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While most of you have probably already joined, there might be many new patrons that might not know about our awesome group!


Not only is this the perfect place for support, but it has so many posts showcasing printed and painted miniatures!  Not to mention we have decide to hold a monthly painting contest every month now! and that we we hold the contest and polls for it!


Michael Warren

Any thought in making a discord? Seems to be the new thing.


We still arent sure Michael. TBH we dont know much about discord or the advantage of having one.


I know this is a bit off topic for this post, but does anyone have the one of the lineup images for the loot bag? After 9 months I just had the bright idea to save the monthly lineup images in the folder with the .stls so I know what each one is. However searching on patreon and on facebook and I can't seem to find the one for the loot bag.