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Hey folks, I have a bit of news!

As many of you may know, Patreon has been very hard on my type of content.  My Patreon has also been kinda dead content wise for the past couple of months.. This is because I have been focusing on a lot of content that falls outside of their acceptable content policies. So I cannot post it here, use it was rewards, or even talk about it too much..

Starting in January I will be hosting additional rewards on my other platforms. Rewards that are against the ToS here on Patreon.

So far I have kept rewards across all of my platforms equal in order to prevent alienating anyone. However, Patreon's restrictions are becoming tiresome and restricting my artistic views and drive.

If you are a supporter and interested in a broader range of my content, I encourage you to switch to one of my other support platforms! There you will find the full reward package! While Patreon's reward package is limited due to their content policies.

You can easily find me on the following platforms. Sadly I cannot link to them directly

Subscribestar  - Full unmodified Rewards!

Pixiv Fanbox  - Uncensored rewards will be hotlinked

Fantia  - All rewards must be censored!

Gumroad - Full unmodified Rewards!

I still plan on keeping my Patreon alive. I will post acceptable content here as I release it. But this may result in "dead weeks", depending on what I am currently producing.

Thank you for your support; and taking time to read through this!

I hope everyone has wonderful December!

TL:DR - Patreon rewards are not changing. However other platforms will be receiving additional rewards. If you want the full package you should switch! Rewards will be increased in early January.



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