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With the creation of this piece of art, all of our original monster list (of at least one gender) and all NPC companions have their abilities roughed out, and just need to be implemented into the game! We just need to finish off the Crab's animations, and everybody will have rough drafts of their abilities inside of the game.


(No title)



Sounds great. ! It'll be very interesting to watch all this in action :)


Could be better, honestly..


You do not expect in the comments only exalted squeals, right? :)


For example, final dropping-card animation isn't impressive, really. In the second, what kind of cards does she have? What it for? Draw it better & finish it. I'll be glad 2 see it NICE, not THAT. Thx 4 listening!


Very excited to see the next iteration of this game. I have a question: Will the beta build come with more in depth guides and tutorials? There's a lot of content in the Patron build, but it's missing some explanations. Also, some spelling and grammar inconsistencies. Otherwise, I really like it!!


Only if players make them if you mean walkthroughs. We have a tutorial planned, and it'll be fairly early on our list of things to add in, but otherwise it'll be something we get to when we get to it I'm afraid.


so is there a reason this has been the only post in two weeks? XD