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Do you guys think we can top May's line-up!?

It will be a hard one to beat!


Tyler Hurst

Can’t wait to see what we all decide on for June. Personally, I’m hoping for a themed pack of Slaad, Demons, Devils or Yugoloths.


So get your ideas churning and any ref image links ready for tomorrow! We will leave them up until Friday so we can put the Polls up this weekend.


I'm looking forward to maybe some scifi/space themed creatures like mention in a previous poll


Hey David, that poll was regarding a new Patreon or a KS. This Patreon is solely fantasy monsters...for the most part.


Bring it!


This'l be my first vote, is it like strawpoll where I just click what I vote for?


Awesome! Yes, once we get the requests I will form a poll for each category (Monthly mini set, Deluxe mini, Extra Deluxe mini and Epic). You just click the button/option you want. You can also change your vote as well at anytime by re-clicking on a different option.


Okay gearing the mind machine to full on give give me mode!!!!


Hey, Where do I download this months models before they're gone?

Richard Gallerno

I like to have generic townsfolk for my RPG's. Very useful in a variety of situations. How about: baker, blacksmith, nobles, thugs, beggars, etc?


Hey Richard, you probably wont have much luck getting votes for those in a Monster Miniature Patreon 😉


I'd love some druids in various stages of morphing into creatures.......


Maybe a before and after. You would have 2. For example you may have a bat as the before and Dracula as the second, or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde