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The day was serene and I knew that as I made me way down the rolling hill toward the waters edge that something special would be waiting for me. I could see the golden sparkle peeking from between the rocks near the water cave entrance; a treasure for sure! As I neared my find, the shiny trinket was nowhere to be found. I peeked inside the cave and my heart sank. A pair of glowing green eyes was peering back at me. From out of the blackness, a golden trident thrust toward my throat! In a flash, the crab/beetle creature sprang toward me and I slipped into the water, dropping my weapon. Luckily, the armored foe only wanted my blade. He grabbed it and skittered away as quickly as he appeared. When I thought I had my sights on something special, this wasn’t quite what I imagined!

Trident Fiend: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtA4I_XjdwAw-uKjJW1lXj9VvxrT6g_A/view?usp=drivesdk



Tyler Hurst

It’s a MEZZOLOTH! Hell yes!


This file doesn't look supportless like normal. The "chin" of the fiend looks to be floating and will require supports. (You can see it here: https://i.imgur.com/LSB3FES.png ) Correct?


Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with Neil on this one at .1 resolution there are about 20 layers of floating jaw. Also is this mini meant to be this big? These guys should have a medium base right? (Although even shrunk down to a medium size its about 8 layers of floatyness)


We are fixing this, it was the wrong version. Coming soon! Sorry about that, guys.