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We would like to know how important group sets of miniatures are to you.

In other words, a group of the same mini type but with different poses (and weapons).



This is a great question!


I think for common monsters, like a band of orcs, zombies, etc, this is a good thing to have. It's hard sometimes as a DM to keep track of which mini is which if they're all alike. "blue shirt" and "red shirt" zombie aren't as good as "legless" or "using own severed arm as club" zombie. but for creatures like dragons, or liches even, you rarely if ever face more than one at a time, so variations may be nice, but mostly unnecessary.


Do the weekly as set themes and keep the Patreon user requested content.

Paul Dawkins

I like John's suggestion. Best of both worlds that way....

Cecil Solomon

John had a good option. Not every miniature should be in groups.


I have to agree with Anthony here. Varied poses would be nice, but only if the monster in question would be common enough to use multiples of. It does look like it has come up, considering the pull for this week contains two different versions of warrior angels. And I'm going to have to agree with John's method too. Or, if desired, be a little more specific with the likely common picks. The kenku for next month, could be wielding a sword, mace, or just be something different than a warrior class. Just my two cents.


That's when I just paint the base/the side of the base different colours.


I would just be woreied that we (patreon) would loose getting a variety of different models and start getting the same models different poses. Just being honest here, i would cancel my patreon "if" that happened. The one thing i love is the diversity. But i do agree that the weekly sets i think would work good as a multi-pose pack. Or vote on one monthly model to make the weekly pose set.


If the question is would alternate poses of the minis we get be desirable in addition to the regular poses, I'd definitely be interested. If it's at the expense of what we already get, then I'm not interested at all.


Please keep keep in mind when we post polls and ask questions that doesnt mean it will affect this Patreon. It could be we have weekly sets in addition to this in mind, it could be referring to a possible Kickstarter or even ending up as another Patreon. Please dont assume that anything will change for this Patreon. Believe or not, we actually had a patron or two cancel their subscription because they thought we were going to do scifi miniatures here just because of a poll asking if people liked scifi minis. And sure enough it didnt affect this Patreon and will become its own Patreon this very weekend in fact!


Nice, i would love to see other patreons from you guys with other types of models! What i have gotten from you guys so far is top notch!


its nice to have different gear and poses for some minis, not better than having another miniature at all.


Here is my take on the question. I would love to have some "sets" , Yes various creatures would have multiple individuals of similar types. I brought this up when the snake set came out. I would have rather had 4 Yuan-ti types then 1 yuan-ti ,1 basilisk, and 1 legged cave snake. Does this mean I don't want the others...NO! Just 4 snakemen would have been a far more useful set. Now I either have to have all my snake men look exactly the same or purchase snakemen from another vendor to add variety. I really don't like having multiples of the same mini on the table, so guess what I'll do. When it makes sense make weekly sets with multiples of the same type: Snakemen, Orcs, Slaadi, Goblins, Gnolls, etc. And go ahead a keep the Patreon the way it is, random creatures that don't necessarily go together.


Thats an oversimplified question to me. If that means a group of creatures from the same race but with different equipment and poses you get a yes from me. Especially if that creature is usually encountered in groups like goblins, wolves etc.


Sets are very important to me. I don't know what your exact sculpting process is, so I don't know how hard making pose and simple equipment variations would be. Ideally I would like to see some months with 4 different monsters, some months with 1 single and 3 different poses of something that normally shows up in a group. As an alternative to this, I would love to see 3-5 alternative poses as a set in the shop, with a patreon discount given. If you put up a poll to see what previous monster people would most like to set a set of (from patreon and weekly), I think you would get a lot of eager people. Even more because we can see exactly what your artistic take on that monster will be. It would have been obvious to me that I would want more than one type of Ghoul or Werewolf, but I would have never realized that I would want more than one scarecrow. In the opposite direction, I would have thought I wanted more than one Naga, but I have found that having a few of those in the same sculpt looks really cool, and I would, at most, want one more sculpt, definitely not 3-5.


I would love to see the weekly sets be more closely grouped. Creepy crawly's were meh .. But I would like so see maybe an undead theme pack, take a page from Wrath of Kings factions (demons, werebeasts, half man half ocean creature, or a stone age pack like Lost Valley Exp from Reaper 4 Kickstarter.