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It was decided in the team recently that each dungeon should be given a 'hub' area that makes up the first floor, allowing for easier navigation, a place to sell stuff, and some cooler narrative designs on how and why the Union is interested in the dungeons. They remain consistently placed through the hard work of the Union, while the rest of the dungeon's islands float and shift.


(No title)



A very welcome addition


It looks interesting.


Hi, any chance this game for Android?


When are we gonna get all animations for all genre/race combinations for barn? all races have just one gender animation and i'm not speaking about HD ones with Ev, just those between monsters. (Right now we have got just <a href="https://gyazo.com/2f7d61522e4e3656b7b5c14bb8438eec" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/2f7d61522e4e3656b7b5c14bb8438eec</a> not for those but others too)


Great call, gameplay wise and atmospherically too.


right now, HD scenes with Ev are the highest priority animations, followed by combat, and then everything else. We're plannning to have every monster pairing combination done and animated by release, but compared to other assets, theyre very low on our priority list, so in general they only get worked on when we have a bit of free time to work with. later on in development, as the higher priority animations thin out, it will be much easier for the team to pump out sprite sex pairings.