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Originally Posted April 30th, 2018

This is it folks, the home stretch of Alpha! This month is going to be  focused on putting the final touches on existing systems, adding in  missing details, and generally polishing everything up. This month adds  in the combat contest, and with it the basic infrastructure for all of  the contests, and next month should see the cooking and breeding  contests thrown in as well. We hope to get at least the key frames in  for all remaining animation sets in combat (and hopefully for other  things like NPCs walking around town and such), all the buildings in  cloverton opened up and working, and with a little luck, the sounds for  combat and sex and UI interaction, and the prologue dungeon where Ev  will get the Geno-Driver.

This month was a lot of bug fixing, tinkering, and adding smaller pieces to the grand scheme, and getting a snazzier set of UI elements into place. and we're really looking forward to wrapping up Alpha and getting in all the systems in their finalized states!

Saves are compatible.*


  • Added Combat Contest (Costs 100 Korona to enter, prizes increase geometrically with your wins)
  • Added the ability to level up skills.
  • Added a search bar to the cooking UI.
  • Added a Calendar
  • Added Weather Balloon’s monster assignment. (The functionality is not present.)
  • Added the ability to choose the player’s birthday
  • Added the ability to choose the player’s pronoun(He, She, They) (Does not take effect right now but it will affect dialogue down the line.)
  • Added an ambience loop to the rain.
  • Added an ambience loop the storm.
  • Added 6 new foods and recipes for them.
  • Added Female Lamia to combat.
  • Added a new overworld UI.
  • Added Eve X Kreyton HD scene
  • Added Evan X Kreyton HD scene  
  • Added tooltip to buffs letting you know what they are and how long they got left. 
  • Added the rest of the Cloverton Combat contest sprites. (Some sorting might be slightly off)
  • Added a fold out on the watch in the upper left that tells you the current weather.


  • Moved the barn sign a little further away from the ladder.


  • Changed seasons are now 35 days long instead of 28
  • Changed the UI for assigning members to your party.
  • When building a well it now fades to black.
  • Sped up music fade.  
  • Updated the description of seeds bags to be more informative.


  • Storms can no longer happen in spring.
  • You can now hover over the quest log and it will double in size.  
  • Raised the default ambience sound level to 8% from 4%
  • Updated the well’s snow sprite.
  • Re-enabled time pausing while an UI window is open.
  • Calendar is now colored based on the current season.
  • Made the locations of the starting crops randomized.


  • Fixed Camera snappiness.
  • Fixed cooking scroll bar being big when first opened.
  • Fixed inventory not loading.
  • Fixed shop inventory issues.
  • Fixed some dialogue overflow.
  • Fixed the spelling of album when unlocking Yonten’s scene.
  • Fixed movement delay after a farm task.
  • Fixed some leafs on the farm appearing when they shouldn’t
  • Fixed some collisions with the starting buildings on the farm.
  • Fixed when doing an interaction with a inventory(shop/storage), not returning you to the correct tab.
  • Fixed the Collision Thrund’s door.
  • Fixed centaur’s patience and rage causing a combat lock.
  • Fixed Jubelle coming to your house at 1am wanting to inform you about the dungeon before you go to bed.
  • Fixed weather particles not covering the entire map.
  • Fixed pressing esc while the options dialogue is open letting the player move around.
  • Fixed Goldra and Kreyton’s speech bubbles not highlighting. 
  • Fixed Attack Up having the wrong icon.
  • Fixed a bug where the saves showed that you had people in your party when you didn’t.
  • Fixed Album being misspelled.
  • Fixed Birthday being misspelled.
  • Fixed the day dropdown scroll speed being super slow.
  • Fixed incorrect zooming in Cloverton
  • Fixed many species ability traits not having a description.
  • Fixed transparency in Jubelle eye.
  • Fixed some buildings interior being incorrectly zoomed.
  • Fixed Rain causing the edges of the map to go black.
  • Fixed a bug where you would lose all your party members after the first fight.
  • Fixed a bug where you could infinitely sell cat eggs.
  • Fixed the incubator not removing your eggs from your inventory.
  • Fixed a bug going into the Game Intro a second time not showing the images.
  • Fixed pressing an interact key while talking to Montalvo breaking interactions
  • Fixed duplication of quests names in the log.
  • Fixed Gempas Nectar not stacking.
  • Fixed Mill giving blank items.
  • Potentially fixed monster duplication.  
  • Fixed talking to Kreyton not telling you that you unlocked a new scene.
  • Fixed Camellia & Jaero Album unlock text being misspelled.
  • Fixed Ambience not playing it’s sounds.
  • Fixed the dialogue indicator outline appearing even when the indicator was gone.
  • Fixed duplication of universal traits.
  • Fixed Mill dialog numbers not showing correctly.
  • Fixed items not stacking in the Mill’s Inventory.
  • Fixed items not being removed from your inventory after a cook.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the cook button would take the items from the inventory.
  • Fixed items not store/unstoring correctly.
  • Fixed Cooking UI scrolling not working with the scroll wheel.
  • Fixed there not being cheese in Yonten shop.
  • Fixed scoreboard popping up everytime you enter Cloverton.
  • Fixed the buttons for the scoreboard after winning the contest.
  • Potentially fixed options menu not centering when opening.
  • Potentially fixed time stops.  
  • Fixed universal traits affecting the current stat value instead of min/max.
  • Fixed not spawning in the dungeon correctly after fighting the combat contest.
  • Fixed Feeding window not showing quality stars.
  • Fixed Feeding window not showing correct values.
  • Fixed feeding a monster something giving the incorrect amount of stats.
  • Fixed ambience sounds carrying over to the next day when the weather is not present.
  • Fixed laying issue with trees and bushs/rocks in the dungeon.
  • Fixed Sunder not being considered a negative status effect.
  • Fixed Cheese not being in Yonten’s Shop if you loaded an older save.
  • Fixed some capitalization errors with Montalvo’s dialogue
  • Fixed Jubelle trying to come to your house at midnight since of in the morning.
  • Fixed The day/night cycle affecting the UI.
  • Fixed clicking to remove an ally from party selection removing the wrong one.
  • Potentially fixed equip button disappearing.  
  • Fixed Goldra’s regrouping not working on lamia.
  • Fixed Lamia’s focus AOE not hitting all targets.
  • Fixed Lamia’s barrier disappearing when it shouldn’t.
  • Potentially fixed a bug where the cooking UI was not working with stars correctly.
  • Potentially fixed the inventory showing incorrect quantities.

Known Issues

*You will have to manually move the saves from your old data folder to the new one, these files would be savedata##.xml, global.sav and folders named Dungeon Data #. (The # means number), If there are no dungeon data folders don’t worry about it.




Looking forward to checking out the beta! Great art post with this too!


yo ya tenia la versión 2.03.4D antes de esta publicación acaso esta 2.03.4D tiene algo nuevo como estructuras desbloqueadas o algo?


Good work, looks like the game is really coming along soon


Can't wait to play!


Hey just wanted to ask.. what does petting (the hand interaction icon) the monsters in the barn do? is it some sort of affection mechanic, if so how is it represented and what is its function? are the quantity of hearts that fly out of them to represent the affection or is that related to breeding? do you have any online database that explains mechanics or offers any sort of tutorial esc tooltips with imagry, I'm assuming no to the last because things are subject to change on short notice. sorry that post seems like rambling, no ability to structure a post in this medium :*(

Icarus Media

Oh I thought that was a milking button...well soon find out, the team will let us know.


You guys did a BUNCH of changes to this update, keep up the good work and don't get sick. (the water)

Matt Ahn

I don't want to dredge up any bad memories, but when I heard that the artist of Breeding Season was going to make his own game, I was ecstatic, to say the least. Really looking forward to it!


Nice drawing


Petting increases their affection for you. The number of hearts equals how much they adore you (one being the smallest, a heck of a lot being the max). There is no correlation to breeding or milking but a higher affections means they will want to stay with you when their year of service is over (instead of being taken away by the guild to be put in the real world so to speak) And for Apocrypha, milking happens at the sign post! Just put a monster in the section with the milk icon and click 'milk' (should just be milk unless it was changed). Sadly there is no online help or nothing atm, there are some basic tutorial stuff but nothing super solid until they are further in development I'd imagine. I hope that answer all your questions!


is there any mac ver,? if join the pledges?


Look in the old builds, there are a few mac versions in there, but they are highly unstable to the point were it may not be continued.


i tried to ownload the files both, but i can't. it always stop at 43 M or less and i have enough room


how do you access the album in game it not made very clear


Through the settings menu I believe. If not, then you need to go back to the main menu.


Can you tell us more about what's going on in this case? What are you downloading too?


No estoy seguro de cómo funcionaría eso. ¿De dónde sacaste la versión 2.03.4D antes de ahora? ¿Fue una copia pirateada o algo así? Lo siento por una gramática horrible, usando Google Translate. ~JH


So I just downloaded a build and been having a lot of fun but, I’ve looked around the map and haven’t been able to locate the Dungeon at the Docks. I still have a quest saying that I need to go to the dungeon but I looked everywhere and still found nothing. I have the latest publiv alpha build so im going to assume it might have less features than the patron builds but if you could help me find this dungeon that would be great!


You get to it by going to the dock building, then you click on the map. Once you do that, walk out and jump on the giant manta ray.


Hey ; i have a little problem ; when i try to open the win.zip file, WinRAR says that the file is damaged and can't be open , someone have some tips for me ? :'(


i want to play the game but i own a google chrome laptop. is there any way i can play it?


How do you unlock Yonton's scene?(you know which one im talking about lol). I cant even talk to him. I can only sell or buy things from him :{