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Hi guys! So as most of you guys can probably predict, i'll be doing my patreon stream for this month tonight! The stream will be starting at around 10:30PM Japan time! Let me know if there's anything you guys want to do for this month’s stream again :D (Like some Among us for example xD ) See you soon!

I will be conducting these streams the same way as last month! So if you want a link to the stream, please message me through the Patreon message box before the stream starts! (DMs during stream are okay as well but there are incidences when I don’t notice them during the stream.) Details on this system are written on the June post so please check it out if you’re not familiar with it! Thanks!

こんばんは!今月のPatreon限定放送の時期がまたまたやってきました!今夜の夜10:30からにしようと思っています。やり方は先月と同じシステムにしようと思いますので放送に来れる方は今夜patreonのメッセージボックスにメッセージをください。このやり方の詳しい説明は去年の6月のpatreonポストをご覧ください。お歌も歌いますけどそれ以外にしてほしい事あればお気楽にコメントで意見言ってね!もしかしたら今海外で流行ってるAmong us(宇宙船?人狼的なゲーム)をやるかもしれないです!よろしくお願いします♪


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