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Wow! This beast is fantastic! I cannot wait to see your prints! Make sure to share it with your Facebook groups, Youtube, Instagram...wherever!  Don't forget to post a link to the patreon ;)

Great time to UPGRADE if you want to add this guy on!




Can't wait!


Would it be possible to get the number of each square peg in the parts list? I have a hard time figuring out how much of each I need.


love this model almost done printing it now... but there are a few things I noticed that could make it just a little easier. a peg count at the bottom of the info-graphic would be awesome. I had to scale the pegs down 95% to get them to fit. but besides that didn't really experience to many issues this being my first EPIC MONSTER kit from you guys


Oh my this thing is epic... now to try and free up a printer to print this guy.