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There have been reports around Gotham that a monster capable of creating hallucinations and feeding off the emotional energy of it's victims have been wide spread! Not only that, but there have also been reports of two naked thugs trashing ATMs, Market Stalls and vehicles. 

When Robin goes to investigate, he finds the two thugs, and discovers they're in fact the Outlast Twins... or are they? his vision suddenly shifts and the realisation hits, that he is the Mind Flayer's next victim, and is utterly helpless in a room of three very horny monsters!




as someone currently playing baldurs gate 3, this just hits differently with the mind flayers. now i wont be able to see them the same way in game anymore haha.


Lol! Sorry! I keep debating whether to get it, but I'm not a fan of turn based games of chance. This MindFlayer however feasts on sexual energy rather than brains, so he wont be eaten, but the Mind Flayer is hungry so lots of sexy time ahead

Ali Ellio

Can’t wait for more videos