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Hey everyone! Judge Heath here with a little change to how we intend to help inform you on progress of the game!

The old road map, between various changes in goals and the realities of development, had gotten so out dated as to become more of a malady than a proper method of telling all of you what we intended to do going forward and allow you to keep track of it in a better manner.

This Roadmap is the new way we hope to categorize things and help give you all an idea of what's left before we feel the game is totally and completely feature complete. The front page has also been updated with this.

Thank you all so much for staying with us this long, and we think that we're really beginning to enter the home stretch now.




The new roadmap is a great idea and a great way to keep players informed about the progress of the game!


Glad to see the roadmap. Its a good to know whats up. I'll be happy to look forward to the future as it comes.


Way to go!!! ♥


Hmm, this makes it look as though the game just entered development and has like 2+ years left to get close to completion. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Thanks for sharing though...


Thanks! I've been wondering about a roadmap for a while.

Amanda Allyn

Uhm, yeah? What gave you the idea that it was even CLOSE to being done?


Well I mean the steam page says they hope to leave early access in q1 2022 so I would say that the devs saying they are hoping for less than a year before full release is what would lead people to believe the game is close to being ready.


They’re a small team with small budget, and mostly people like us. They’ve got to pay bills and enjoy their lives too. Big companies make it seem like good games can be done fast enough if you harass your employees and fuck over the gamers (need for a shit ton of corrective patches, many dlcs to buy if u want the complete story with full content and so on…) The thing is, more and more ppl (gamers) are aware it’s a scam. That’s why, personally, I prefer waiting and directly giving my hard-won money to talented and professional artists, even if it takes super long to get the finished good. 😉


So... this is more of a "wishlist" then a roadmap. It would be great to see some order and priorities of things.

time less

I was wondering. I know that we get children with the humanoid beasts in our farm. But, would be have an option to get kids and be granted the title of being our children and keep them in the house? I mean kids that will hatch but will be children and then see them grow until adults and be able to stay in the house instead of the barn. I would select this option to be with just anyone instead only grant us this option with our spouse. Can we have more than one spouse or just one? And I saw and a few characters who I got to meet in my adventures [outside of town /not a town residents]. Can we romance, have a quest line, and marry them as well as bring them home?