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Installation Instructions can be found here. 

The code for this month can be found here.

Saves are compatible


  • Added the provision day event, it takes place in winter starting on the 15th of winter, and lasting one week.
  • Added holiday banners to the calendar to tell when the holiday events are.


  • Updated Pasture management UI
    • New design now groups linked plots together and allows pasture groups to be given a custom name
    • Harvest and Breeding layouts updated with new pasture group selection as an additional filtering option
  • Update worktables on the farm so that any remainder (< 1.0) value in all work rates is saved and applied to the next work tick (i.e. partial work rates still contribute to work)
    • Work rates on all job cards now show partial work rates (decimal value) to reflect this
  • When changing building types on farm field plots (fields, pastures, and training yards) the plot’s level is now reset
  • Updated some Intro dialogs by giving the people new names
  • Fio romance is locked until you complete the first 3 floors of the savannah dungeon now
  • Changed the days of the market day event, so a market day and holiday event don’t happen the same week
  • Increased the seed drop rate from 20% to 25% chance
  • Seed drops are increased by 10% when harvested in the same season as the seeds preference


  • Fixed issues with linking farm field plots of the same type
  • Workable job locations now save and use name changes assigned from job menu
  • Made code improvements to how crop and shed sprites update
    • Crops are now cleared when inactive (such as when plot type changes), preventing them from being checked when applying monster work
  • Fixed issues with resolving related monsters in breeding menu
  • Fixed construction menu to allow replacing any field plot with a different building type allowed in that plot
    • Added new banner messages explaining why a specific plot is invalid, when trying to place a new building
  • Fixed flags for several merchants (Rekk, bandit, Jerikan, and Vodan) for determining active tabs in store menu (whether the player can only buy or sell items at that vendor)
  • Fixed a typo in the Savannah 2 trivia dialog
    • Fixed this dialog awarding multiple keystones if the player failed to answer all the questions correctly
  • Fixed an error in Fio’s dialog where she gave two different responses to being asked about her gauntlet
  • Made buttons on Breeding/Harvest menu stand out more
  • Fixed bug where fertilizer bag icon on farming UI would shrink when you use all of the selected fertilizer
  • Adjusted Simon’s position in town to fix some rendering issues
  • Fixed player being able to push around NPCs when they weren’t following the player
  • Fixed issue where Jubelle would permanently stop following the player during day 2 of the tutorial, if the player walked into the Union Station
  • Fixed an issue with combat soft-locking if the player opened the party UI during “special” attack animations
  • Fixed issue where monsters laying multiple eggs, would generate the same monster for each egg
  • Fixed issue where there were duplicates in the known recipes list
  • Fixed issues with stacking more items when the inventory contained a max stack (999)




Is the palette thing gonna be for the next update or is that probably gonna be a later feature?


Cool! Another Patreon build! Does this mean the old version is Stable enough for Steam? Also, are there anything we should know about the Patreon build before we dive in? Maybe the day for the event or something? Reread the post. Its on the 15th. Thanks Team Nimbus!


Probably a later specific update, but it's our current focus for the next big feature build.