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Given the success of games such as Fortnight and Apex Legends, we have decided that we're going to invest time and energy into a multiplayer, character based, battle royal mode where you play as one of the characters of Cloud Meadow on a slowly disintegrating dungeon island! You must make your way to the center of the island while defeating the competition in order to succeed and win fabulous rewards such as emotes, skins, new HD and sprite sex scenes, and dances!

Sadly, this will delay our schedule of release until something like 2025, but we promise regular updates, and to continue working on the campaign properly and totally not abandon it for lucrative lootbox based monetization tactics. This will be a truly innovative addition to the battleroyal space by adding both pornographic content -and- strategic JRPG combat rather than that frenetic and twitch-skills based shooter play!


(No title)



well done, well done not a fan of fortnite but I'd play this lol


Heck yes! It's about time this is announced!


Make sure to incorporate microtransactions. Battle Royale just doesn't have the same appeal without them.


Wooohhh.... I can't wait to see some bondage skin on the loot boxes ...


While this sounds cool and all, I am concerned. This is your IP and you all, you will do with it what you will but for an adult indie (crowd funded) company to string alone the little guys (us) whom are funding the project with conglomerate tactics of riding trends to suck out money all the while pushing the release window for the original title back, thus extending the time we'll continue to invest, is kind of shadowy or am I being to dramatic? By the time 2025 or 2022 for that matter, rolls around there may be a new trendy gimic that'll further extend the development of CM. I fear it'll never reach completion and thus those whom are invest would ultimately pay hundreds of dollars (individually) or hundreds of thousands of dollars collective while being told that the complete product is coming... I don't know how to feel about this. Maybe complete the main campaign then start another project for the BR stuff as an add on all the while possibly working on an entirely new IP or a squeal. I don't know, I am just a bit concerned. This is one person thoughts, what about you all?


April fool mmh ? XD


Aaaaand there's the first one today. A bit too obvious but... guess there's no playing around with Poe~ I was entertained at least ^^


This had better just be an April fools joke or I'll be canceling my pledge. I haven't invested this much money into this game just for it to become another battle royale and fortnight screwed it's original backers by turning it into a battle royale when that was just supposed to be a feature. Get the dollar signs out of your eyes.


how are people actually falling for this


I can't believe folks are actually buying this lol. Well Team Nimbus now you gotta make a prank only YouTube channel


I know this is a prank and all of that... But I guess I wouldn't mind to see something like that happening.


Another battle royal!? NOOO!😂🤣😂🤣 It would be a fools decision on this April to go with that kind of game changer!


I know right? Sitting here like :|a unsure if serious and unfamiliar with the concept of April Fools, or making joke complaints.


I really hope this is an April fools joke... After reading it over again I can see how it would be, what with the "on the nose" worse dev monetization practices listed as features. Please be a prank. And yes I am a fool to believe this is real. I'll believe until it isn't.


pewpewpew! I'm upping my pledge to $500/day!


Thought this was real for a sec and was about to rage. Then I realized it was April Fool’s Day, god dammit.




Hur dur dur. I like GBF April fools, they just give away free stuff and hilarious outfits, though Cygames is pretty big nowadays.


I was very angry and disappointed. What updates, also with such release schedules. But then I remembered the day of the fool. This is not true, is it? So?