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We're hosting a winter holiday art contest. This contest is open to all!

You'll need to stay in our Discord server https://discord.gg/MmyE9gsfGf - You must be 18 or older to join.

Submit your single (1) best piece of winter holiday-themed Cloud Meadow artwork to our contest channel before the deadline.
Submissions will go on display on our website at cloudmeadowgame.com

After the deadline the public will be able to vote for which pieces they like, and the submissions with the most votes will win!
Discord users will be able to vote via our voting channel, and are allowed to vote on multiple pieces.

You may freely post your art anywhere on social media, as well as link to our Discord during the contest.


The artwork must be loosely related to Cloud Meadow & winter holiday themes.
SFW and NSFW submissions are equally valid, but the content of the artwork must comply with our rules described on Discord

You can only submit one piece of artwork to this contest - multiple submissions will be ignored.
If you have multiple images, consider composing them into a single image file or creating a video montage

Submission file format must be restricted to one of the following:
  - Image file: .JPG under 25 MB
  - Image file: .PNG under 25 MB (apng allowed)
  - Image file: .GIF under 50 MB
  - Video file: .MP4 under 50 MB (h264 video / AAC audio or no sound)


1st place winner will receive access to our former $100 Wizard Tier patreon reward - the ability to submit an NPC character that can be spoken with in the game.     

2nd & 3rd place winners will be granted access to our former $50 design-an-item patreon reward.      

You do not need to be a Patreon backer to receive these prizes, since the winners are granted the reward & not the Patreon tier.
Winners will be announced via Discord


All dates & times listed here are as GMT+0 noon.

Art submissions open at 17th December 2021 & closes on 17th January 2022
Voting begins on 18th January 2022 and closes at 25th January 2022

QUESTIONS?    Discuss any aspect of the contest in our Discord's #contest-discussion channel https://discord.gg/MmyE9gsfGf



Joe Shmoe

Can’t draw to save my life but I’m excited to see what people come up with