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To Install the Windows Build follow the instructions in the link below


Code For this Month Can Be Found Here

Saves are compatible


  • Savannah Dungeon 5th floor added - includes new subquests & unlockable sprite sex scene
  • Six new random Savannah combat backgrounds


  • Added “related” traits to new Breeding/Harvesting UI, using new UI design
  • Sweeping changes to egg generation which captures new trait design - preparation for new hatching UI in a pending update
  • Breeding UI & Harvest UI now have a mirrored layout, with added “name” and “gender” text search
  • Began integrating new sound effects for combat animations
  • Banner messages will now be displayed one after another (previously, a newer message would suppress an older one) & fade quickly if many messages become queued
  • Retrieving processed items from the farm Mill will now show a banner for each type of item produced, rather than a single banner with a long description
  • Increased damage from standing in dungeon hazards from 1% to 5% & your party will now take a proportion of the player’s damage as well, which can KO
  • Halved gold income factor for any coin gained from dungeon sources
  • Greatly reduced combat item reward drop rates for seeds, essences & monster eggs
  • Restricted seasonal seed type from item drops based on the active dungeon (eg: Savannah combat will only drop Spring crop seeds)
  • All pirate units have a tiny chance to drop a Diamondnium Key
  • Entrance to Tro’s Lab moved from end of Savannah 4 to end of Savannah 5
  • Can now exit from Tro’s Lab via the entrance (previously you’d be stuck inside once entered)
  • Added skyboxes & time of day light/shading fx to all combat scenes
  • Animated snow weather effect
  • Minor scene fx added to Abandoned Mine
  • Made the waterfall entrance in Savannah 2 more noticeable
  • Changed the sprite layering formula slightly, which may result in some minor visual errors in some scenes


  • Fixed many layering issues with Savannah 1 - 3
  • Savannah doors that were previously unlocked but didn’t stay open should now permanently open
  • Some more monster traits should now be functioning correctly - May need to sleep for one day for these charges to reset correctly the first time
  • Fixed tooltips so they stay within screen boundaries
  • Fixed issue where using a food item without a healing effect during combat would leave the menu open, unrefreshed, allowing the user to use more item (including one that was just removed)
  • Fixed issue with lootbox items not opening correctly
  • Fixed issue where some new items were setting their quality to a junk field, and the related quality was being lost when loaded from a save
  • Fixed issue where “ringout” animation was being queued without respecting new “death prevention” handling (such as for new Stonebreaker)
  • Fixed issue where Savannah 3 boss could trigger an exception by trying to spawn new Zamboni’s when enemies were already at max count
  • Fixed issue where harvest menu would update, as though the monster was harvested, when it actually wasn’t due to the player not having enough stamina.
  • Fixed issue where merchants were not restocking their inventories.
  • Fixed faulty logic in combat loot table calculation - previously would guarantee an item will drop per-unit, even if rare (eg: Cat Bell from Munchkin Cats)
  • Prevented saving while in mid-air after using a jump pad
  • Significantly brightened the night lighting/lit windows effect in Cloverton
  • Further reduced memory usage in Savannah 3 & 4
  • Fixed issue with Big Cat enemy not animating correctly when afflicted with sleep during CatNap ability
  • Fixed issue where cooked food would not stack



Wow! Cool! I like Much of the changes you listed! And new Dungeon floor?!?! Awesome! You did a lot this update!


keep up the good work :)


With the update, how can I acquire Shards to improve my farm?


I have two monsters always in "work mode" even though job board is empty :( I've tried adding other monsters to work and removing, doesn't affect those two; they're stuck.

Isaac Lou

Can not open as [7z] archive