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The Post Image is a Place Holder. We commissioned a new top banner and it'll be in sometime tomorrow or the day after, so bear with us $10.00 Patrons!

Judge Heath here folks!

Alright guys! It has been another hectic month, but after a rocky start, things are finally looking like they'll even out! We'll see if February, the month we all dread, will put us out again. This month we should have the most stable build you've all seen in a while, and with two major new features: Town Events and a functioning Water Tower. You can now build the water tower, and set up Mr. Buckets to automatically water your fields! Further, you can now buy Eggs every week around the middle of the week, and sell them towards the end. Jerkin will occasionally appear as well and allow you to buy monsters from him (meaning you can no longer buy them from the Guild). Finally, you can find the fem-wolf HDs in the game!

This upcoming month's build will include, if all goes well, the final version of the Farming System, more functional farm structures and interiors, and the rudimentry crafting and refining system for food stuffs. Once that's done, all that's left is to get in weather and the tournaments, and we'll be out of alpha and into beta!

Finally, to those of you who have been asking for such things, we are experimenting, tentatively, with a Mac Build, and with save file transfers, at least between hotfix versions if not full versions of the game. In Beta we'll see about getting that up to full versions of the game.

As always, thank you so much for your support and patronage!


Save Compatibility

We are experimenting with save compatibility after this version in the patch notes we will mark it with either "Save File Compatible" Or "Save File Compatibility Break". Hotfixes are more likely going to be compatibility but major version have a smaller chance of that happening.If we can get the system working to our satisfaction, then we’ll hopefully start allowing save file transfers between major versions during Beta.


  • Added the ability to build additional incubators.
  • Added town events which are people who come and go on certain days
  • Added the functionality to the barn so now you can have more than one barn.
  • Added the ability to remove non-special buildings
  • Added the functionality to the water tower allowing you to build Mr. Buckets.
  • Added Mr. Bucket which lets you set the minimum water for crops.
  • Added an ambience to the desert dungeon.
  • Added Eve X Female Wolf
  • Added Evan X Female Wolf


  • Monsters’ icons are now their species portrait
  • Monsters in the inventory now show their name.
  • The feeding icon is disabled if you have nothing to feed them.
  • Monsters in various UI now have a tooltip with their names on it.
  • Added hotkeys to the dock window, breeding window, and combat window.
  • Breeding Window - Left Shift + 1 or 2 to put the monster in a breeding slot, Left Ctrl for Harvesting
  • Dock Window - Left Shift + 1 or 2 to put the monster in a dock worker slot
  • Combat Window - Left Shift + 1, 2, or 3 to put into an active ally slot.


  • Jones/Armadillo guy does not sell monsters anymore.
  • Now Sold by one of the Event Vendors who has a chance to appear every month
  • Eggs can be bought as well.
  • Crops now lose 1 water point an hour, watering gives 20 points of water, a crop dies if it goes above 20 or below -10.
  • Crops now showed a watered sprite if they have 1 or more water.
  • Starting monsters now have random domesticity between 30 - 50.
  • Updated credits to match the patreon page’s credits.

Town Events

  • Added a Monster Seller Merchant
  • Added an Egg Seller
  • Added an Egg Buyer


  • Fixed being able to build two of the same special building.
  • Fixed tooltips on the construction UI not having prices.
  • Fixed some items not marked as stackable.
  • Fixed some items with the wrong icon.
  • Fixed some of the resources node in the dungeon giving the wrong resource.
  • Fixed inventory showing the wrong stats for monsters.
  • Fixed built wells not refilling watering can.
  • Fixed built special buildings not displaying on the Construction UI
  • Fixed a bug where any bonus damage from items or traits was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to do a mate that was not possible it would still consume energy.
  • Fixed the album not unlocking all scenes.
  • Fixed the Big Pirate locking combat with his self buff.
  • Fixed Centaur’s Patience and Rage locking combat.
  • Fixed a combat lock with the wolf’s rip and tear.
  • Fixed not being able to see your party members in combat training.
  • Fixed a bug where sleeping in a dungeon would halt the growth of crops.
  • Fixed barn changing appearance when sleeping
  • Fixed a bug where the key bindings visual wouldn’t update correctly
  • Fixed some monster scenes in the album not being in game.* 
  • Fixed ability duplication in combat.
  • Fixed thank you pop up sometimes being behind barrels and stuff.
  • Fixed a bug where loads of cum trait was not working
  • Fixed one of the monsters not calculating their traits when it came to essence from sex.
  • Fixed starting monsters not randomly generating species traits.
  • Fixed Montalvo always running his dialogue.
  • Fixed everyone starting at level 0 instead of level 1.
  • Fixed harvesting a plant/removing a dead plant leaving a watered patch of dirt.
  • Fixed ray farer showing up when you have not called it yet.
  • Fixed farming animations be ran in reverse.
  • Fixed removing a building restoring the crops in the plot.
  • Fixed the first well not Initing correctly.
  • Fixed Centaur having the skill icons of a female centaur
  • Fixes to the big pirate during combat
  • Fixed various combat shadows
  • Adjusted some farm plot locations.

* If you see any monster X monster scenes in the album but not in game please let us know the scene.

Known issues:

  • Various combat animation bugs to do with attacks executing and idle animations
  • Soil turning to 'watered state' not always functioning correctly, either not turning dark when watered enough for the plant to survive, or remaining dark on the new day.
  • Upgrade signs not removed when well is upgraded to Mr Bucket
  • Mr. Bucket resets his water value every time you click him, it does not save so there’s little to no way to tell if he’s actually working as intended
  • Doors to Barns do not highlight
  • "taking damage" frames sometimes just straight up don't play
  • Screen shake not synced with attack impact




Updated with our known bugs from this build. It was a terrible oversight to not include it. My apologies ~JH


When I use the unlock code for the album, the Eve X Female Dragon scene has some weird pixels around the tail and left leg of the dragon, and the same issues pops up with the Eve X Female Wolf scene, except more spread across the wolf. The weird pixels I'm referring to, are weird discolored ones that seem to flow on their own.


A few bugs to report: When the wolf gets hit in combat, there's a blob of white pixels that appear next to his sprite. Also, I still encounter the bug where the wolf's rip and tear will randomly give him a second action, but you have to use the howl or else it stops you from moving forward; the two attacks don't work, so if the howl is on cooldown, you have to emergency exit combat. One time a cat enemy pounced on the wolf but it gave him MORE health instead of taking it away. You may already know this, but every time you close the breeding window after taking action, any sprite that doesn't have the animation set will appear as the female wolf before turning back to their correct sprite and getting the ZZZ icon above them. Hope this helps!