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Saves are compatible.*


  • Fixed naming a monster Evan/Eve will have them show up as Ev in combat
  • Fixed Whaley Bank & Charm not giving bonus money drop
  • Fixed not being able to close the weather balloon UI
  • Fixed Eve not facing people in dialogue
  • Fixed the positioning of the crops at Kreyton’s farm
  • Fixed all the monsters turning into chimera for a second
  • Fixed Chocolate bars not stacking
  • Fixed not being able to eat food
  • Fixed collisions around the barn
  • Fixed Shrubstick Nugget Pizza having the wrong icon
  • Fixed positioning for the dungeon door on one of the islands
  • Fixed Goldra being able to use her heal on herself
  • Fixed not being able to cook Cremetine Yoghurt
  • Fixed dialogue getting stuck on the day 2 story event
  • Fixed bought monsters not being given a birth date
  • Fixed many autumn & winter food not having their icons
  • Fixed the player and party members not leveling up
  • Fixed Virile universal trait not working after the first time
  • Fixed Fertile not working on male monsters
  • Potentially fixed eggs having the wrong description

Known Issues

*You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.


Keri M.

Whenever I go to interact with a monster that has the egg symbol over it my character freezes. I can still move my mouse, the animation and music are the same, items can even become highlighted when I hover over them, however I cannot move my character or actually click on the monster I was trying to originally. This happened with two different monsters, a holstaur and a cat girl.

Keri M.

Well after reloading my game from a save and waiting a few days I was able to get the egg with no issue.


it is normal the godmode doesn't work ?


a typo that i've noticed: intuition plant seeds in the shop read INUITION instead


also marine's coat and marine's shield do not give the wearer any HP, same goes for the simple canteen


I have trouble with lucia when I click on her shop, it wont let me fix the farm more just only the land I started with even when I brought the other land.


Wolf: Alpha Strike Ability is broken, Every character darkens and you can't select which either enemy or all'y


If you rest in the dungeon on day 2, you get stuck on day 3 with "Someone is at the door."


On day 14, it's not showing most of my monsters for the combat tournament, even if one or two of them aren't exhausted. If I exhaust the ones that do show up (which is only the starting monsters + a female lamia I picked up) the window for picking your monster is just empty.


I was also able to return to the floor of the dungeon I left from consistently until I loaded my save again (I think), at which point it reset to floor one again, even with the same team composition. On that one I'm not sure if it's time gated or not, but I went back to the dungeon the day after I left it, so I'm not sure.


this isnt working for me TT-TT


-Cat attack Pouce is supposed to produce a Stun but instead the icon for Bleed appears over the enemy's head. -When in dialogue with Sieger, my mouse turns into an "open door icon" if I hover by my house. I feel like this type of thing should be locked while dialogue is happening? -Quest objectives from Day 1 disappear if you don't do them that day. -No bar on the inventory scrollbar at Yonten's shop. (You see the blank scrollbar area, but no bar you can click on. Still works, the visuals are just missing.) -Would be nice if inventory didn't scroll to the top after you buy things, makes buying multiple items a pain. -Might be good if you could click on items to add 1 of that item to your "cart", double click for max value, and then there's a "purchase" button so you can buy everything at once. Kinda difficult to buy lots of things in bulk if you have to go to a second screen, then press Max, then buy and do it all over again. Alternatively, maybe if the game remembers you bought Max last time and defaults to that. -Tried to cook Jerky Bag, the "recipe unlocked" announcement has the recipe name blank. Recipe does not show up in recipe list. -Tried to cook Pasta. Recipe unlocked announcement worked fine, but recipe does not show up in the recipe list. Did show up after I unlocked the next recipe though. -Can't remove item from cooking menu, have to go to recipe and then back again to clear it. -Day 02, I accidentally went upstairs instead of out the door. This caused the game to skip to the next morning with the Lucia at the door event. I didn't even go to the bed! -Does adding another farm plot with the wizard work right away? Went straight from Wizard to Lucia and the new plot didn't show up. One plot showed up the next day, but not all of them. -What is the difference between Jaero's 60m Strike and Intercepting Fist? The description is identical. -No marker showing extra Stamina from equiped items. -Can't equip farming gear, or anything really, to Ev while on the farm and not in a party. Also, how do I equip monsters with collars and such without going into a dungeon? -In super incubator, clicking the "Select an Egg" button does nothing. You have to click on the empty egg slot to add an egg. This is a bit unintuitive. -Super incubator says "not enough essence" but I don't see a slot to input essence? If I need one of each kind, the buttons aren't lighting up to show me which kinds I do or don't have. Also, I don't know what the two empty slots next to eggs are, and I would like to know. Also curious, in the super incubator, what is the button with the flow chart symbol on it? -In the barn, on the loft of the first floor, I walked over to pet my monster friend and then got stuck. Could not leave that little corner by the red chair. I try walking and it acts like there is a wall, I'm unable to pass through.


I had this problem as well-- I found if I slept one day then one new plot shows up, but not the others. (I bought all the plots on the first day it was unlocked, they didn't show up at all in Lucia's shop, the next day the whole island shows up as there, but no plots are on any island piece except one extra.)


it not woking for me help