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Already supported! Those dragon models are fucking beautiful, excuse the language.


Just backed! Good luck... you guys by FAR make the best looking and easiest printable models IMO.


Just to clarify. If we already have all models you currently have is the beast lord the tier we need. Sorry got a little confused looking over everything


Already pledged beast master. That's an immense collection of miniatures. I'll be upgrading my Patreon tier for when the models are released. Amazing work

Sam Woods

And on my birthday as well! woo!


Thank you Danny! We knew you would be happy when you seen the quantity of minis involved! 🙌

Noah Sager

The most I've ever spent on an STL Kickstarter was $60, so I'm going to have to think hard about how much I can go in for. Might have to stick with Dragonkin and a couple dragon add-ons. The dragons are really beautiful. And I love the personality on the undead manticore.


Beast Lord for me! Can't wait to dedicate the farm to printing these all up! Looks like we've unlocked two stretch goals already :)

Noah Sager

You guys watch the Dragon God video on the page? The one for the "mini" shown above? The wingspan is five feet! FIVE. FEET.

Mooseworks Plastic Soldiers

Backed at the Huntsman level. What is the savings on the Gothic City for $200?


Out of sheer curiosity, how viable it is to reduce the size of the Dragon God? I doubt I have a grid map big enough for this guy XD

Michael Warren

I cannot wait to get these minis printed and out in the world lol


It does come with a smaller size, you might lose some teeth detail...we only printed him huge but cutting him in half should be great, too!


I maybe missed this but, are there any discount or code for who is already your patreon? Thanks