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With a very one-sided vote, tomorrows request threads should be limited to horror (mostly).

So we're talking were-creatures, undead, Lovecraft Mythos, aberrations/abominations or anything that can be reasonably considered horror fantasy genre. will be in the polls.



Could this include demons/devil/fiends? Or is that too far off topic?


Any chance you'll preview the Kickstarter so we know what to avoid asking for?

Joe Kushner

Flesh golem, zombies, vampires, killer tomatoes, scarecrow, faceless slasher


Murder dolls, La Llorona/Lady in White (1 - lady in white; 1 - Drown version); Okiku (girl in the well)

Barry Chapman

Scarecrows, Pumpkin Golem, Mini Pumpkin minions (Like Darklings for the Darkness (Top Cow Comics).


KS preview is far from ready 😢 I guess when you dont see a request in the poll youll have a good indication it will be in the KS!


Draugr...vote 2!


I love the pumpkin minion proposal! Perhaps, Halloween-typical monsters & fare w/ Lovecraftian hints! :)

Ravyn Schmidt

Would really love a skeletal knight! Were critters, wolf, tiger, bear, and rat! A fllerkin...er....mindflayer kitty? Skeletons of classic D&D monsters, like chimeras, gryphones, unicorns, etc.

Noah Sager

+1 on classic D&D skeletons. Would be perfect for the Deluxe models.


I would love an evil Pan like creature or an undead female Sorceress/Vampire.


do you have any dark young of shub-nigarath? great race of yig, or shoggoths?


A coven of witches or a pack of ware wolves