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Hi guys, I would first like to say I'm SO sorry for the lack of communication on my next patreon stream schedule. To be honest, I was extremely busy this month that it almost flew over my head until very recently OTL I don't know if this will be enough to make it up to you guys and I know it is extremely late but I will be doing my next patreon stream on July 31st 10PM JST and am planning on making the stream longer than recent ones to make up for my absence. Once again, I'm really sorry for leaving you guys hanging ><
As per usual, let me know in the comments if there's anything you guys want me to do on stream besides chatting! Link to the stream will be updated to this post on the day of! Please follow the rules, including the rule of not sharing my streams to people outside of the patreon members!! If I see any misconducts happening, I will respond to it accordingly.

If I see an amount of people that obviously exceeds my patron count join the stream, I will cancel the stream prematurely and re-think the ways of doing streams for the future. Thank you very much and hope to see you guys there! EDIT: Please don't click on the link and instead copy and paste it into a new browser window to access!!!!

Upcoming Stream link: https://youtube.com/live/_b4VR2wQqNw?feature=share



♬ヽ(ˇ▿ˇゞ✿) Time to post these til she's summoned then!


Its always Aug 25th somewhere in the world ╰(*´︶`*)╯