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It's been a really long haul, but we're FINALLY here folks! Beta! All of the major systems are in, and this month we've added in the bare bones of the contests and every monster species now has a combat form enabled, even if not for both genders. The 2nd day event has been replaced with a new one leading you off to adventure, and our sprite animation work means that even if not everything is complete, we now have something to put into every single empty spot that previously existed, allowing us to implement all of our abilities and features!

The next month will be about expanding those systems, getting you guys the genodriver and Ev's last ability, and we're considering swapping out one of Ev's abilities in favor of a healing ability to make them more universally useful.

In addition to this, we've cracked the 18k barrier, and we'll be publishing our income tomorrow once we have our final income numbers. That means UrsaSenior is off probation and we're able to keep him full time, and further, that further allocation of budget will likely get reorganized. It's becoming obvious we need to hire a commission or contract based cleaner for animations to speed up the pipeline, and we also need things such as audio work, social media outreach, more writing now that we've reached this stage of development. Further, our programmers will be moving their efforts, once we've added in the last bits and bobs, to optimization now that all systems are go.

With that, thank you all so much for backing us up this entire time! We're entering Beta on the right foot I think and will be ready to expand systems fairly rapidly going forward! We look forward to seeing how the game expands and hope you are too!


Saves are not compatible.*


  • Added a story event that replaces the event on the 2nd day.
  • Added spring, autumn, winter crops, a total of 18 with recipes for single foods.
  • Added 21 new foods & recipes for spring dishes.
  • Added the Weather Protector
  • Added Flour & Noodles to the possible mill refinables
  • Added the Cooking Breeding Contests**
  • Added Male Demon, Male Cyclops, Female Dragon, and Crab to combat
  • Added animated Idle for Evan, Eve, Yonten, Kreyton, Jaero, Camellia, Goldra, Brontide
  • Added animated Idles for all barn monsters.
  • Added weather prediction for calendar while using the .weather balloon.


  • The player’s max energy is based on their stamina with a 1:4 ratio.
  • Cooking now takes 4 minutes and 2 energy per ingredient.
  • Starting crops fields are now fully randomized.
  • Changed bread to give swiftness instead of intuition.
  • Updated the in-game credits page.
  • Updated Dialogue sprites for Jubelle, Kreyton & Jaero


  • Changed the timing for the watch time display to more closely match the visuals.
  • Adjusted monster & companion base stats.


  • Fixed Male Holstaur scenes being incorrectly marked for the sexually filter.
  • Fixed not being able to fertilize, water, or seed the next day if you run out of energy performing those actions.
  • Fixed snow/leafs rendering on the combat contest when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed harpy using some of the female cat’s combat frames.
  • Fixed the cooking tip telling you how many recipes you have discovered rather than left to find.
  • Fixed cooking making a basic recipe instead of a snackbar.
  • Fixed interacting with giev’s door changing the music when it is locked.
  • Fixed jittering of tooltip when hovering of an ability.
  • Fixed training grounds not being able to remove the top monster.
  • Fixed the construction UI saying things were not implemented when they were.
  • Fixed a bug where randomization was inverted.
  • Potentially fixed getting free stat points on loading a save. (This will only work upon starting a new save this version.)
  • Potentially fixed combat lock from the Big Pirate

Known Issues

* Reasoning for the lack of compatible is because so much changed that it is recommended to start anew.

** The contests are only partially implemented, it is more or less RNG to win them right now.




Not sure if it's something off with the download or some sort of bug but when ever I enter the first dungeon the landscape isnt there just the character in a open sky not sure whats going on there so thought I'd mention it.


What's the code?


I put in the Gallery Code and not all of the animations are unlocking.


Life has been really hectic and I haven't had a chance to play a new build in a while, but I just loaded this one and saw they added a pronoun option with "he/she/they" and it was just so unexpected. I feel so touched, I'm getting teary eyed


Bug notes: -When in monster stat menu, opening the extended ability drop down, the tooltips for each stat show up behind the UI instead of in front -When pressing "Select" from seed chest, seeds are added to inventory but don't subtract from the chest. Select just makes the chest close. -After cat island crash event, cats + island stays on map after they have been arrested -Tooltip for heart/affection icon in monster stat menu would be nice! -In breeding menu, added cowgirl to the breed and then two cowgirl icons with the same name as her showed up in the selection bar -Hit box for field squares is awkward, would be better if there was no "null space" between squares so you don't have to keep walking back and forth to try to select a plot. Or maybe making it so you can click on the plant with the mouse to water/etc.?


Can't wait to try it out.


Bug notes: cant save or ower write save. summers seeds showed as fertilizers and cant be seeded


Bug: First time travelig to the dungeon, my caracter is stuck in 1 place up in the skies, any way to undo this or do i have to start all over?

Joel E.

Hey I just wanted to say congratulations for getting out of Alpha. This game has come so far from way back after "the split" and I just want to say that I am glad to be here for the ride watching this game come to where it is now.