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What up, homies! Foley spends 4th of July weekend in PA with the fam and catches a movie, Kippy heads down the shore and cracks the code on re-heating a Philly Cheesesteak, and Toby gets in a bit over his head after munching on some psychedelic chocolates! You want 'em, we got 'em!


Hard Feelings - Delegated Dipper

What up, homies! Foley spends 4th of July weekend in PA with the fam and catches a movie, Kippy heads down the shore and cracks the code on re-heating a Philly Cheesesteak, and Toby gets in a bit over his head after munching on some psychedelic chocolates! You want 'em, we got 'em!


Russell Taylor

Honestly the only podcast I watch besides Sickler!


So, I had squab at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, CA, with one of the producers of Juno. We were roommates with her stepson, who was a total bozo. Anyway, that squab was the best meat I've ever had—it was like steak and chicken had a delicious baby. But maybe that was the mega-expensive wine talking. Then, at the end of the meal, she casually asks what we thought of Juno. Mind you, I had no clue who she was and thought she was just some rich kid's parent from Santa Monica. So, naturally, I told her I hated the movie. When she revealed she was one of the producers, I just shrugged and kept enjoying their expensive wine.

Josh Thompson

I didn't know Toby was a member of the Green Wall!