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Hello Brains & Hearts! 

Hope your summer is going well! Harley and I met with our new Patreon partner manager this week (basically, someone to talk about our Patreon goals with who can support us toward making it happen) and we realized…we’ve MET all our Patreon goals! …AWHILE ago. Whaaaaat that’s wild!!! I never would have imagined when I first started this Patreon that this would happen, but – mission accomplished. Thanks to your support here, we have been able to continue putting content out on the channel, but also allowed me to write a book!

Now…we can dream up some new Patreon goals! We have a lot of ideas, and we hope to share them in the coming months with you all! Because we do what we do for you - our community, after all! This is all super new for us, but we will keep you updated! 

In the meantime… let’s talk July’s Patreon Perks!


Hello SUPERbrains! 

We weren’t quite sure what type of Short we wanted to record, and so we asked you! Thanks to your vote we’ll be working on a Short for a tip surrounding an ADHD struggle! Look out for that in the coming weeks! 

Missed the poll? New to SUPERbrains and curious what a poll looks like? We got you! Click here to review July’s poll! 


Hey, Wonderbrains! 

We got a new video for you, a sneak peak behind some of the latest videos! And hey…what do you call an indecisive bumblebee?

Click here to find out by watching this month’s behind the scenes video!

Brain Board

Hey, Brain Board! 

Jessica was back at it for July’s Brain Board and had a great time! If you missed it, or simply want to relive it again, you definitely can!

Click here to watch the recording of July’s Brain Board!

2024 Annual International ADHD Conference | November 14 - 16
Anaheim, CA |
Click here to buy tickets.

Every year ACO, ADDA, and CHADD put on a conference to bring together the best of the best in ADHD research, treatment, and strategies. Early bird registration is still open if you want to grab your ticket and save some $$$.

  • Spoke with our Patreon Partner Manager

  • Had a great session during Parenting ADHD Now summit!

  • Jessica is back full time, and we had a successful hand off back to her! 

  • J2 was able to go on vacation after running How to ADHD in Jessica’s absence like a badass! 

  • We revamped our Notion Toolbox template and created a new Community Tool Kit add on for those who already have our original Toolbox. Check out the videos below to learn more about it!

Why Do Some Strategies and Tools Not Work for People with ADHD? 

Click here to watch this Months’ featured video!

Other Video Releases

YouTube Short Releases


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