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Sorry about the delay (once again) - here's our latest update 0.17!

If you are a Patron supporting us,  you can access a unique private download link on our website by linking your Patreon account here (OLD SAVE FILES NOT COMPATIBLE): 


If you are a not a Patron but want to play our latest patch, you will have to wait a FEW HOURS+ for our public links to be ready (OLD SAVE FILES NOT COMPATIBLE):



Found a bug? Report here:


Thanks to those supporting us all this time, and those who send us all the feedback!



Changelog (0.17):

New Locations:

  • Diane's home expansion
  • Hospital Third Floor
  • Annie's Home (Daycare)

New Character Events:

  • Smith event reworked
  • Diane's story


  • Milking minigame
  • Drinks minigame
  • Pregnancy minigame

New sex scenes:

  • Threesome with Debbie and Diane
  • Cucumber scene reworked
  • Breeding scene reworked
  • Tittyjob scene
  • Blowjob scene with Micoe
  • New Cookie Jar scenes added

New Features:

  • Pregnancy! (only for Diane at this point)
  • Missed audio note cue for the music minigame
  • Introduction of the new character rig system for optimisation 

New character art and reworks for new rig system:

  • Diane
  • Lilly (Comic book store)
  • Micoe (Nurse)
  • Maria (Pizza)
  • Tony  (Pizza) 
  • Veronica (Consumer store)
  • Ronda (Swimming pool and school)
  • Priya (Hospital doctor)
  • Richard (Annie's father)
  • Lucy (Annie's mother)
  • Debbie (Partial rework, majority of old art still in game)
  • Jenny (Partial rework, majority of old art still in game) 

Rework of the codebase:

  • Removed Diane's old code
  • Removed Jenny's old code 

Bug fixes:

  •  Fixed Mia not appearing at the library
  •  Fixed crash on achievements list
  •  Fixed long load time issues caused by Ren'Py 7
  •  Fixed a bug which would prevent getting the glasses for Okita from Judith if you asked her to be somewhere else (same bug occurred on Mia with Bissette)
  • Fixed floating captain Terry
  • Pizza delivery minigame fixes




It is a good news for thanksgiving break.




Praise The Cookie !




Awesome! :D


I'm new here! And am a little new to this whole scene and could use a little help. So is there now way to simply update the game and use old save files? With every update you just need to start the game all over? Any info would be very helpful! Thanks


I Am having 403 error here


Anddd im at work for 6 more hours crap


I can't download yet


Thanks a lot for the work of the whole team. I'm proud to be a suppprter of this fantastic game. 🙂


Oooooooooh shit and I’m at work then going out 😭😭

DJ Quinn

Awesome! By the way, quick question, do you'd ever update Bisette's quest line to vary based on your progress in Roxxy's? Last time I played it REALLY stood out how harsh Roxxy was being with the MC compared to how she was at the point in her plot line I was. Side note, I LOVE how you guys did Roxxy's story. I used to not care about her at all, but her story ended up being my absolute favorite so far!


Ahhh... I've been waiting all week and it hits the night that I'm not going to be home.


Awesome, love you work!


LOL im coockie chip and i cant dowload the game, im was waiting 3 months paying and cant dowload now...


Save files are NOT backwards compatible. There are too many changes in the game with story line and mechanics. Parts that you previously accessed may have new requirements that didn't exist in the last version and will cause errors when attempting to access new content.


I knew this would happen, out camping will not be home till Sunday. BS!!! Thanks DC and the crew for the awesome work as always. This is an awesome game.




i cant dowload, im tier 1...


I've been waiting for this! thanks so much DC


Woooooooo. Praise the cookie.


mission accomplished


And 50k reached! Congrats!


Thanks DC and Team!!!! You Allz RAWK!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :D CHEERS (c)


Nearly perfect timing. I was hoping this would release this weekend.


hey guys, I'd like to know, for what i pay you money (even if i pay 1$), if i can't get early access release.


keep the good work




To support them. The game is awesome, and it's worth $1 a month isn't it?


There's no way I believe that change-log. If that's true that hes only added 4 scenes in this amount of time that's ridiculous. He used to add 4 scenes every one and a half months before he got this popular. Using code as an excuse isn't an option here. Chirst, how do you regress like this?


Still with error to download


Private server is atrociously slow, I'm maxing at 200kbps. Screw you everyone else who downloads at the same time




Won't install error


The entirety of the update is to get Diane preg. Everything else is gravy


when release for everyone?


We android user's are waiting to play too


it is impossible to keep these old backup?


When I just completed the game. I have to do it all over again... I cri.


Really? Cause when I played it, the day of, I played Roxxy's stuff first, then Bissette's stuff. Roxxy by that point was referring to me as her boyfriend and was very nice.


your download site just sends me to a forbidden page after i chose windows download


Been like that for the better part of 2 years. You must be new to this. Also, the cookie jar should keep your stuff accross updates


The content of the game is currently very large ... Should I start again from the beginning? I love the game, it's amazing, but I think I'll have to wait for someone to share their savegames to play it again ...!


A great beginning of the weekend. I have to ask is there a way to purge all the old saves from the game instead of just delete them one and one? Keep up the good work this is a great game and I am looking forward to the coming updates!


Hello, so I am having huge problems downloading the game, it won't ever load and I've waited several hours for it.


It's only been out an hour, you couldn't have been waiting "Several hours" for it.


is there any bug? i don't want to download the game untill the bug have been fixed.


I Just want play!


Nice. Are the savegames we start in this version gonna port to 0.18 and future releases so we don't have to grind our way up in every release? :-) Love the game by the way


I downloaded the update and I am currently playing through characters again, which characters have the new scenes? I don't want to waste time building characters I don't need, I want to hop straight into the new stuff


Well done DC and SS team for the good work! The game is superb!!




it wont download 0.17 it tells me its invalid


Metalbror. if you go to the discord channel search through the pinned messages you can find how to clear all the save files and the location for the persistent files that control the cookie jar. instead of deleting them, i cut and save them offline. that way i can start over fresh start no bugs. later, if i want to reload an earlier version i can use the old save files that match the version. understand?


Fap night INCOMING!


hoping you can help me my email address for kompas productions i don't have anymore so when i try to access the site it try's to send it to the old address how do i change it ?


When is 0.17 out?


Am I missing something or does the characters dont have improved artwork? Playing though it and seems to have the old ones

Joseph Stalin

Pre-December release confirmed!




Download link plz


Download link debo to


Is anyone else not able to download it? I keep getting a 403 forbidden error


How to download 0.17?


not downloading ???????


Tôi không thể đăng nhập trên kompas.tôi không thể tải về.


Download link ............?????????


keeps asking to verify kompas but its not sending any email


help anyone please


4 months for a menage, I'd rather expect the 0.18 or 0.19


whats going on


It won't install for android, deleted it and downloaded it a few times, ain't working... I'm still down to wait for another release tho lol


What the fuck is this shit update?! Full of bugs and errors


Diane just asks me to clean the garden and I do not leave the scene of the wheelbarrow and the insect plague is not stuck there and I do not know what else to do




Whoa.. Whoa... Hold up. This freaking update that we've been waiting 4 months for, which is a dedicated Diane update, only has 1 new Diane scene and its just a threesome with Debbie?! What the actual fuck?


just finished the game hardly anything new.....


DC is this some kind of a prank? You're making 50k a month, and have spent 4 months making this update for 1 new scene. How does that even work... This is completely unbelievable. What the fuck is the point of this update?


the update was primarily to introduce pregnancy into the game. He made that clear when he put the voting poll up and that's what people still voted for :(. I personally didn't vote for this update as I knew it wouldn't have many H-scenes and I'm also not into preggo stuff myself. the introduction of the dating system might be the same if people vote for it. hopefully not.


when are you going to fix theissue that who had saved games can play their saved game when the new verson of the game comes out?


Is there any new goal to make the progress of updates to fatser because there is and extra 10 grand that you got since the last update and it would be nice to know if there is any way to expand the progress of this game...i love this game and its content but the updates just take way to long.


this update is shit


I want my money back!!

jose hernandez

Thanks for the update and the hard work DC!


>Pregnancy :(


Como baixar


Essa porra


Caraca que bosta já paguei 20 reais mais não consigo baixar


que bosta.


link pls


Alguém me ajuda


Não tô conseguindo baixar

John Goodman

I understand there was a lot of reworking with this update along with redrawing the characters (Totally unnecessary, most look worse now) but this update really feels lacking on actual content. For a update that was supposed to end Diane's story you added so little content for her you would think this is a .5 update. Really you could have added a least 2 more scenes with her. Hopefully the next update has more then 4 scenes and doesn't take 4 months. I miss the old DarkCookie, even if the code was worse at least we got content.


Não tô conseguindo fazer o download***


can't have progress on diane history, after deploy the milk package to Tony, no more events, can anyone help me?


What a bad update!


I gotta agree, since I started following this game in 2016, this has to be the most disappointing update.


shit update, this is what happens when you become detached from reality as a dev and keep listenning only to licksters on the stream


can't progress on diane history, after delivery the milk package to tony, no more events appear, anyone can help me?


It's time to turn into EA and put up a paywall on your game mate you heard it here first, you can remember it year from now


Dude. I've never seen people white knight as hard as a few of the accounts on this patreon. You know who you are


200,000$ for a threesome


When is 0.18 coming?


0.17 android/Ios version not free ???


woooow thanks this one of the best games in the world yessssss


Can you upload to another site? My mega only allows to download 500MB

Andre Jackson

I’m just gonna wait till the 23rd update.


I think both redrawing and code are worse now. Rly disappointing


i understand the concern of most fans, but I just want to leave a word of encouragement for the dev team. Artwork is one thing, but having to work with the renpy software and python itself is tricky enough. Needless to say, this game is not a full-time job for the crew. It doesn't hurt to be thankful that there is an update at all. It could have always turned out to be a SimBro with their frozen progress.


well they're pulling in over 50k a month, so it should be a full-time job for them.


That being said, I wonder if there is any team out there willing to revive SimBro


Honestly i don’t know what is the main point of this patch, diane’s story or just pernancy system?


Embarrassing Update, only 3 new H Scenes + full of bugs, WERE ANGRY DC This Update cost 200k (50k x 4 Months) and thats all we got ? come on dude...


I cant progress in diane's story when i deliver the milk to tony there is no event started help!!


Click around Maria to get to the backstore (it's in the phone help too)


Both together. Only Diane can get preg for now. It introduces the mechanics for the future builds with other girls


What bugs ? I played through the entire Diane new route and didn't crash nor encounter a dead end

Icarus Media

Considering Corta pulled the plug on his/her character creator being used I'd say no. Unless someone can do it with original artwork.


My stand is vindicated. I had always said that this motherfucker DC was a scamsters. He knows he has hit the mother lode. He knows people are still gonna pay him because they are now addicted. All the people angry for 0.17 will wait for 0.18.


when i try to download it sends me to blank page the says 403 Forbidden


i am stuck where it says diane wants to increase milk production.


Why would it be here ? It's 100% unofficial and could get DC banned from Patreon


Force him to hire more/better/faster coders, that's the main problem. He won't go down from doing all the art alone


Quit calling group sex where the women do virtually nothing with each other threesomes or foursomes. Cause it is group sex and not the same thing! I know this because I have seen it in porn and I have actually been in threesomes and foursomes and this is not it! I do not call Diane and Debbie kissing for 2 seconds then not touching each other during the actual act a threesome. For fuck sake the last update was the same BS as this one.. and fuck you trolls in advance if ya dont like what I am saying!


There's always bugs and the bugfixed version will still have some


Nope, not until at least 0.20 and that's a huge maybe since you have to get people to vote for it (which they didn't do for 0.19)


That's not a question : you have to restart for every new update. Until people vote for save comp (which they won't and even then, it would only be for 0.20+)


Question? How does the pregnancy Mini game


Download link yr......


100% complete so why ?


Download link


HALLELUJAH! Merry Christmas everyone! xD wait.....


DC please remove "DC Pussy" that SPAM


uhh yeah if .18 is gonna be like this gonna wait for .20


I cant order the orcette(playing the android version)


Download link for Android plz


iam so excited!


For anyone complaining about the lack of story content: This was a very technical patch that involved huge reworks to the codebase and a new rig system. Just because the effort that went into this isn't as immediately evident as one with a bunch of new H-Scenes, doesn't mean it wasn't there. A lot of work went into this, and it had to happen.


So DarkCookie team, you guys better prep for on 0.18. No rush or pressure. Just good luck and thanks a million.


Hey DC, thank you for the new update. I was wondering, is Principal Smith related to Debbie and Diane? Would be an interesting plot twist. Thanks and looking forward to the next update.


You do know build numbers are completely new updates, right ? And that 0.18 is for Jenny's remake ?


There's no family ties between any characters since Patreon said nope to wincest


Omnikuken you have played all the way thru the new update, could you help me out? I'm kinda stuck with no clue what to do next.


Paywall as in patron only or paywall as in "pay to have chars unlocked and skip the grind" ?


what to do with the statue


I stuck to find way to increase milk production, can someone helpme?


In wanted to ask about the Major house is unlocked ? those who played the v.17 please tell me


I’m stuck, it says Debbie wants me to deliver something to Diane and yet there’s no dialogue telling me nor any option to choose. Help please!


From now how much time is left for public link


What's the Smith event that they reworked?


android ?


Keep getting a 403 forbidden error every time I try to download this update, what's up with that? Is the android link broken or something?


Kevin won't appear in the gym just stays in the cafeteria.


Yeah, thank you dc finally out. This game the best because there is only one ;). The most satisfying game I have ever seen. In every way and Choices.


Diane is in the barn and i cant progress the story...


Great work! There are isssues with storylines conflicting eachother. Characters cannot be in the shower and downstairs at the same time and many character events are conflicting eachother. It will be tough work figuring that out. Diane's new story line and the new character developments are fantastic. Keep it up, the writing and tought put into this game is truly impressive.


How to unlock the last scene of diane? the hint asks me to ask how to continue increasing the milk but it is at the end of pregnancy and it does not let me ask about the baby.


100% complete but why , download link

Marty McLean

Eric won't come out of the basement. Restarted the game 3 times and the fat bugger won't budge.


What's the Smith event that they reworked?


AHAHA, update took 4 months and then download is delayed for 12 hours for non-patrons for no reason. It's hilarious. I think DC should increase 12 hours to several months xD


when do you believe old save files will become compatible


hey getting error code and the bug is reported as the verson cannot be selected was reported under 0.16 verson only but today... and it gets stuck on Roxxys bathroom schene as the 2 friends dont let the MC go thru...


Wonder if anyone could help me. I'm at the final (I think) stage of Dianes pregnancy but I don't know how to progress it. There's no option to ask about the baby and no sex option anymore.


Nevermind. Immediately after posting I got the text to progress it. Seems it was just a time based thing and I was being impatient.


what am I supposed to do after the barn is completed? is it a time thing or am i missing something?


its a time thing, if nothing progresses just sleep it out and it'll trigger the next event


Hopefully by Version 2.0 we get more with Coach Bridget and that athletic event she was talking about.


paying $10 dollars a month you would think i could download the update know i can't kompas has the wrong email address and i can't change it hope you can help


Dude, we have waited enough, can u please hurry up and release it please.


thanks :D

philip ash

can someone explain to me why i cant download 0.17 even tho i'm a patreon. if you've changed tier rewards you ought to let people know. it. i just keep getting "Your pledge level doesn't grant you access to this page"


Is your charisma high enough? If it is not you can not passs them


Shit Update Shit scenes Shit h scenes.... Full of shit, i want my cash back


Uhh.. I got a question.. where the heck is the baby? after 2 weeks of diane taking care of the baby where did the baby go?!


Can nobody ban this guy?


Mac user here: After I deliver milk boxes to Tony, Diane story doesn't seem to flow further? Should I do something specific, or am I the only one with the problem?


Thanks once again DC for your fine work. Keep it up! 👍


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


cant get it to download, keeps telling me something about nullbytes?


dont click his adware hes a troll


Dude that link doesn't work

Acting Casual

Android version doesn't let you search for the Orcette for Erik


Spoiler alert,your link is trash it's not working


Same question, what is the meaning of pegnancy system, i think it was ridiculous


elapsed 12 hours and can not be achieved


bro 12 hrs here but public link now show


12hrs is here public link


bro 12 hrs no public link


Threesome with Debbie and Diane where this scene I cant find


bro 12hrs here but no public link


Please go die in a fire.


So is there anything new for Roxxy?


Please make scene where main character fuck with kids or underage


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Fucking russians


Malware detected. Dont download


the quest to erik bug


there is a glitch with the gym in working out on your strength. The dude is there but it says he isn't.


i just downloaded the public version for pc and it says that the file is corrupted, same thing happened when i downloaded the android version


do anyone have the same problem?


While i'm able to comment.. I only wanted to say you folks have made something really awesome.. and once i think i can, i will start donating.. to be fair you're not asking too much so i probably will soon. And i look forward to the more.. um.. kinky stuff.. and.. non straight stuff.


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer.


Guys can anybody send save files


dont click


How to install this game save ?


How to install this game save ?


What m I supposed to drop something off at Diane's? Everytime I go to her place, she's just tired?


How to download the new version


Always check on MCs cellphone for hints, sometimes you have to wait 2-3 days for something to happen. Also, some branches aren't that clear, and Diane's story is intimately linked to Debby's, you have to do both pretty much at the same time.


pls share save file if you play 100% versi 0.17


their's a bug fix normally after 2-3 days so just wait for that.


Is it only mine or the game is lagging? What specs is recommended for it?


It was worth the wait😍😍😍


Is Lucy bangable?


Well this sucked,being a Patreon,i had to wait,because I couldn’t download from the kompas site.. but thankfully i got notified for the “regular” download.. pity that I can’t play it right now,because of family issues ( my father is diagnosed with the you know what illness) . So for everyone here; have fun playing and let me know your experiences .


The conception wheel is far too random , have tried over 100 times already


Android - the storyline of eric is locked, I dont know why, in the storylines of the others characters he appears, i finish the storyline of all characters, but the eric no...


Pregnancy minigame is so hard


Ei, i cant order the orcette. I can type 'orcette' on thr searchbar, i cant press the search button. Im playing the android version.


After playing, i wonder, does this really 4 months+ update?!?


dc will the bugs be fixed by monday


Why the spin conception is so hard?


Why is the Art for the Majority of the characters still the same?


are you fucking serious? No one click these links, he has malware in those links. Fuck off you loser hes changed his name


They will update the characters' visuals in the future updates.


^^ that guy above isnt the actual Darkcookie so dont click any of his links


I chose the game from the beginning. Some achievements are already passed. How to reset it? Diana does not have any tasks for me, she just told me to bring milk to the pizzeria. There is no further progress with Diana, you can talk to her and dig a garden and that's all.


I can't get past the bit when Diane starts constructing her barn. Help!???


I think my game is broken. When I look at the map there is still Diane's old house, no barn.


Throughout the training, I have full statistics and still no new dialogues.


Tried the phone hints ? Otherwise, be more vague what you need help with.


If you did the quest to get Erik working in the cafeteria, Kevin is in the gym every morning+night and all day on weekends


Conflicting dialogue will probably never be fixed (Roxxy in Jenny's room is still surprised to learn MC has a big dick, even if you've been fucking Roxxy for months). Maybe they'll poll an update to have 0 scenes and just a story checkup to code stuff that takes account of different routes. Doubt many people will vote for that


Last scene is the 3some : finish Diane and Debbie's story, then go to Debbie's room at night (might have to get Diane preg to finish her route). Hints are pretty randomly crapping out, there's a point where they stop being useful


When people vote for that feature in future polls (Eve won instead of that in the last poll for 0.19)


Surely after all this time you can put In a way to continue from the last update. If I have to start all over again for the 2nd time then I'm done


Go down in the kitchen and the 3 girls + MC should celebrate


Version 2.0 ? That's over 5 years from now and might never happen. Unless you meant 0.20 ....... And you'd need people to vote for the coach route to have it there


They changed the entire code on how to handle character art + the new preg system .....




What does Debbie want me to drop off at Diane’s??? Every time I go she’s just tired


Go at night to the shed


After I delivered milk to both Tony's and Lucy's, Diane was stuck in the shed / tired, until I talked to Debbie one night in the living room. She'll give you a pie to deliver to Debbie at night in her shed.


How long to wait for Russian voice acting?


pregnant Mini game how does it work?


how i can unlock the 3rd floor at the hospital? or is that not in this update?


100x latrr


100x later in breading still that mini game, no


orcette is not coming


What should i do at Debbie asked u to drop something off at Diane's?


So has any know how to proceed with Diane's story when it says she is trying to explain how to increase milk production


Its in the library right? The book on breeding if its not remove on this update (still have not downloaded yet cause there might be bugs)


I already passed that part


plѕ ѕєnd wαlkthrσugh gαmє í nєєd tσ knσw.


At least in the cookie jar, Dianes fifth scene is broken. I unlocked it from earlier play-thoroughs apparently, but when clicking on it, it seems not to show the new scene but the old one, which eventually breaks becuause of script errors. While running game code: Exception: DynamicImage u'characters/diane/layeredimage/diane_pose_hay_behind_pre_[M_diane.get_naked_str].png': could not find image. (u'characters/diane/layeredimage/diane_pose_hay_behind_pre_shirtless.png') And the little glitches like Roxxy being fully dressed in Becca and Missy after sex scens are still not solved.


Eric path is broken. It loops on first quest for him


I have to buy the milk can for Diane, but I already bought it. I can not give her this .. I do not know how to get on D:


Is the non incest version.


Bye then, you won't have save comp until people vote for it in a poll


Grats, you just found out that incest is bannable on Patreon. You also figured out the incest patch is 100% unofficial, not supported nor endorsed by DC and would get him banned from Patreon. Imagine what you'll find out tomorrow


Will saves from this update be compatible with 0.18 and future updates?


I see where the money are going, into paying bots for positive message under total crap, there is no way anyone sober says it was worth the wait, sorry you will burn in hell for this :)


When we can threesome with diane and debbie?


Was just curious if there will ever be a skip option for run through text that is repetitive. i'm getting carpal tunnel in my hand. :) I like replaying the game, just lots of clicking.


Try using CTRL and skipping read messages (or all) if you know the game already.


it would be nice if you added a tracker in the phone which tell you how far you have progressed into someones story.


I understand this game has a fetish for each type of person, but forcing pregnancy makes me uncomfortable playing this. In real life I have a vasectomy and completely child free. Please consider making an option for this, I don't want it forced in the game.


For the love of god change that pregnancy mini game.. its just frustrating and no fun

Andre Jackson

I need the underground cult to win the v.20 update!


Delmont Any information about?


The grades do not change even though you have already reached the QUest.


How to unlock last sex scene with Diane?


Did anyone have issues with the three library books you need to acquire. the last book from dexter is running into a loop i already got it but the librarian says i do not, i go to dexter it restarts the dialog over and over and over.


That pregnancy spiner shit is so annoying


Ivy’s new artwork is not loading, still the same from the previous version. Anyone else experiencing this?


how you get threesome scene, barn is ready, Diane living in my house...no progress...what to do now ??


that's coool


I had that problem, it may be you don't have enough storage space. I would recommend clearing about 1GB of space then try to download again. Hope that helps!


So why is it that in both versions of the recent game, my world map gets grayed out and I am forever locked inside of the school and am never able to get out? - Scratch that - The world map icon is grayed out no matter where I am and i am never able to travel again


Just a thought for future release, How about the Bank Teller? Perhaps her hubby owns the bank and is tied into the Mafia, she is not happy about it and MC gets to enjoy her company (pump her for information so to speak). LOL


Can you do it better? Let's help the team fix it!


Is the non incest version.


Shift + S combination don't take screenshots


I think I’ll just wait for the next big update. I’m pretty sure that this one is mostly technical updates to move on from the old code. Too bad people don’t understand that.


Thanks for Latest Update but no new scene with For a game character Name Judith, otherwise I really like. Great job but hope in next update more Animations For Judith. Thanks

Kenneth Cole

Is the pregnancy game a one-in-a-million shot?


Pregnancy mini game sucks I keep spinning the wheel FOR 5 HOURS and still the wheel doesn't land in the right place it needs a cheat patch for the cheaters version of the game


Not yet,probably in the 0.20 release or if we get asked to vote for options in the next releases


the rescue of the game doesn't work! when i save, i go out then of the game reentry and it always restarts me from the old rescue. moral of the fable every time that enter on the game I must always restart from the old rescue.


Go to the hospital and talk the nurse. She'll start direct you to pills that will increase the chances. Or if you want to cheat, when the spinner doesn't land where you want it to, press Ctrl key once to reset the spinner before the scene ends


You got to knock up Diane, have the baby and skip a few days until she starts "working" in the barn again. After that go to Debbie's room at night and the threesome scene should trigger


Got Erik to work in the cafeteria and the following day Kevin is waiting in the gym, have a training session. Next day Kevin back in the cafeteria looking for someone to work for him. I can go to the gym and Kevin is waiting but when I approach him main character says he can’t train because he has no spot trainer!


Previous comment was from th 0.17 update


how i get the Threesome with Debbie and Diane?

Rusty Dusty

I'm getting an invalid download error from the kompas website


You got to finish the barn, knock up Diane, have the baby and skip a few days until she starts "working" in the barn again. After that go to Debbie's room at night and the threesome scene should trigger


I got the pregnancy game by taking the pill and now task says diane wants to explain how to increase her milk production and I gone to report the doctor about the pregnancy game is done by taking pill but when I talk to her 'yes' does not appear


Hep me put


Where to go


In pregnancy game once u reach to the corret spot something happens ? Like it moves inside


Anyone else having problems with the downloads


Erik's story route is locked, I can't go on 'cause Mrs. Johnson never appears to the gym in the afternoons, so I'm stuck. This is the biggest bug that I found, but there are many many other little ones... hope they'll be fixed soon (as usual afterall)


i am not getting higher grades even after doing all that i need to incress them


how do you actually get diane pregnant???


Are you going to release the Portuguese version?


You need to be in 1 part of the school (and many other places) for the map to work. In this case, the main hall with MC's locker and the classes


I called "Jenny" - "Bitch" - it's perfect for this update :) "Shut up Bitch..." Perfect :D


Pro engrish will have to wait for Judith to win a poll. Next update is Jenny

Temptress Games

Awesome! Can't wait to play it. You guys are amazing.


Im at the part where i have to get drinks for Roxy and when i go talk to Erik it tells me why im there i should be in school even on weekends and once i go to the school i cant leave. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.


Is there a way to start a game from patch? or do you have to start over?


I think it does help if you use the pregnancy pill that you can get to by starting a quest by talking to the nurse who sucked you off.


When do you push on the pizza to deliver it no matter when I push the correct pizza it misses


I wonder if it's even worth downloading now, or whether it's better just to wait for the inevitable 0.17.1 version once the majority of the initial bugs have been found?


try exacly when pizza is above your head - I had probllem with this in past, now I always hit right

Temptress Games

Was having issues with Pizza too. Figured it out now because of the comments above. Thanks guys.


First bug: is that the beginning of Erik and Mrs Johnson story arc keeps repeating itself over and over again whenever I click on their house, it seems to be tied with Kevin because it's just a repeat of buying the game for Erik just to get him to work in the cafeteria in Kevin's place. Second bug: I can't even continue Diane's arc mostly because I can't even enter her shed for the first time at night when you see the door creak open and the lights are on, which in turn I also can't get the paint in her shed to continue on with Mrs Dewitt arc as well. Any minor ones are just things like the pizzia delivery when you do manage to buy a car the minigame won't end.


Finished the new route without much trouble and still got everything unlocked from previous builds. Dunno why people go out of their way to bitch about save comp and "bugs"


Or maybe become a patron and then you can complain...since your not shut up


While I'm a big fan of this release, I'm really missing the old Diane scenes where she was hooked up to the milker and such. Also, no preggo sex?


the number one thing I want to see on the updates is, voice over, I want some audio. that will honestly make this the best.


Anybody can tell me, how working this Pregnancy minigame?


hey guys, i thinnk i have a problem. when i am playing this game, the fade out animation does not appear and the scren blackens instead. like when a conversation ends or starts,it blacks out, even during cutscenes. what do i do?


I had another 7 hour fap wasting my time replaying the game to get to the new parts damn it...


Lotta bugs.


bug save


Eric story still is reseting.


Can't even download the game both as a patron subscriber and the free version. Can someone look into it please.


jenny's story is also resetting..😢😢

C. Dominic

I believe a preggo belly would be noticeable after the 5-6 month of pregnancy, all i can get is 'morning sickness' bit no threesome with Diane and Debbie as Dark cookie posted :(

C. Dominic

I believe is just triying little MC to 'go in' the ovum, what i believe is a bug since Dianne told me after giving up trying to get the little sperm inside her that she go pregnant.


There's a bug where Kevin doesnt show up anymore in gym.. and the school story reset again from the beginning.. and now im stuck in the school cant go out :(


Threesome with Debbie and Diane === HOW TRIGGER THIS ???


Really love the game but your bug program is not working. I know this is a complicated process but you guys might want to look at a better program. It's frustrating to wait so long for updates and when released you can't play or save your progress. Please fix.


Idk I’m on the fence about this update. On the one hand, pregnancy is introduced and it can be better used in future updates, Annie’s house is shown so it can be used in the cult storyline, there is code improvement, rendering improvement, etc. but on the other hand, you guys had four months and we got one of the smallest updates yet. The actual addition added maybe half an hour of game max, unlike the last update and those before it. While pregnancy was introduced, nothing was done with it. There was ‘breeding’ and then after like two weeks she had the child, and then boom the kids gone. I mean the MC just became a father and he doesn’t even know what the kids name is. No other character even bats and eye at the sudden child, no one asks who the father is, etc. The new characters don’t do much, they’re in for maybe a minute each so not much there. Theres a lot of bugs, and normally it isn’t too bad but damn this time they’re so many that fully influence the game or freeze it all together. There’s still no big actual important features added, like transferring save files, sound, etc. and not even smaller ones like fixing the phone and all the problems there, or perhaps working on showing storyline progression better, or fixing overlapping storylines, or anything like that. Basically there’s very little substance but improvements for the future update, so I can’t really complain too much. I expected much more so I’m let down but next update will hopefully be much better. Idk you can post your opinions down below and what you hope for the future updates, that’s just my review.


anybody knows how to fix the loop where i'm gonna jerkoff for the second time in debbie's room, i do it, then it resets again


welp my dick almost fell of with the diane Debbie update, thx 10/10 ign.


I kind of miss the old library story with getting the 3 French books and the camera for the back room. Is there any plans to work that back into the Librarian story?




It was worth the time waiting, but IDK there’s something missing. @Jack Williams review is probl the most accurate. I changed from 5$ to 1$, Sry to say. But you still have my support 🥰


anybody could get the threesome scene?


Idk if anyone else has this problem but I finished the pregnancy part of diane's story I shaved my game when she was in the barn with her baby and I went to the main menu to see if I unlocked her last scene I go back to the game and she back in the cow outfit waiting to get knocked up


The broke-ass mini-games are why I am out. Went to go make a martini, and a mini game that you can't exit pops up out of nowhere. My last save was an hour ago... Tried a few combos of drink and it halts on "shake" no progress bar, nothin'. I really hated the button mashing on the "strength" training and dammed if I want to ever "rap battle" again. I would not even have continued to patron this game, if not for the cheats. The mini-games are always broken, they might work on android but then not PC. I want a no mini-games version. The art, animations, gameplay and story in Summertime Saga are FANTASTIC. The mini-games and code are ASS.


Ok, there are A LOT of goddam bugs this update. Like, I keep getting stuck in random places. Either I'm stuck in the school, or at Diane's place, or at home! I Just keep getting stuck. So I'm just gonna wait for the next update for you guys to fix all of this. Take your time. Quality over quantity baby,


Anyone know how to deliver the pizza on bicycle


I really do love the pregnancy update, keep up the awesome work!!!


is there a collection of the (new) optics/animations? currently im not able to play the game...


have somo problems in erik story its looping cannot continue storie im plaing in cheat version the teacher are not going up grader


still stock with pregnancy mini game. even thou i already take the pill


Hahahahahahahahahahah in the diner with Diane hahahahahahahahahahah +2000 hahahahahaha


guys how to complete conception wheel


why isn't aunt diane story not progressing at all is there a bug on it now, im still stuck after delivering the milk to tony


What's the trick to spinning the conception wheel? Over a dozen spins and no success. Do I double click? Time click? or is it just one click and random?




So ive impregnated Diane around 7 times and if i save the game and quit. When i go back to play from.where i last saved, it shows the thumbnail of mynlast save but goes backnto debbie and diane in the bed room together ready to have fun. I cant progress in any form.


0.20 patron voters. Please made the right choice.


Diane moves out after the 3-way? After the 3-way, Diane is no longer in the MC's house at night... is that normal?


Where is the hotfix?!!!..... This version got lots of bugs i hope you guyz fix it soon...


I'm stuck on the basketball court. The Map is black and there in no "Leave here sign". Anyone working on this?


how do you start the Threesome with Debbie and Diane?


Great uptade!! See you guys in march!


Well? Is diane's story going to complete? I'm stuck.. And that pizza delivery what a pain in ass... Can't even complete that.. Hope they add skip the minigame... There is glitch on screen... Need to fix that...!! I spend almost 4 hours on diane.. 😂 stuck at Priya singh.


After the Threesome, the next morning it tells me to go to the kitchen and talk to Debbie. She tells me to go to the dinning room, i try and it tells me to go to the kitchen and talk to Debbie, is this suppose to happen, because it doesn't let me do anything else.


There alot off Problems, first cant finish Eriks story line because i cant help his mom praktice yoga, after mia sex i saved and when i load it puts me way back not the right savegame. Same problem in kitchen with debbie


Does mayor house is unlocked ?


And if so please tell me how to


My thoughts exactly. They had 4 months and delivered the smallest content. They even removed one of the best sex scene in the game, with diane, the one when she rides him while he milks her. Again there are so many missed opportunities for better sex scenes and story with diane as it was when debbie story was reworked. Again this is another big letdown. For amount of money they receive and so much amount of time they take to release an update, this kind of lousy content released by them should not be acceptable. This i a sole reason why im not a patron and all of you active patrons should ask yourself if this kind of content is worth your money and what will you do to prevent for future content to not to be like this one.


Play spin the bottle at the beach Saturday night untill it lands on you in the final spin


Who elese got this bug on Kevin being there in the gym, but if you click the train button the MC says he needs someone to spot him?! Like wtf, strength training is crucial to Diane's story and I can't progress it without lifting those weightz boi! It's so annoying! Btw I've already bribed Erik to replace Kevin at the cafeteria. And I also got 1 str. Fk. Sum1 halp me plz


Bug in savegame


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


is the threesome seen only for one time or is it a bug??


Whoa this is great! I wasn't even expecting it this soon


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


seems like more bugs than usual releases... haven't download yet, wait for the patched version

Judas Iscariote

hey good work as always ! But i think there's a problem with a quest. I'm stuck with when diane is exhausted, it seems i have to speak to debbie and drop off something to diane but it doesn't work debbie doesn't say anything out of ordinary and there's nothing to pick for diane :(


go home...


Plz help, stuck on diane story. On the goal tracker it says "Debbie asked you to drop something off at Dianes." Diane is just in the shed, and when she comes out (while not wearing the white shirt) she is tired and i can ask her, "Hows the garden?" "About Veronica" " Have you spoken to Debbie recently" and "You should take it easy" Anyone know what to do?


I'm having a problem pregnancy with diane


How can play the pregnancy minigame. I spinned the circle, but nothing happen, does not matter its irgth or failed spin. There is an arrow next to the MC-sperms head, I need to do something with it? I cant figured out how it working... :(


I'm having a problem pregnancy with diane in mini-game


to much bug,, where the baby diane, after a few days the baby has gone, and the aqua when having sex,, bug or error code


Where new character


dis sux... kompas doesn't let me download on my phone... it says I must use a wifi... when I have no access to wifi... only mobile data... can't download anything...


Cant figure out how to activate the 3some? Any suggestions?


Gotta go to the hospital and talk to the nurse about pills that help.


1. impregnat 2. baby born 3. aunt returns to work in barn 4. walk in debbie bedrom - scen starts


Thank you!


hospital lvl 3. after diane medical checkup, talk to nurse then rox.


Can't even download the game both as a patron subscriber and the free version. Can someone look into it please.


Any guide for the pregnancy spin? I have tried dozens of times spinning and it never wor


right click before the scene change after you spin resets the spinner


hey, i went and progressed with diane's story, and am stuck. veronica came and talked with diane, diane apologised, i went 2 days after, and diane is tired in her shed. what do i do?


Could somebody update the wiki withe the contents for the new mini games and paths?


nvm i just did it


but i still have a problem. the screen blackens when its supposed to fade out. it blackens during intro, transitions,etc. help me. and i cant skip any conversations. help


So did we impregnate diane and she just fuckin yeeted the baby to the abyss after like a month?


i am stuck after the birth with diane, she needs to explain about the milking what to do?


soooo bug i can not save the game


A lot of bugs in this update I totally finished fransh teacher and still E- also if the game error and you rollback the game will return you to last load so all the finished activity gone :(

Patrick LaPorte

Why does threesome with Debhie and Diane end after 4-5 times? Is there more action with Vee after baby is born?


After diane moves in what ro you do next


There is a bit of a bug. Kevin has stop Wight training. He now acts like we never got him anyone to take over the cafeteria.

Gwen Evers

Yoga lesson i give him the VR set and shes down stairs but thats all that happens i cant go any more into the story with Mrs Johnson bug or em i missing something

Gwen Evers

your stuck to i give Erik the VR Head Set and she is down stair but no lines

Gwen Evers

ive pretty much get everything to work other then Mrs Johnson witch put me at a stand still with mia story other wise i got everything else to work kills me tho i did everything >_< but now cant move on


there’s one thing you need to fix Report card all of it says E-


PC version. Bugs! Bugs everywhere! I got stuck at Home = Grey Map! then I started a New game and got stuck at School = Grey Map. Started a New Game and got stuck in front of Mia's house = Grey Map. Disappointed.


Demasiados errores en el juego :(


Pregnancy minigame sucks done it 20 times and still can't win


Eriks storyline isn’t working


How report progress to doc? There is only one choice: No


Another bug. After I finsh paths of all teachers (except Gym of course), I still have a E- on report card.


When is report card include coach

Sebastián Peñaloza

How do I get the last escene from Mrs Johnson? I already completed Sex Education but I still miss one escene


There's a few random telescope events and then there's 2 paths for her : let Erik have June and solo Mrs J [OR] double team her with Erik ..... You probably just went for 1 route


Great to see the newest update, but I think I'll wait for the 0.17.1 release.


When will 17.1 be issued, and has anyone done an Incest Patch for 17.0 / 17.1?


Can't reload save brings me all the way back. On Android

Tobias Bienek

can someon tell me where i can start train Strength and charisma?


whenever i try to download it from Patreon link; i always got stuck in invalid downdload session? anybody who know what it is?


Talk to Kevin in the cafeteria to start the strength line, go to park at night and battle Eve and her dudes for charisma


You do know there's only 1 place you can go out to the town map from home+school ?


Diane's Story not complete. milk jug doesn't get reconized by diane (in barn). Erik's Story unknown problem. haven't progressed somewhere between yoga and bulliing. bulliing not possible. roxy story at end.


I play I lot of time and then I saved it and quit when I get back and load the game it starts the half of my saved game! It happened to me 3 times and I'm so bored doing the story again and again. And some of the story is not working like Mia's dad mission to find him and I have nothing to ask coz her partner its not there I can't continue the mission through. And also Erik's mission there's so many bugs stuck his mom always comes in mc home and then when I go to Erik's house and also the school nothing's happened every time.


in this version something happen is broken, i play in this version and that story always repeat to a story about Erik who invites the main character to go to school. even though I did it but it happened again


what do i do if an event wont start ? cant get eriks mom to ask about yoga to start


It's okey to me to start over again because of the update. But what matters to me is the bug's of the game.


Patreon will be running scheduled maintenance on 27 novembre from 02:00 to 06:00. During this time Patreon will not be accessible to use on desktop or mobile. Thanks for your patience as we make improvements.


i can't give the new milk can to diane.


is the pregnancy minigame just chance, or is there some way to get better odds?


I start Erik quest but not working


I completed science teacher quest but not showing grade. And now I showing e-


I completed music french and science and no update on grade and i have couple bug and glishes diane quest does not update is stuck it say diane want to explaiin how to increse her milk production tried everything and it does not update please help


i try to train on the weights and kevin spots you is there but it's saying i need someone to spot me when kevin is there.


you can use a cellphone but once the barn house is built you cannot use your cell phone game error


yea i have that same problem and it is keeping me from progressing


Eriks story keep resetting. When ive got Erik to take over from kevin, Erik loses his magic cards, i have to pick them up again and buy the card he lost, and the game to make him cover for kevin.. again and again.


Why is it so fucking hard to get diane pregnant? Ive fucked her 50 times without getting the wheel right. If id milked her after each attempt that would be 25 days. Increase the chance to 25% or so. Or make the chance increase for every try. Or make it so she WILL get pregnant at the 10th session.


the story of Erik and Johnson stop progressing and i have a question if i reset the cookie jar i cant get it back in this version full again? and the scene of jenny in her bedroom when you do the cam show it stop moving and other thing the pregnancy of Diane it only the mini game or it will see her with the pregnant belly in the game i am a big fan of this game sorry for stooping patreon i loss my job and searching for another job I hope that you finish this someday.


How report result to doc in lab after pregnancy? When I talk with her, I have only one choice ,and it's : No


Save/Load bug is big problem..


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


You must complete the chemistry task to buy an additional milk container in the store.


did anyone else get stuck in the school with no way out


i dont get Diana to act 2 witch the trash :O what have i do to trigger it


speak with the nurse at the klinik and make the questline here you get then a better chance.


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


So any know what's 0.20 voting for?


in future updates. the coach not gettin' enough attention from the fans.


Seem to have same problem with Erik and Mrs. Johnson story line being caught in some loop, around area with VR/orcette and dexter hit in stomach. Not sure what caused it.


Spoiler Art is Virus bait


Full of bugs you cant even play properly


full of bugs


i can't continue erik's storyline.


Please share a no problem version I have trouble saving the game


Load game & Erik story issue are critical problems..


Mister scammmer man hits again dont press anything that looks like this like ever


Erik story line, class sheets all on e when i have a on those i can. Edit: save is allso not so good atm got taken back to getting diane pregnant when it was done and worked on roxy.


Yeah story is awesome, agree need more sex options. Like oral on the girls. Some lolly pop play for Roxxy. Love more peeps on the to do list. Does the Report Card update anymore i have advanced the teachers but no change in grades.


So far I found that Erik story is broken and makes impossible to move on with other stories. First of all after a few first scenes I can't find Erik in school to talk to him about gym etc, also when I'm trying to walk to his house he appears only to say that we should go to school (in the afternoon), or starts a scene when we go to school (in the morning and in this case starts a scene in school first with Mia then with Dex and Roxxy and after this I can't use the map). In consequence I can't progress strenght skill, can't progress with Erik story and other stories which needs strenght. Also I found that animation in replying Cam Show scene with Jenny doesn't start animation. Anyway I wish best to DC team and can't wait for fixed version and next updates. Good Luck.


so i already have an account on Kompas, but when i try and log in its stuck on trying to register me, it wont let me login, only trying to re register me.


The Eric thing that his progress resets was mentioned before, but I also found that the marks don't improve, even if you finish the story line for a techer the mark ist still a F.


alright used a different email address and now i got into kompas and its registering my pledge and giving me the download link, but then I get this message " Download sessions are tied to your IP address in order to prevent link sharing, and ensure the download servers don't reach over capacity. If this was a legitimate request, please go back and try again. " ive tried refreshing and trying again but some message


Bugs with: Diane's story (she's disappeared), report card stay in E and with Jenny in cam show.


why diane cant pregnant


help me how can me make diane pregnant


I save my progress then when I log back in I lost my progress and goes back to fishing pier


i do it but still cant pregnat sir


T_T help me


i done get that spin to the hole but still not do anything


why like that?


For 50k a month and after 4 months, releasing a content this small should not be acceptable by any patrons and fans of the game. While this update has some good elements its far the worst released, they even removed one of the best sex scenes from the game. They should asap update the game with more content for the diane story bc after 4 months releasing content this small (.16 update had a massive content and they worked only 3 months on that one) is simply ridiculous.


Biggest bugs.. Report card doesn't change but since Coach Bridgette doesn't have a story thats fine.. Not being able to get past Erik having an issue at school sucks... also I found the stolen items but never caught Mr. Johnson (thief).... also found out when i save something ... it doesn't load.. I had 179 days and a baby, main store up to date yesterday... today I loaded it and it said I was on day 67 no baby and almost at beginning


Bugs... When will we get a hotfix?


And after this release they dont even try to fix the bugs.. after 3 days still w8ing for 0.17.1..

Alexander G.

Yeah also got problems with getting her pregnant, Eric quest don't work after hospital, Mia quest is bugged with the text not updating correctly . Science teacher quest is also bugged in the way I can't deliver the glasses to her from judith. It would be nice if all the quest text would update and work correctly :)


How do we know we have gotten to the end of Dianes story? Gotten the kid, and the last thing that happend was that she came home to meet the rest of them. Is there more?


I can not get Diane pregnant even if the spin falls in the open part, can someone help me with this?


What i did was hit with spin, then just go home and sleep until he says something about getting a message.


I've already got Diane pregnant, how can I increase milk production?


Need Help. After second Milk delivery (to her neighbour) i Cant give Diane the Money. First she sleep in her bed. On next days she is always in in the Gardenhouse. I only can talk with her over Debbi and Veronica but the story stuck


is there a news about 17.1 same story he upd a version with so many bug then release one without, all for money


I bought the Milk container early and now I can't complete that part of the story. I'm in the barn and she sent me to get it but I can't give it to her.


bug report from non-patron after rescuing Diane from the mouse, she mentions Debbie, not the altered name


Is there any chance for you to include sound effects (moans) in the game?


How to report priya


It´¨¨ have a lot bugs , i say here some cuz' i non-patron. Bugs: 1) When first time eat with jenny the way she hold her fork is wird, 2) Some (sex) animation are bugged , 3) Diane after dress her cow outfit , never changed after then, 4) After getting child few day later child disappeared and never back like is not ever exist , 5) Diane story progress wont work stop at some called "She will tell about milk increase production" something like that, 6) Up on phone where network if click that then show somethnig like blue screen, 7) When Diane send msg to come to see her it wont work on first ( it will after some x times load game) , 8) And about loading save game it have problem too, if i save game after finish some "mission" then when i want load it load before finished mission, no matter have many time saveas after finishing that (misssion/story progression) , too bad i musted unistall game :( , i will wait for fix .


For some reason I can't get the paint. Diane says to get it, but shed is locked. I also can't go into her house. Something didn't trigger I guess.


Is there going to be another update soon e.g the christmas stuff. Or is it already added in the update


No Christmas stuff in 0.17, as to whether or not there's even gonna be a 0.17.1 and if that would include bonus stuff is up for debate


You fell into the "don't buy anything until the game tells you to". Been the same since 0.10. Your best bet is either to cringe through it and hope it somehow fixes itself or restart and be aware of it next time


Cant find the last magazine stack. Got the teachers lounge, Kevins stack, but cant find the third

Dallas McMahan

The link goes to kompas productions but only says dl version 17 for patrons...how do we know if its the 17A..i dont want to download something i already have?

Tobias Bienek

can someone tell me the combin of the rock in the woods and where i can finde a fishing rod? ^^


this really needs an update my grades don't improve even when i complete the teachers quests thanks mate


May I know who's winning in the 0.20 poll?


I can't seem to trigger the threesome listed above, and oddly enough nobody seems to react to the fact that Diane is preggers now :P I'm missing something but I can't seem to find any hints from the ladies as to what it is, other than maybe that statue bit?


Instead of 0.17.1 hotfix, why not 0.17.5 hotfix. Gettin' "all" the bugs sort in, add a lil' new content (cuz' so much items were still in Alpha). And whatever the voting for 0.20, make it worth while. P.S. on 0.18 update, instead of focusing on one character, maybe explore other characters story h-scenes for a taste of what's to 'come'. Mostly for Maria, Lucy (Annie's mom) & The Nun.


A lot of women having BABIES in a game were the only story is ''Fuck all Females in town'' ...Is that really a good idea? I think the idea Stinks.


Pretty much the point of the game. The idea is to indulge into the fantasy of f*cking all the MILFs/Women/Girls, much like how porn industry works.


0.17 androi Is bug ,Download new save, Get old save

Andy Phucter

Two times I've loaded this game and each time a new bug. Not being able to load a saved game to an update is trash.


Love the game. You're doing a great job. I play on android and i have one thing, since downloading the latest version i cannot get the strip poker game going with eric and mrs. Johnson. Im pretty close to finishing everything else, so im worried that it may be a bug. Talked to her about what i saw, and went back the next day, nothing.


In the barn sex scene (front angle) it looks like Diane has only one leg. Kinda weird looking. And the same can be said about Debbie shower sex - she also seems to be missing one leg. It can be argued that it is concealed by MC's bode, but still. In Diane's case she has to hold it at the weird angle for it to be concealed, so I say it's an art error.


Has anyone found out what to do after 2nd delivery where she is just chilling in the shed - says Debbie has sent you to give her something???


Is there a way to get to the threesome part after you've had the baby? I already have the baby but I still didn't get to the threesome part. Can I still trigger it? Because all the time she's carrying the baby and her dialogue don't have the sex options no more.


Well, (On Android) Eric's mom keep coming to the house and say I should talk to him. Then, Eric is in his room but the dialog say that he is in the basement(which he's not), he never go to school and I cant progess Eric's story. Moreover, After pragnant, Diane never come back to the house and she is missing at night and you cant have the 3some scence anymore.


but the story of debbie ends with the scene of three or there is something else to do


but the story of debbie ends with the scene of three or there is something else to do


Great game! Very entertaining. Keep the excellent work. There is only one (or two things) I find a bit odd. It is the coming (climaxing). Why always only one? The same with MC, he's young, he shouldn't be content after the first round. Also in most cases, it seems he shoots only ones, I don't think it is even possible. Anyway, by far the best game of this genre.


same situation. no idea what to do now. almost all quest is done except mrs johnson.


cc je pense qu'il y a un bug sur l'histoire de diane ! car quand je lui prépare sont martini sa ne réussit jamais !! ??


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Fishing rod is in the attic by the moose.


where is the no bug version


Question is there supposed to an incest patch the game its kind of frustrating reading everything when I know the original story line


Incest patch of version 0.16.1 is working in version 0.17.0 as well.


Doesn't work like and bitching about it won't do anything > 0.18 is dedicated to Jenny and her remake+preg. All the other girls need to win a poll to get updated


After a week-ish, she'll drop the baby and go back to the barn cowsuit-style. For the 3some : you need Debbie's story finished on top of Diane's being pretty far


Elle ne veut plus de martini dans la version 0.17, elle te dira celui des 3 qu'elle veut, regarde ensuite le post-it sur son armoire pour les combinaisons a faire pour son choix


..two different links to download, one with old art, and one with new art content only if you are a patreon..🤔

Cory Clifton

so when diane got her baby hold in her arm does it end her story?


Can we sleep with Maria with the .17 update?


There is 1, it's 100% unofficial, has nothing to do with DC or the devs and you use it at your own risk


Both links download the same game. 1 goes faster than the other since you pay for it


How much time we need to fuck diane to get her pregnant? I m stuck with that Wheel after fuck


that's a no-no. we just got a taste of what's to come. Main story is 0.20 update.

Candy Land

Someone knows what will happen with 0.18 (Jenny Update). What story will happen ? Pregnancy too or other things ? :)


pls fix the save/load problem


She'll get preg, she'll have her story expanded (like Roxxy/Diane) and will probably lose her mega-bitch persona


You will need to wait another 4+ months for the fixes because DC said that they will fix issues with next update.


i dowloaded the game but it doesnt start up anyone else having same issiue


Bug fixes ??


What do I do after the Cucumber and Boobjob scenes in the shed? I'm stuck


Why there is not a single hsceme with Indian Doctor? i love indian woman


How to get Erik working in cafeteria?


Stuck with Wheel of conception.. damn wh the hell DC added this shit minigame? It should have other easy things like Milking mini game or something else..this sucks..trying since last night to spin wheel but never got success


Do not be tired of your collection. You downloaded the new version of the game, but the changes on the characters and new characters are still old. For example, Eric's mother and sister are still appearing with the face and the previous style at the beginning of the game, as well as other characters in the game and the other. After the release of the new version of the game, there are still changes in the characters, but the version is the same as the previous level and the new version is not submitted ... If I thank you for the answer, thank you.


no problem there mate a girl at home working on the second...lol


bug report , still having the game say i need someone to spot me in the gym but kevin is standing there and i completed the task to have kevin train me , kind of stuck if i can't train on the weights . can someone please bug report this as i'm still new to this .


i have bug delivery milk from diane to annie


There was an error, the school grades were all -E, even though the mission was done at school


I was looking forward to the new version for a long time. The game is really well done. Okay, the bugs are getting more and more, but that does not bother me (for example, suddenly daytime scene though night is). But version 0.17 has the same story as the games before it. It is also a pity that Roxxy is no longer my girlfriend in 0.17? Why is this progress gone? I feel like it's the 0.15 ...


ิีbug andiod cocktial to diane


Don’t click on the skeeta_bite/Dark Spoiler/spoiler art/darkcookie links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful


Are there any sex scenes with Lucy or Priya ?


how do I explain how to produce more milk?


I doubt they even read these but I felt like a key seen was missing in this update if it were intended to be realistic..... Jenny is already suspicious of the MC and Diane and so you get Diane pregnant and there is Not even a small scene of Jenny or Debbie confronting a visibly pregnant Diane asking whom the dad is or anything? It just skips to a scene where they bring the baby home and they congratulate her?? I guess the game is far from done so they could have just run out of time for this update and will add more detail later on.


This release is pretty buggy, i mean my save files don't even work properly. I will save and come back to play later and wind up in a totally different area several and have to replay scene I have already completed.


i went to the website to download the public for windows but after i download it i cant figure out how to open it can someone help please help.


is cheat code still the same ? nvm xD


Ive been having a big where I cant work out at the gym


I can't complete either of the options to have sex with Mrs. Johnson(sex ed or get Erik a gf). Also, report card remains E-. Many other issues, but can't wait for the fix. Absolutely love this game. My favorite game!!!


Well, I'm stuck in the game because I've NEVER been in the hospital. The hospital is locked because I made the "Stats Tracker" complete at the beginning of the game. That's why I could not lose to Dexter. That's really stupid! Who was not in the hospital, does not come to the Golden Compass and therefore not to the mermaid. Also, I never had to buy the sex toys in ebay for Erik. Thus, the poker table does not continue.


You downloaded version 0.17 of the game and do not install Android 8.1.0. Want a solution


I get beaten up by dexter all the time. I was in hospital 6 or 7 times already. But somrak refuses to teach me more in the moment


eh. fake. from the same guy bringing you incest patches.


Does anyone have problem with Shift O ? my would not open. also I did set to True. not sure what did went wrong?


There are other random console commands to bring it up, dunno them but shift+o isn't the only 1


quick question where do we copy the incest patch to?


ive been warning people for weeks those links are adware and will cause problems. be careful


Why can´t we report these guys to patreon to get them kicked out?


why the fuck erik story is not finished? stuck at mrs. johnson room


It is finished, what you got is a bug and/or you just failed too hard at finding the hints .........


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


NEWEST INCEST SCENES! From 0.17.9 (Spoilers): aunt pregnant (very hot): <a href="http://tmearn.com/nrJz9f" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tmearn.com/nrJz9f</a> mom &amp; sister: <a href="http://linkshrink.net/7NqJAa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7NqJAa</a> aunt pregnant 2: <a href="http://linkshrink.net/7q439T" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7q439T</a> aunt beach: <a href="http://linkshrink.net/7xS19K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7xS19K</a> sister: <a href="http://linkshrink.net/7UHPHz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7UHPHz</a> mom: <a href="http://linkshrink.net/7pD6qZ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7pD6qZ</a> hot surprise:<a href="http://linkshrink.net/7X6hCM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://linkshrink.net/7X6hCM</a> BONUS: <a href="https://bit.ly/2PPJlx6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2PPJlx6</a> <a href="https://bit.ly/2ECnQOs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2ECnQOs</a> <a href="https://bit.ly/2BujWDY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2BujWDY</a> Saves for 0.17: <a href="http://bit.do/eCL7y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.do/eCL7y</a> Incest patch 0.17: <a href="https://bit.ly/2Bw65yo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2Bw65yo</a> Free Bitcoins: <a href="https://bit.ly/2QsSz7N" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2QsSz7N</a>


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


NEW SCENES ARE HERE! From 0.18.0 (Spoilers): jenny wallpaper (amazing): <a href="http://tmearn.com/4rCNOy" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tmearn.com/4rCNOy</a> sister &amp; aunt: <a href="https://bit.ly/2RKM14V" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2RKM14V</a> sister: <a href="https://bit.ly/2Dz8Z6l" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2Dz8Z6l</a> family: <a href="https://bit.ly/2sNb74m" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2sNb74m</a> sister &amp; mom: <a href="https://bit.ly/2RdjwYt" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2RdjwYt</a> sister &amp; aunt 2: <a href="https://bit.ly/2WdSeF4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2WdSeF4</a> maid: <a href="https://bit.ly/2FVjqCV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2FVjqCV</a> BONUS: <a href="https://bit.ly/2RdZ0XB" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2RdZ0XB</a> <a href="https://bit.ly/2UaVe32" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2UaVe32</a> <a href="https://bit.ly/2CIWmUx" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bit.ly/2CIWmUx</a>


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer!


Don’t click on the spoiler art links! it’s clickbait to pass harmful adware/malware to your computer


Spoiler Art is still posting clickbait. Don’t click on it. It isn’t worth the time or the trouble.