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Watchers are no giants, but they are of undeniable prodigious size. Swiftly, the Giant Slayer and his apprentices try to flank and surround the being from all sides, only for the Watcher to deliver a forceful backhand upon one novice; crashing unconsciously into a nearby tree. The flailing cacophony of arms gallops free from their attempts, hurtling towards the distant mountains, likely in an effort to lose its attackers amongst the hazardous terrain. 

Stopping briefly only to ensure his apprentice is unwounded; the Giant Slayer appoints another to see he is brought homeward and healed, while the rest give chase. Whilst scaling the dangerous steps of jagged rock; tidbits of wisdom spout forth from the Slayer, pertaining to the perils of mountain climbing and what intrepid creatures lurk from these heights. Although his lessons come to a halt upon reaching an outcropping, from where they are met with another battle between monsters. 

A tall yet shallow recess within the mountainside holds many ledges and loose rock, where they see the Watcher leaping to and fro. It is deftly dodging the attacks of something much larger, pelting it with whatever heaps of stone which lay littered throughout the cave-like den. But the attention shifts fast to the Slayers. The larger thing turns to roar at the group, pounding its chest, and snarling with a great ferocity. A monstrous horned ape-like creature, surely giant in stature, and clenching each fist of its four muscly arms. 

Stuck atop a mountain with enraged monsters and few places to turn to, they see the direness of the situation. 


-Knock the ape off the mountain 

Instead of a prolonged battle in a dangerous environment like this, they can take the risk in removing the ape instantly, though this is easier said than done. 

-Battle the ape head-on 

Rushing into the ape's den will offer some relief for those peering at the ledge oh so close to their feet, where together they may stand a chance in numbers. 

-Focus on the Watcher 

Ignoring a full fight with the monstrous ape before them, they can only hope to catch up to the Watcher and avoid the four-armed brute's attacks. 

-Try for an escape 

Feeling out of their element in this predicament, the Slayers agree it isn't exactly worth the trouble anymore, and carefully escape. 

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Oh my gosh, somehow the last option was not listed! If anyone wants to change to TRY FOR AN ESCAPE, let me know!