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Hello Brains & Hearts!

Happy Belated ADHD Awareness Month! All of October, we were extra busy spreading not just awareness, but a deeper understanding of ADHD, in videos, through talks, and beyond. And it’s all thanks to your support! The feedback we’ve been receiving has been incredible. It’s neat to see the ripples spread. Or, as one comment on a video put it, it’s like lighting a candle that then lights more candles until everyone can see :)


Behind The Brains

Salutations, Behind the Brains!

Some of you may recall that we were asking for some feedback on our Minecraft server in our last newsletter. We want to thank everyone who responded, as having as many answers as we did really helped give us clarity on what it is you guys want out of the server as a community. It helped immensely! An in-depth post has been posted that goes over the results of the feedback if you want to go check it out! Click here to read the results of the Minecraft feedback survey!


Greetings, SUPERbrains!

A SUPERpoll is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means to. *coughs* That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! But we do have one for you, that’s a bit different from what we usually do! We’d love your input on what caption style you prefer the most for our Shorts! If you’d like to vote on it you totally still can, the poll ends Monday, November 20, 2023. Click here to cast your vote! 


Good day, Wonderbrains!

We’ve got some fun behind the scenes for you this month… this month that is October! *Tosses blanket over November.* If you can’t find the video, no worries, we got you! Click here to watch October's behind-the-scenes video!

Brain Board

Howdy Brain Board!

Thank you so much for your understanding, as we had to cancel Brain Board due to illness. Some much-needed rest was had. We’re still aiming to do November’s Brain Board, though! So be sure to set those alarms for Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 2PM Pacific | 5 PM Eastern | 11PM Central European. Unless of course you’re in Australia, or a similar time zone, in which case it will be Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 8AM AEST.


Annual International Conference on ADHD 2023

LIVE: Nov 30 - Dec 2 |  ONLINE: Dec 5-6
Baltimore, Maryland & Virtual
Every year, ACO, ADDA, and CHADD put on a big ADHD Conference. Their theme for this year is Connect, Learn, and Thrive.

How to ADHD Exclusive Book Club/AMA (virtual, Zoom style)

January 23rd 5pm PST / 8pm EST
This event is exclusively for those who have pre-ordered How to ADHD The Book™!
Click here to pre-order the book…after checking your budget!

Pre-ordered but don’t know where to go for the pre-order gifts?
Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the steps!

Step 1:

Click here to sign up for the pre-order gifts!

Step 2:

Fill out the form and click ‘Submit’!

(Can’t find your order or receipt number? Don’t fret! Email harley@howtoadhd.com, and they will be able to provide you with a code you can enter in this field.)

Step 3:

Once you get to the “Thank you for ordering How to ADHD!” screen, click ‘Click here to register!’  (See reference pic below)


  • Jessica gave several talks this month, both virtually and in person: Castilleja Girl’s School in Palo Alto, Argonne National Laboratory, Moody’s Analytics
  • Jessica was interviewed for Zillow about how ADHD makes moving (and buying a home!) more challenging; it turned out great! You can read it here: https://www.zillow.com/learn/adhd-home-moving-tips/
  • We onboarded a new team member! Daniel Alfaro is helping out with editing shorts and other things so we can put out even more great content and reach more Brains and Hearts!
  • We welcomed a new moderator to our Discord team, too!
  • We announced the preorder gifts for How to ADHD the book and made another big announcement too: Jessica’s gonna be a mom!
  • A bunch of other stuff we are forgetting at the moment because it was such a busy month!
  • Surviving.


This Month’s Featured Video

Click here to watch October's featured video!

Other Video Releases

YouTube Short Releases


Jill Kadtke

I went back, watched your old videos, and realized November is your birthday month. Mine is Nov. 27th! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESSICA!! 💛