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We have a weekly set for you all! These castle denizens will add some character to your colorful town!   The Executioner, the Jester and the Dungeon Keeper! 

This is for patrons only...so no sharing the code, please!

Use code: DEC20 at checkout for 40% off this 3-piece set until 12/26.





I was just looking for an executioner stl, thank you

Sir Ace

Perfect! Thanks!! Any idea when we can purchase the locked stretch goals from the KS? Thanks!!


Yes! The humanoids need more love, the jester is especially awesome


We are working on incorporating them into weekly sets. They will start becoming available in 2020!


I love the minis. The online store needs some love though. I always have a lot of trouble finding the sets. I also don't see a search feature for the mobile site. Is there any way to provide direct links to the store page for the items in these posts? Or at least let us know what section of the store we can find them?




Is that a jester in the middle? That's pretty good. I can't find where these guys are on your site though.


Sorry if I'm a little confused, so these are extra figures not part of Kickstarter or patreon to be bought separate?


Yes. They are optional purchases and brand new releases where we give a huge discount to patrons only.


Looks great as always RPG! Can't wait to get these printed!


RPG Im gonna need some more time between all the cool stuff. my printer and wallets are dying here :P


I see at least one other person had the same question I did... now that I'm accumulating a lot of your minis through KS and Patreon, I wish the storefront showed more clearly which minis were released as part of other campaigns/bundles, OR are completely new and have never appeared in a KS project or Patreon subscription.


Would you consider adding a note to the description of each that indicates: (1) Included in KS campaign X, or (2) Included in Patreon subscription level X, month-year Y, or (3) New mini never included in a KS or Patreon bundle.

Enrique Avalos

Super excited. Now to get to my computer because I can’t remember my password to do it on mobile.


Just saw these were going again! :D any way I can get an extension? :D sorry!


Is anybody else having issues printing the jester. His dainty wee ankles seem to keep breaking during printing or me... had 2 failed attempts now. Maybe I’m just doing something wrong. Gonna try him with some supports just to see if it helps.


Maybe post on Facebook...I think questions and comments get more love over there where more eyes are on them 👍🏻 We had fine prints and Ive seen others who got great results!