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Let's hear what you all would like for the Monster Miniatures Set to be for June!

Please keep requests that are geared toward 30mm-75mm sized miniatures.

I will then create a POLL based on what I see here with a couple of my own ideas.



Same as always, several poses of something that comes in a group. Goblins, trolls, gremlins, ratlings, gnomes, pixies, dryads, etc... anything that fills the "you come upon a group of _____, there is one that seems to be in charge, maybe a shaman, and a few hunters, 2 with bows and one with a sword of some kind."


I believe that there is not a great blink dog anywhere on the internet - Miguel's one kind of looks like a great dane reskin and I think they're a really cool creature. Could add in some Eladrin inspired elves or some other fey creatures (a dryad could be awesome).