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Our people of High Sanctum watch on as a war-band of experienced fighters prepares to leave the city; for they have been set upon a mission of reinforcement to a failing settlement beyond the Skull Valley itself. If fate deems them worthy, may they arrive in time to escort as many settlers as they can, back to High Sanctum. The settlers have always been wary of losing their populace, let alone those crucial to their survival, such as able-bodied warriors, so not a soul alive was surprised to see the small contingent was all that could be spared. 

After the main gate comes to a thunderous close, the war-band descends the heights of their home and march on to the rescue. Militiamen, soldiers, and mercenaries alike, they begin to traverse the dense forests that hide the sanctuary lands. Through time they have come to understand the boundaries of Skull Beast territory, the creatures who in turn have continued to respect our own borders, and so on through a detour they go. Although relatively unfamiliar to most, they know the region they're crossing through is home to many carnivorous plants and other dangerous flora. Explorers and survivalists share their knowledge of what vegetation they've had close encounters with; bragging of their victories against giant man-eating flowers, or frantically warning the others of each prevalent danger growing around them. 

It remains mostly quiet and devoid of predator beasts throughout their trek, though suspenseful with frequent sightings of Watchers from above, gleaming eyes unblinking within the canopies. Their attention is brought low once they stumble upon a plant apparently not yet seen by anyone of the group, with fascination quickly taking hold. Out from behind a mass of brush and foliage stands a large pod-like protrusion, with long thin spikes around a cavity within the pod. Once one of the guides approaches for a closer look, the cavity quickly encloses tightly around the man, with its now-apparent teeth protruding further out and locking its prey into its gullet. Before anyone can react from the surprise, the thing rapidly flees away and far from their destination, trailed by muffled screams. 

Now certain it was no plant, but a creature of malicious disguise, the group must decide what to do about this situation. 


-Continue the journey 

Abandoning the man to his fate, the rest continue forth. Still within unfamiliar lands, it is unknown where the creature could be leading the rest of the war-band, nor how many other lives are at stake if they dawdle for too long. 

-Chase the creature 

The war-band gives chase, no man left behind. After all, they are the rescue party, and who would they be if not hypocrites for abandoning a man who was also prepared to save lives. Though who could say what other creatures lurk hidden among the forest floor. 

-Split the group 

Divide and conquer, two teams for the job. While the rest of the war-band works toward the path to the endangered settlement, a smaller team will quickly track and kill the thing before it takes one of their own. Just pray they won't be undertaking any tasks too tremendous for the fractured groups. 



One man down is enough.