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We're entering into a merchandising agreement with a company known as H-Scene who will be opening their doors in the near future. For this reason, and because it'll help us focus our efforts story writing wise, we're going to hold an open and running popularity contest involving the many many characters of Cloud Meadow.

You Can Find the Poll Here 

This vote is open to the public, but we're still asking for emails (preferably patreon emails), as a method of checking against double voting.

For those concerned about this taking away from development time, we've decided, internally, that our work on the merchandising angle will not be directly subsidized by the patreon funding. IE: We aren't counting work on merchandising in any form (whether it be contract negotiations, art labor, or similar) as billable time, and thus it comes out of our free time, not the 40 hours a week we each put into the game because that's what our patrons are paying us to do: Make a game, not make additional revenue streams. The additional revenue from the merchandise will go to helping support emergency expenses among our team members as well as outside contract work and commissions to help the game's progress along.

EDIT: I forgot to change the opening description of the poll. I apologize for any grey hairs I've given anyone. The poll is entirely public, and voting on this poll will -not- result in a ban if you're not a $20.00+ patron. I was using the template we use for the sprite sex scene votes and forgot to change the top description area. ~Judge Heath.




Wait, so can those in lower tiers vote or no?


Nice merch sounds cool. What are you going to sell. I hope it's condoms :3 lol. Love the game love the ideas glad to see you guys are moving on up in the world.


I’d love to see Yonten actually fucking Ev at some point. It’d be so hot lol


Jesus thank God I read the warning I guess. Shouldn't this post be locked to higher tier patrons if lower tiers get such a harsh penalty for voting?


Yea I agree as this post says all can vote but the rules say only $20 bucks can or you get banned.


I appreciate being open about the process in all of this.


Sorry, I forgot to adjust the top description. This is a public popularity vote, open to everyone, patron or not. ~JH


It's important that we remain transparent with where the money is coming from, and what it is being spent on.


You'll probably want to throw up a higher res image on that poll, it's still too small to see any of the sprites clearly or read any of their names.


Not sure if you can change the type of response allowed by the Doc to only allow a single answer, but currently it allows any number of options to be selected, even though the direction says "Choose one."


That's a LOT of characters to pick from for a choose one. Any chance it can be expanded to pick 3, or pick one per category? I don't know what it's being used for so no big deal either way, but it may get you a little more interesting results.


Oh yeah, we can click on more than one. What happens if I do, will result be thrown out?


I agree with you. It's really hard to choose only one character.


I choose all of them lol a lot of characters

Icarus Media

Pikachu I choose y...Oh wait...I'm in the wrong place, ignore me. :-)


Uhh..I just submitted my survey for the popularity contest and it said I submitted to a sex vote? I'm not sure if that was part of the copypasta poll you were referring to lol


Hi, I like to Kwon if is for Android?


I submitted my vote! As an aside, I would love to see an updated chart-- the current one is missing most monsters + gender bends


It probably won't make too much of a difference, but am I right in saying that Bella is missing from the poll? It follows the order of the lineup but her name isn't between Zramth and Ebonhart or anywhere else that I could see.


Android versión?


Can choose some votes or this only have choose one sry just want to know.