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So as I have mentioned yesterday on my patron only stream, starting the month of May, I will be revising the patreon page and will close all tiers except the copper(5$) and bronze(10$) tier.

This is because I will be taking a long term break from my singing/streaming activities starting sometime early-mid May (a specific date will be announced in the following days). As for my Patreon, I really do cherish the patreon community and still want to hang out with you guys in some form, so I have decided to at the very least, continue doing my monthly patreon streams during this break. This means that I will basically only be doing my monthly patreon streams, and will pause my regular public streaming activities. 

To not worry you guys, I will not disappear from this world forever or anything like that! I will still pop up on twitter once in a while and will still continue to do my monthly patreon streams. 

Due to this change happening due to my personal reasons, for those who have recently signed up for the Silver tier or higher in the last couple of months will still be eligible to collect their one-time rewards (keychains, signs, etc) which I will (try to) send out before the end of May. If you would like to redeem said rewards, please send me a message through Patreon requesting so before May 18, 2021. Any message requests after May 18, 2021 11:59 JST will be generally considered invalid. 

As for the others who have not yet received their rewards due to packages lost in the mail, (occurences that have become more common since the pandemic)etc; I would like you to also send me a Patreon message requesting for a re-send before May 18, 2021. Any message requests after May 18, 2021 11:59 JST will be considered invalid. 

I apologize for the inconveniences this change may cause for you guys. If you have any further technical questions or concerns regarding this change or system, please send me a message through Patreon, or send a DM to my Discord. I repeat, I will still be doing my monthly patron-only streams so this will not be a goodbye! Thank you so so so much for your long-term and heartwarming support!

昨日のPatreon配信でも発表したとおり、来月からPatreonのシステムを大きく変えます主に (copper tier) 5$ と (bronze tier)10$ のPatreon tier以外のTier/金額カテゴリーを5月から消します。その理由ですが、実は5月中旬前あたりになみりんの諸々の活動を休止する事になるからです。(詳しい日付はまた後日に表で発表しようと思います。)ですが、完全の休止というよりも、月1のPatreon限定配信以外はお休みする形になります。なので休止中は10$の方への月一配信は続けます。






Take your time resting Nami! We'll be waiting for you


お久しぶりです!活動休止のお知らせに大変驚きました... いつかはこんな日が来てしまう...そんな時なのですね...


It's okay nami! Hope you have a nice rest during the break!