out without losing your load!


As is everything else in the game : don't do them if you don't want to. Preg was 1 of the starting fetish and promises of it most certainly helped push the Patreon page upwards. Bitching about it now won't change anything and DC won't back away from having all the girls preg by the end of the builds


can't play it from begging to end because of erik and mia routes keep on looping got Diane preg and now she not because of the looping problem


Main story! I’d like to see more of the arc instead of just people additions. Also, Annie’s mom. Yes. Please.


there needs to be a poll for the 1 patreons, we are small but hold the majority


Longer than 24 hours for a poll would be nice. Not all of us can check Patreon every day.


Me personally is considering reducing my contribution as a patreon and yo be honest I would suggest other patrons to do the same. Why contribute for a product that doesn't work. Love the game but you guys need really get your act together! Run a test before release to fix these bugs! It's ridiculous to do a release with over a 100 bugs making the game unplayable! Please fix!


DC! the game is great! I’ve been playing every scene and all i’ve found so far ar some scenes repeated or out of place.


There's a bug in Erik's storyline and it won't progress any further. I can't buy the orcette toy cause he doesn't ever say anything about selling the poker table but I've tried every time of day on all days and he is always in his basement. I have gave him his box of cards, found the dog, got his card from him, got him work and have him the game, talked to him and his mom but nothing and I did it twice before in previous versions. Is something wrong with .17? Someone help


Sure bro, everyone stuck this Erik's Story, i hope DC fix soon....dont worry bro, Ver. 17.0 Bug very much :(


Too many bugs in 0.17. Rendered unplayable because I can't advance through Erik's storyline.


Somehow mine advanced i don’t remember what the chain of events were but I bought it online. Weird sorry you guys had trouble


I am stuck too, Eric is staying in his room.


I think there are too many bugs still in game. Report card doesn't work, Mia is in greyscale, can't get paint, Diane said ok but door locked, just too many bugs.


Can you balance updates for old and new? Try to advance or finish an original character as well as adding new ones. Eve, Rhonda, life guard (don't remember name), or Judith. Is there fat shaming going on with Judith. The first nude MC sees, has a crush on MC, important enough for all the teacher stories to run through her, but her story doesn't advance. Why, wrong body type? Just feel like as long as each update requires new start seeing original side stories move forward would make game feel less repetitive. Also, when you do get to the Mia update can it please include all paths advancing? Not only Mia but her mother, the nun, and something with the dad's partner if the reunite family path is chosen.


Report card never did anything since it came around. Not a bug if the thing bugged does nothing


Eve has the entirety of 0.19 just for herself. The rest of the girls will all have an update someday. Why most of them weren't in the 0.20 poll is a mystery only DC can answer. A girl who doesn't win is 100% the fault of the lamers who voted against her (best proof : people been moaning for save comp for ~2 years, it comes up in the poll &gt; people vote against it and will bitch everyday for the next 3+ updates why they need to restart everytime)


Can we sleep with Maria with this new update?


Why would you ? This is Diane's update, the tiny bit of Maria added was purely to advance Diane's route. You will be able to dick Maria when 0.20 comes out, since she won that update


no point in playing it can't do erik route they say the fix won't come out until the next update 0.18 this is how you lose your patreons opt on out bye i like to play all routes when there an update UPDATE: Got most of the routes done there are only two routes you can't do right now it Erik's route and the Aqua route you need to have Erik route done first


I found a creepy picture... It was when you got on a picnic date with roxy and it rains, after you leave her house, there's a glitch I think shows a weird creepy shadowy girl just standing there


Diane de bahçede güç istiyor bunun için kevinle çalışmam gerek ama Kevin spor salonuna gelmiyor hiç bir şekilde yardım lütfen

Justin N.

I actually completed the Aqua route without Eric. Once you get Mia's dad to the point that he's worried about solving the case the tree that the burglar hides the loot behind becomes clickable and the bag is there already.


Same picture appears just befor foresome seen on the beach dubs over missy

Adm Trd Ferg

Seriously. You could have at least added more positions to existing scenes. One new scene for 4 months work? 1/3 of a year? Would you think that was a good deal Dark Cookie?


adm. not sure what game you are playing...the changelog is 100% accurate. see DC’s previous patreon post dated 11/23/18.


What do you mean? He's right the update took that long.


that aside the game won't change your grades now that is a bug please fix it ....ok


ps if your wondering completed all the teacher quests (apart from the jim teacher ) and no change


...can we just not have that whole pregnancy stuff?


Preg being 1 of the starting fetish that helped promote the game in its early days, the answer is a monstrous nope. And like everything in the game : don't like it, don't do it. DC won't remove them even if the bitching is epic


It all sounds good for .20 but I want to Debbie preggers in .18 asap and just for kicks and grins how about getting Roz pregnant too? Also ill be happy as hell if cuzin goofball goes away. I dont want him screwing my girlfriend Roxxy. Or ANY OF WHATS MINE! I DONT SHARE! Hero has been working out and he hasent grown any, how come? Thanx!


Sup guys. Please tell me , does anyone besides Dianne get pregnant in this version ? Also , what are the new quests added to .17 ? Thanks


no one else get's preg. i'm a little bit upset, that neither judith nor Ronda were poll-options...they were there since the beginning...and since the very first time in the closet with her, i wanted to bang judith^^


Four month is too dam long man i finsh the story what i found is new thing but four months is too long hope next updat finish earlier


And another thing try to add more things like coch bridgt when will be her story why not add it already


I don't understand how people aren't voting for the save compatibility option. I guess people aren't as upset about playing through the game multiple times as I am...

Just a naughty boy

Survey: ❓ how many players realize too that the "3 floors inside the elevator" hospital has only 2 floors outside on the map❌ ^^ ?? Ridiculous size compared to the school ...

Just a naughty boy

The barn story is crazy 🏡... why would Diane wreck her complete house for it, when it could be built behind the garden wall preferably ? The net worth of a complete house is far beyond what she could earn with her milk business 💲. And does she want to live on Debbie's couch for the rest of her life ?? There's no spare bedroom for her. Where is her household stuff ? And wrecking it would have taken much longer then before a carpenter like Annie's father could start building the barn ... The best option would have been to sacrifice some of the small unused houses on the map to create a building lot for the barn later ... but that map is getting more and more ridiculous. The telescope impossibility concerning the Mia family's house🔭, the false height of the hospital, wrecking Diane's house 🙄...

Just a naughty boy

Btw: What exactly is the bank account good for ? You don't get ANY interest for 25,000 💲, so why would you deposit any money here ??? ... Are Summertime Saga players interested in any storytelling logic next to the sex scenes 🤓?


If there are so many things that bother you about an incomplete game, or the logic used in it, then you can feel free to not play it.


Yeah, the barn story is a bit ridiculous. It seems obvious that part of the story was an afterthought, but I can see why that decision was made. I think the devs really wanted a 3 some with Diane and Debbie, and this was the only logical way to do it. I think adding a different neighborhood map in the future may be necessary in order to accommodate all the upcoming girls and their houses. It could be the referenced land that Mayor Rump owns. So it may be possible in a future version for Diane to have her home and the barn in a different neighborhood. But for now, this is the compromise. I'm sure her story changes again later.


With unlimited money, there really is no need. But when you have to work for everything in the future, it'll be important to make sure he doesn't spend his college money on mall sex shop hoes.


to quote someone else here on the page: “i forget all that logical crap, when i see boobies and kootchie”. get a encyclopedia if the game isn’t good enough for you


How easy is it to, in the program's code, shift Jenny back into her original role ? Room mate is ... a bland façade that begs a persistent suspension of disbelief.


Probably finding every instance of her being named "roommate" and changing it to whatever you want. Or using the fake patch that does mostly that


Should have a harem option when choosing relations with people such as Mia or her mother i would love to see a three some option of some sort just as with Debbie and Diane. To be fair the story is very enjoyable for newbies as myself. Stronger stories with Kim, Lui, Lilly, Kass, Ivy, Yumi, Jane, Grace, Beth, and Anna. Furthermore I believe work is being done on them along with the rest of the new/main at this moment as I type. Hopefully I'll finally get a A+ in gym soon enough...


Wincest 3some is never happening, most girls listed have to win a poll to get updated and the gym teacher update isn't coming anytime "soon"


I will be glad when all the chicks in game are available for sex


When MC has sex with the two women, there should be an option for anal. That cute ass is right there after all...:)


Save the best for last.. Let the girls get pregnant. Maybe the school girls then mrs johnson. And the last will be the main story about mcs father and the rumps.


every girl pregnant even judith


Review of this post: pregancy


I'd start with Roxxy, Crystal, Becca &amp; Missy pregnancy story lines


I'd like to see more teachers. Perhaps a hermaphrodite biology teacher that needs threeways to fulfil her and a lesbian chemistry teacher who's partner is desperate to get pregnant so "chemically" drugs the main character to have a trippy sex session to use him for their baby... Oh and the head teacher and gym teacher definitely need expanding to something epic I think :)


I would like to see this game go somewhere. The story is dead...buried alive under a ton of bullshit. How's this for a poll... 1) finish the game, then provide a series of OTHER games with different characters and situations, or 2) Keep dragging this thing out for a few more months. Its sad when the only thing people are looking forward to are pregnancies.

Patrick LaPorte

I think what I'm most disappointed in the game is the fact that some of the tasks you had to do in the beginning are gone. Like the the things you needed to do for French class, getting french volumes 1,2 and it showed volume 3, what's up with that.That should have been included with the teachers update not dropped. I would like to see those added back into the game especially the cameras and the by-product of placing them-(still photos or something). I also think getting every girl pregnant is a little much. I understand Diane because of her milking side job but it does nothing for the your character's. The dating process would be more interesting with multi sex acts. If your set on getting Jenny pregnant then it stop there until you can go back to the original premise of the game which Patreon forbids on their site. These are just my thoughts and maybe some others agree or some will disagree. Thanks for your time and reading this.


Any good game is one that has wide appeal, nobody is ever going to like a game like this 100% especially given the fact that about 30% of sex content is considered deviant. That said, pregnancies are both a consequence and a fetish thats not only reasonable but is completely appropriate in a game about a young man trying to get laid and solve a mystery. If anything my only complaint is there hasn't been enough done to further the mystery.


I don't think you can get anybody in the game knocked up except Diane and Daisy. Is Annie Mom watching the hoofed kid as well. I don't see him.


As the MC grows within the story and gains more experience I think he would find out that there is more to getting it on than just fucking. He only has oral sex with Jenny yet there's a lot more pussy out there to try. Just saying. Love the game. Can't wait for the update.


Hope we get some action with Annies Mom in next update. The side characters i find very interesting.


Need more with Judith


write in vote for returning to the old art,


Debbie getting pregnant