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Saves are compatible.*


  • You can now use ESC as well as right click to cancel target.
  • You no longer have to mouse over your bed to interact with it.
  • You no longer have to mouse over a monster to interact with them.
  • The targeting message stays up longer in combat.
  • Added a keybinding for seeding
  • Added a keybinding for fertilizing
  • The keybinding button changes color to let you know when you are binding that key,


  • Fixed the quest log not scaling correctly with the quests.
  • Fixed the quest log not update if the new quests you got equal the same amount you had before.
  • Fixed some collision in the inside of the barn.
  • Fixed Mad cow not changing the description of Milk Run in combat
  • Fixed monsters having collision
  • Fixed the heath & experience bar not displaying the correct health in the party selection window.
  • Potentially fixed the z-sorting for barn monsters
  • Potentially fixed the z-sorting for dungeon clutter
  • Potentially fixed the z-sorting for the crops in the field

Known Issues

*You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.



Probably a silly question but I wasn't sure how to ask this before, but is there a way to see the NPC animations NOT in the gallery as of now? What I mean to say is the animations are great, but I usually like a bit of context to them. Did I miss a way to trigger them in-game or can you only view them in the gallery for the time being?


Posted bugs to the Patreon bug report discord with screenshots! (For anyone else who is interested in this, here's some directions on how to link patreon and discord: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-</a> )