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hi everyone! genuinely quite frustrated i have to inform you that within the space of a month i've somehow managed to get ill again!? i realize this literally probably sounds like i'm doing a bit, and believe me, i wish i was! at the time of writing i'm still ill, but the good news is that it's still not covid and i don't have any other social events lined up for the year, where i can apparently end up picking up every flu and cold under the sun. i generally like to not talk about stuff like my health, it's just unfortunate that these recent bouts have pretty directly contributed to a drop in art production, so i feel it best to keep you guys informed when it's directly relevant as such.

i'm hoping this is all properly cleared up by next week, but i have been doing my best to try and keep it together to pull together stuff for you guys. the above piece is the second and last bit of art i'm doing for the aforementioned class101 campaign. there was room to be horny with it, so.... i went out on a limb. regardless, here's some WIP previews of the incoming zelda stuff i'm hoping to finish ASAP, alongside some more general original work i've been cracking away at in the midst of coughing up my lungs 😅. here's to a swift recovery and actually getting my horny ideas on paper!



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