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I am profoundly thankful you have joined me on Patreon. Whether you stay for only a month or plan to stick around much longer, your support encourages me to keep creating this unique artwork.

I post a new piece of artwork at least once a week, often more frequently. This includes high-resolution versions, and sometimes exclusive additional content.

Much of the artwork will eventually be shared on my public profiles about 6 week later at a lower resolution.

Remember to join us on Discord. I will often post miscellaneous sketches and run events with the community. To get access to the patron-only channels you will need to connect your accounts at this page: https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps/discord

If you have any issues or just want to say 'hi', feel free to message me either though Patreon or Discord.


M. Quyz

Added: 2024-08

I am profoundly thankful that you have joined me on Patreon. Whether you stay for only a month or plan to stick around much longer, your support encourages me to keep creating this distinctive artwork.

My usual schedule involves creating a new piece of artwork approximately once a week. In the event that I anticipate being unable to meet this timeline for an extended period, I will temporarily suspend payment processing.

Every month or so I will post a batch of sketches and works-in-progress I have put to paper. If you want to see these items as I make them, remember to join us on Discord. To get access to the patron-only channels you will need to connect your accounts at this page: https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps/discord


M. Quyz

Added: 2023-12