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We had to delay posting this one a few days because copy editor Mel had the AUDACITY to leave her house and go somewhere. Mel, for shame. The upside of this--besides getting a chapter that reads much better--is I got to see Mel in person and we had a chat about jumping into chapters and remembering who's who and what's going on. Since we're posting this bits at a time, it's much harder to page back, and you're also not reading it over a normal timespan. I decided that maybe it would help to do a short recap before the posts from now on to nudge our collective memories.

So this chapter is about Leo and Bran. Leo is the werewolf from Chicago staying with the pack as a prospective mate for Brid...though they figured out on date one that they weren't romantically inclined toward each other. Since it benefitted them both if Leo stayed on and pretended to date Brid, they went with it. Bran is Brid's oldest brother, and a man who prefers to be the quiet power supporting the throne. Brid, Sayer (one of the twins), and Lily (Sam's little half-sister) have all been stolen away to the underworld by a ghoul and everyone is collectively freaking out. 

Everyone caught up? Cool. Enjoy the chapter!





I love love love this--the new pairing, the fact that it leaves the way open for Brid and Sam, and the elegant solution to the knotty "pack leadership" issue!


I've been trying to sort out how I would fix it for year. Then Leo literally walked on to the page as Brid's date and I was like, "Oh! There we go." Thanks, subconscious.