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"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." - Robert Burns

So a ridiculously long time ago, I planned two short stories: Office Bully and A Surprising Vacation. Now here we are! In the spirit of modern Hollywood series finales, I've decided to split it into two parts.  Part one tied together the characters and stories; Part 2 will conclude the series.

You may or may not have realized it, but I've written Dr Mertens as a super villain. Part 2 will focus on the trial of Dr Mertens. I'll need some time to set everything up, so I plan some to do some stand-alone scenes during the break.

I will be starting the long delayed Hucow Farms Short vol 10. It will feature a Trans fan of mine. These final two stories will bring Hucow Farms to a close. I will of course continue creating art generally, and  erotic lactation stories specifically. Sadie will also be coming back in two stories. One will be very similar to Hucow Farms with a new Doctor; the other will be a fantasy story. Doctors Mertens and Williams will be in the fantasy story also. All three of them will look very different.

Freshman Year will also be returning. It will be set in Japan. I have a ton of work planned, and I hope you will all enjoy it.



Hey there. it's been a long time. How have you been? Any idea when Hucow Farms Short Vol 9 "Pony Play" will continue? or has that now been cancelled because of the months of computer issues delayed you so much? be a shame if it has but it’s why I ask since I don’t see it in your plans post here, but if it is the case then thank you for making what you did for me.