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The new drive is in; all the programs are downloaded; and all the data has been transferred over. Everything looks good and in working order with nothing lost. For a moment I thought I had a problem, because a lot of important files were missing. I think I was just tired when I was setting everything up and just screwed up. Everything is good now. I don't expect to work on anything until the weekend. I'm trying to wrap up several items at the day job before going on vacation next week.  I'm leaving for Thailand next Thursday. I want to get a least a couple scenes down before leaving town, but I'm trying not to stress myself out about it too much (it's hard).



I think this sums up your good news update perfectly: https://youtu.be/s7k6UcVuawM [The raptor is Dell lol]


So what will you work on first, You’ve got all the Hucow main and side stories, the Ashleigh pony story, there’s a lot on your plate now.


I'm going to start with Hucow Farms. I have a better idea of where I want to go, and the basic scene is already set for several pages of art. Plus I just really need to get back to Sadie. We have a mutual friend who lives near her. She ran into Sadie yesterday, and Sadie pretended to ignore her until she addressed her as Hucow 169. Then she was clearly aroused by the butt plug and vibrator she had in while running her daily errands. Surely that deserves a reward.